OS Initialisation

Overview of Messages

ZOS0001 | ZOS0002 | ZOS0003 | ZOS0004 | ZOS0005 | ZOS0006 | ZOS0007 | ZOS0009

ZOS0001 Authorisation check failed

Com-plete has checked to establish if it is running authorised and has discovered that it is not authorised.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

Com-plete must run authorised. Refer to the Com-plete Installation Manual for more details.

ZOS0002 Dataset '$1' not RECFM=U

Com-plete has opened the dataset $1 which it expects to have a record format of undefined (RECFM=U). The dataset does not have this record format.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

This will be issued in relation to the COMPLIB dataset concatenations. As these must be load libraries, the datasets they point at must have RECFM=U.

ZOS0003 LINK to program $1 failed Abend Code X'$2'

During initialisation, Com-plete issues MVS 'LINK's to other programs. In this case the link to program $1 has abended with abend code $2.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation processing will continue if possible.

System programmer info:

Determine why the abend occurred using the abend code and correct the situation.

ZOS0004 DDNAME '$1' not found

During initialisation processing, Com-plete attempts to open the COMPLIB dataset. In this case, the DD $1 has not been found in the Com-plete JCL.

System action:

If it is COMPLIB, Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

The COMPLIB DD statement at the very least must be specified in the Com-plete JCL.

ZOS0005 Unable to open '$1' dataset

Com-plete has attempted to open the $1 datasets, however, the open has failed.

System action:

If $1 is COMPLIB, then Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

The operating system will normally issue messages related to this problem. These should help to determine and correct the problem.

ZOS0006 Permanent I/O error on 'COMPLIB' dataset

Self-explanatory message.

ZOS0007 ESTAE failure RC '$1'

During initialisation, Com-plete attempts to establish an ESTAE recovery environment for the main task. This indicates that the ESTAE request failed with return code $1.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation is aborted.

System programmer info:

The return code from the ESTAE should describe why the request to set an ESTAE failed. Correct this error and retry.

ZOS0009 $1 failed for UCB $2 code x'$3'

Com-plete attempted to allocate or deallocate (as per $1) the UCB identified by $2, however, the operation failed. $1 contains the error and information codes returned from OS DYNALLOC processing.

System programmer info:

Identify the cause of the failure as per the DYNALLOC error codes. This should generally only fail if the device is already allocated or the device is not eligible to be allocated. If the error falls out of one of the above catagories, contact your local support representative.