Overview of Messages

ZFO0001 | ZFO0002 | ZFO0003 | ZFO0004 | ZFO0005 | ZFO0006 | ZFO0007 | ZFO0008 | ZFO0009

ZFO0001 OPEN/CLOSE parameter list address invalid

This message is associated with the Com-plete support of OPEN/CLOSE supervisor services as issued by application programs. Com-plete detected that the parameter list provided by the program was invalid; the first or last bytes were outside the thread area, the parameter list was not terminated by an x`80' in the high order of the last entry, or the parameter list was not correctly aligned in storage.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated and an online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

Appl. programmer info:

General register 1 in the online dump contains the address of the failing parameter list as provided by the application program. Correct the error and recatalog the program.

ZFO0002 OPEN/CLOSE parameter entry address invalid

This message is associated with the Com-plete support of OPEN/CLOSE supervisor services as issued by application programs. Com-plete detected that an entry in the parameter list (specifying an ACB or DSCB) provided by the program was invalid; the first or last bytes of the area indicated were outside the thread area, not correctly aligned in virtual storage, or did not represent an ACB or DSCB.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated and an online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

Appl. programmer info:

General register 1 in the online dump contains the address of the failing parameter list as provided by the application program. This consists of an array of fullword addresses, the last of which has an X'80' in the high order byte. One or more of the entries in this array are invalid. Correct the program and recatalog it.

ZFO0003 OPEN/CLOSE not allowed from program

This message is associated with the Com-plete support of OPEN/CLOSE supervisor services as issued by application programs. Com-plete attempted to process the program's request but found that one or more of the control blocks specified in the parameter list was invalid; it did not represent a VSAM ACB, SYSOUT DCB, or SYSLST DTF. Com-plete only allows OPEN/CLOSE to be used for these purposes. Exception: the program is running in Com-plete's key.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated and an online dump is taken.

System programmer info:

If the OPEN/CLOSE was issued by an external routine (e.g Language Environment) try running the user application in a threadgroup using Com-plete's key.

Appl. programmer info:

General register 1 in the online dump contains the address of the failing parameter list as provided by the application program. This consists of an array of fullword adresses, the last of which has an X'80' in the high order byte. One or more of the entries in this array are invalid. If the program is attempting to use the Com-plete system ar output (SYSOUT/SYSLST) support, ensure that the DD name specified in the designated DCB/DTF is SYSOUT, SYSPRT/SYSLST, or another special DD name as determined by the system programmer. Correct the program and recatalog it.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

ZFO0004 OPEN failed for $1. PSOPEN return code: $2

This message is associated with SYSOUT processing and indicates that the OPEN of the printout spool file used to process SYSOUT has failed.

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated and a Com-plete online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of the ZFO00004 message indicates an error in the program being used. Contact the person responsible for the program.

Appl. programmer info:

The Com-plete online dump indicates the nature of the error by returning the PSOPEN return code in register 15. Refer to the Com-plete turni Application Programmer's Manual for the meaning of the return code.

ZFO0005 Not enough storage available in the thread

There is not enough storage available in the thread to build the SYSOUT DCB.

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated and a Com-plete online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of the ZFO0005 message indicates that the ULIB RG size for the program is too small.

Appl. programmer info:

The Com-plete online dump indicates the nature of the error by returning the getmain return code in register 15.

ZFO0006 Invalid LRECL for SYSOUT

This message is associated with SYSOUT processing and indicates that the DCB used to process the SYSOUT contained an invalid value in the DCBLRECL field.

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated and a Com-plete online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of the ZFO00006 message indicates an error in the program being used. Contact the person responsible for the program.

Appl. programmer info:

The maximum LRECL size allowed for SYSOUT processing is 240.

ZFO0007 SYSOUT DCB invalid at CLOSE.

This message is associated with SYSOUT processing and indicates that the CLOSE of the printout spool file used to process SYSOUT has failed.

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated and a Com-plete online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of the ZFO00007 message indicates an error in the program being used. Contact the person responsible for the program.

Appl. programmer info:

This error usually indicates that the application has modified the DCB after OPEN or has destroyed the U2SOUT module that was loaded into the thread as the access method module to process SYSOUT.

ZFO0008 Invalid addresses for DCB OPEN exit

This message is associated with SYSOUT processing and indicates that the OPEN of the printout spool file used to process SYSOUT has failed.

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated and a Com-plete online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates an error in the program being used. Contact the person responsible for the program.

Appl. programmer info:

This error usually indicates that the application program has modified the DCB after OPEN or has destroyed the U2SOUT module that was loaded into the thread as the access method module to process SYSOUT.

ZFO0009 Write failure for SYSOUT

This message is associated with SYSLST processing. It indicates that a write for SYSLST was reissued for a program by Com-plete and the write attempt failed.

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated and a Com-plete online dump is taken.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Review all PUTs and EXCPs to SYSLST to locate the cause of the failure.