UED Edit Control Block

The UED edit control block is addressed by the parameter list passed to the user-written exit UUEDEX. The portion of the edit control block listed here is a partial listing and includes that portion of the edit control block preceding the GETCHR information area.

Location Length Format Contents
Dec Hex
0 0 16 Binary Com-plete registers 2 through 5.
16 10 4 Binary Address of the command table.
20 14 4 Binary Current command table entry.
24 18 4 Binary Address of the command buffer.
28 1C 4 Binary Buffer address for the communication line.
32 20 4 Binary Buffer address for the repeat command.
36 24 4 Binary Address of the current CMD/operand.
40 28 4 Binary Address of the next command (or 0).
44 2C 4 Binary Address of the next operand (or 0).
48 30 4 Binary Address of the output buffer.
52 34 4 Binary Current position in the output buffer.
56 38 4 Binary Address of the SD buffer.
60 3C 4 Binary Address of the first macro buffer.
64 40 4 Binary Address of the current macro processor save area.
68 44 4 Binary Address of the 'HALT X' exit routine.

Additional entries in the UED edit control block do exist. They can be obtained by referring to the expansion of the CMEDTB1 macro.

The terminal device type codes listed in the following figure are used exclusively in the creation of TIBTAB. The columns abbreviated SS, LL, and LD represent:

SS Screen Size, in characters
LL Line Length
LD Line Depth (number of lines)

The values listed for these items may be changed within the TIBTAB by specifications of the keyword arguments FORMAT, LEN, and LINES when coding the TIB and LGCB macros.

Terminal Terminal Type SS LL LD
Device Code  
BATCH (Indicates that TIB may be used by batch)
3270 L IBM 3270 LOCAL 1920 80 24
3270 R IBM 3270 REMOTE 1920 80 24
3275 R IBM 3275 REMOTE 1920 80 24
3279 L IBM 3279 LOCAL 2560 80 32
3279 R IBM 3279 REMOTE 2560 80 32
3284 L IBM 3284 LOCAL - 120 20
3284 R IBM 3284 REMOTE - 120 20
3286 L IBM 3286 LOCAL - 120 20
3286 R IBM 3286 REMOTE - 120 20
3287 L IBM 3287 LOCAL - 132 18
3287 R IBM 3287 REMOTE - 132 18
3288 L IBM 3288 LOCAL - 132 18
3288 R IBM 3288 REMOTE - 132 18