VSAM Interface

Overview of Messages

VSM0001 | VSM0002 | VSM0003 | VSM0004 | VSM0005 | VSM0006 | VSM0007 | VSM0009 | VSM0010 | VSM0011 | VSM0012 | VSM0013 | VSM1000 | VSM1001 | VSM1002

VSM0001 Invalid address/length of $1

During VSAM processing, the VSAM subsystem has detected that address or length of of the control block or buffer indicated by $1 is missing or invalid.

System action:

The program as terminated and the message is sent to the program user.

Terminal operator info:

This is an internal error and should be reported to your help desk or operations area.

System programmer info:

This normally indicates that an overwrite has occurred in thread, causing the Com-plete VSAM control blocks to be corrupted. Correcting this overwrite should alleviate the problem. In the event that no overwrite has taken place, contact your local support centre with the details surrounding the abend and the dump.

VSM0002 $1 LABEL FUNCT=$2 error: R15=X'$3'

This message is associated with Com-plete support of VSAM. During the processing of an application program OPEN request for a VSAM file, a disk input/output error was detected while attempting to read or write the Com-plete file status directory.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a storage dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This message indicates a serious hardware failure on the direct access unit containing the Com-plete program library. Appropriate sense/status information as determined by the operating system I/O supervisor will be displayed on the system console.

VSM0003 VSAM file $1 not defined in Com-plete

This message is associated with Com-plete support of VSAM. During the processing of an application program OPEN request for a VSAM file, the requested file was located in the Com-plete file directory; however, the organization as declared when the file was cataloged was not VS.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a storage dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Recatalog the file using ULIB and provide the correct VSAM attributes.

VSM0004 $1 $2 error R15=X'$3' ERROR=X'$4' INFO=X'$5'

This message is associated with Com-plete support of VSAM. During the processing of an application program VSAM request, Com-plete detected that the VSAM status area in the thread had been overlayed by the application program.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a storage dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

Appl. programmer info:

The VSAM status area is dynamically obtained from thread storage at the time the application program ACB is first OPENed. It is pointed to by the ACBINRTN address in the ACB in error. Determine what is damaging the status area, correct the program, and recatalog it.

VSM0005 Invalid VSAM request code

This message is associated with Com-plete support of VSAM. The application program requested VSAM processing using a VSAM macro or function; however, the function code (in R0) was invalid.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a storage dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

Appl. programmer info:

The VSAM request code must be in the range 0 through 5, indicating GET, PUT, CHECK, ENDREQ, ERASE, or POINT. Correct and recatalog the program.

VSM0006 I/O error processing VSAM dataset

This message is associated with Com-plete support of VSAM. An unrecoverable physical I/O error has occurred on a direct access device containing the VSAM cluster during processing of the program request.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a storage dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The status of the VSAM cluster, especially if it is being updated, is in doubt. The appropriate sense/status information for the direct access device will be displayed on the system console by the input/output supervisor. Use VSAM access method services to determine whether the VSAM file is damaged. It may be necessary to unload and reload the file, relocate it to another device, etc.

VSM0007 Recursion in chained RPLs

This message is associated with Com-plete support of VSAM. The application program requested a valid VSAM function using chained Request Parameter Lists. The chaining was recursive (i.e., created a loop condition).

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a storage dump.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the failing program.

System programmer info:

Correct and recatalog the program.

VSM0009 $1 file currently not available online

Self-explanatory message.

VSM0010 VSAM password wrong or missing for file $1.

An application program tried to open the VSAM file with the DDNAME indicated by $1. This file is defined in Com-plete with a password, but the application program did not supply the password or they didn't match.

System action:

The OPEN request fails with a return code of 8 and a feedback code of 152 (X'98') returned in the ACB.

System programmer info:

If the definition of a VSAM file in Com-plete specifies a password, Com-plete supplies this password to VSAM when opening the Main ACB. On the other side, each application program must specify this password when opening an ACB, regardless of VSAM really requiring it or not.

Appl. programmer info:

Supply the correct password when opening the ACB.

VSM0011 Syntax error in file definition $1

Self-explanatory message.

VSM0012 File definition $1: Invalid keyword $2

Self-explanatory message.

VSM0013 File definition $1, invalid data for keyword $2: $3

Self-explanatory message.

VSM1000 Insufficient storage for VSAM Resource Pool

This message is associated with Com-plete initialisation processing for the Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). The startup parameters (VSAMBUFFERS keyword) indicated that Com-plete was to establish a local shared resource pool for VSAM files, but the BLDVRP macro instruction failed due to lack of virtual storage.

System action:

Com-plete terminates normally with a return code of 8.

System programmer info:

In response to this message

  1. Make more real storage available to Com-plete by increasing its REGION parameter or by redefining its partition.

  2. Decrease the size of or eliminate the VSAM shared resource pool (by changing the VSAMBUFFERS parameter).

  3. Decrease other Com-plete storage requirements. To reduce Com-plete main storage requirements: Request fewer and/or smaller threads. Reduce the size of the small buffer pool. Reduce the size of the TIBTAB by reducing the value specified for NOTIBS in the TIBSTART macro.

For information on how to make these modifications, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

VSM1001 PAGEFIX failed for VSAM Resource Pool

This message is associated with Com-plete initialisation processing for VSAM. The startup parameters (VSAMBUFFERS keyword) indicated that Com-plete was to establish a local shared resource pool for VSAM files, and the VSAMFIX parameter specified that some components of the resource pool should be page fixed in real storage. At Com-plete initialisation time, there were insufficient free pages to accomodate the request.

System action:

Com-plete terminates normally with a return code of 8.

System programmer info:

In response to this message

  1. Make more real storage available to Com-plete by quiescing the system.

  2. Eliminate the page fixing options specified in the VSAMFIX parameter.

  3. Decrease the size of or eliminate the VSAM shared resource pool by changing the VSAMBUFFERS parameter.

  4. Decrease other Com-plete storage requirements.

To reduce Com-plete main storage requirements:

  1. Request fewer and/or smaller threads.

  2. Reduce the size of the small-buffer pool.

  3. Reduce the size of the TIBTAB by reducing the value specified for NOTIBS in the TIBSTART macro.

For information on how to make these modifications, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

VSM1002 Hiperspace buffers requested for VSAM LSR pool not (fully) satisfied

Self-explanatory message.