Sample Members

Refer to the installation verification procedure for more information about interpreting the URLs provided in the following tables.

This document covers the following topics:

On the HTTP Load Library

The members in this library can be accessed as follows: z/OS: Use the link Native HTML pages from the Com-plete main menu. z/VSE: Navigate to the HTPvrs sublibrary using the “Libraries” link from the Com-plete main menu.

Member Description
HHANCOBT.html HTML page that drives the COBOL program HOANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method.
HHANNATT.html HTML page that drives the Natural program HNANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method.
HHANNATA.html Demo calling Natural CGI using Ajax (invokes HNANSAMA).
HHANNATS.html Demo calling Natural CGI using Server Side Includes (invokes HNANSAMS).
HHANNATU.html Demo uploading a file into a PDS member using Natural CALL INTREFACE4 with a dynamic variable (invokes HNANSAMU).
HHANPL1T.html HTML page that drives the PL/1 program HNANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method.
SAMPREXX.txt Sample showing how to upload a file using REXX.

On the HTTP Source Dataset

The following section lists the sample members on the source dataset and tells what they are used for.

Member Description
HAANCONF the HTTP server configuration member.
HAANDSNT source used to map the dataset name to content type for the HTTP server.
HAANTYPT source used to map the member type to content type for the HTTP server. Can be modified and reassembled to add, remove, or change entries in the table.
HAANUXIT user exit to alter the processing of requests by the HTTP server.
HCANSAMP C program to accept a simple CGI request and return some data to the user. When compiled and linked, it can be used in conjunction with the source members HHANCGET or HHANCPUT on the HTPvrs.SRCE dataset, which contain HTML. Note: The PJASCC and associated link jobs may be used to compile and link this sample, if required.
HHANCGET HTML page that drives the C program HCANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method. The page may be referenced as: http://ip-addr:port/htpvrs/srce/hhancget.htm
HHANCOBT HTML page that drives the COBOL program HOANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method. The page may be referenced as: http://your.ip.address:port/htpvrs/srce/hhancobt.htm
HHANCPUT HTML page that drives the C program HCANSAMP using a form and the HTTP POST method. The page may be referenced as: http://ip-addr:port/htpvrs/srce/hhancput.htm
HHANNATT HTML page that drives the Natural program HNANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method. The page may be referenced as: http://ip-addr:port/htpvrs/srce/hhannatt.htm
HHANPL1T HTML page that drives the PL/1 program HNANSAMP using a form and the HTTP GET method. The page may be referenced as: http://ip-addr:port/htpvrs/srce/hhancget.htm
HOANCONV COBOL program that uses the HTTP server to converse with a web browser over a series of HTML pages. The program is started using http://ip-addr:port/cgi/hoanconv
HOANSAMP COBOL CGI program driven by the HTML page HHANCOBT.
HPANSAMP PL/1 CGI program driven by the HTML page HHANPL1T.

On the Com-plete HTTP JOBS Dataset

The following section lists the sample members on the jobs dataset and tells what they are used for.

Member Description
HJBNCOBC job to compile and link the COBOL CGI program HOANSAMP.
HJBNDSNT job to compile and link the HAANDSNT configuration table.
HJBNPLIC job to compile and link the PL/1 CGI program HPANSAMP.
HJBNTYPT job to compile and link the HAANTYPT configuration table
HJBNUXIT job to compile and link the HAANUXIT user exit.

On the Natural Library HTPvrs

Member Description
HAANSAMP Natural CGI program that is launched by HTML page HHANNATT.
HNANSHEL Natural CGI interface shell program delivered in object format.
HNANWTOP Natural program that writes to the operator and is used to verify that Natural CGI processing is operating correctly.

On the Natural INPL Update for SYSWEB

Member Description
NWWAPS Natural Web Interface extension program delivered in object format
W3APSENV Natural subroutine required by NWWAPS delivered in object format
D5* 27 Natural modules (subprogram/subroutine/copycode/parameter/text) delivered in source format, which make up the Natural Web Interface demo application