USERV Utility (VSE Only)

Overview of Messages

USV0000 | USV0001 | USV0003 | USV0004 | USV0005 | USV0006 | USV0007 | USV0008 | USV0009 | USV0010 | USV0100 | USV0102 | USV0103 | USV0104 | USV0106 | USV0107 | USV0108 | USV0201 | USV0202 | USV0203 | USV0204 | USV0205 | USV0206 | USV0207 | USV0209 | USV0301 | USV0302 | USV0303 | USV0304 | USV0305 | USV0306 | USV0307 | USV0400 | USV0401 | USV0402 | USV0403 | USV0404

USV0000 Enter USERV command

This message is associated with the USERV utility. It indicates one of the following conditions:

  1. The USERV utility has been invoked from a hard copy terminal, and no command has been entered on the initial call.

  2. The attention key of a hard copy terminal was used to interrupt output to the terminal.

System action:

The USERV utility remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a USERV command or terminate the utility.

USV0001 Command line too long

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The input line is ignored; USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a USERV command that does not exceed the length of 160 characters. On formattable devices such as 3270 display terminals, hardware features are used to prevent entering too much data.

USV0003 Invalid keyword

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The keyword in question, all subsequent keywords on that line, the command, and all positional operands are ignored. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected command line. On a formattable device such as 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For a list of valid keyword, enter the HELP command.

USV0004 Invalid command

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command and all positional operands are ignored. Keyword parameters that have been specified in the same command are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected command line. On a formattable device such as 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For a list of valid keyword, enter the HELP command.

USV0005 Invalid library code

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The LIBRARY keyword operand will be ignored. The invalid value will not be used to replace any of the existing parameter values. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the library keyword specifying a valid library code. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For a list of valid library codes and their associated FILENAME, enter the FILES command. To add modifications to UEDTB1, see the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This problem may be caused by a new library code table not being loaded because it was not properly cataloged to the Com-plete program library. In order to cause USERV to access the correct version of the library code table, make sure it is link edited to USERV or cataloged to the Com-plete PGMLIB correctly. If the table is cataloged, make sure that no other version is link edited into USERV.

USV0006 Invalid value(s) for the following operand(s)

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The operands in question are ignored. They do not replace the previously specified values. Other operands that have been specified in the same command are retained for future use. The command is not executed but will be used as the default for further requests. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the corrected operands. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy at the top of the display area. For an explanation of the positional operands of the respective commands, enter the HELP command.

USV0007 Unbalanced quotes

The user has entered an unbalanced number of quotes in the command line.

System action:


Terminal operator info:

Correct the input and reenter.

USV0008 Access denied

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command and all positional operands are retained for future use. The command is not executed. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

For information on why a specific request is disallowed, consult the individual responsible for security. Have all information available that was used in the command or assumed from previous commands. (To do this, it may be advisable to execute the HELP command and retain or copy the information about the values in effect at the time of request).

USV0009 Library is read-only

The library is protected by a user security exit to read only.

System action:


Terminal operator info:


USV0010 Unsupported access method

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameter values areretained for use in later commands. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

USERV does not currently support access methods other than those used for VSE libraries. Use one of Com-plete's editing utilities to inspect source text stored in PANVALET format.

USV0100 LIBRM error - $1

LIBRM request ended with RC 16 or 20

System action:

Show original System message

System programmer info:

Check for storage problems and correct these. In all other cases contact SAG support

USV0102 Volume not mounted

This message is associated with the USERV utility. The requested volume (entered or acquired from the ULIBID table) is not online.

System action:


Terminal operator info:

Contact the computer operator to mount the required DASD volume.

USV0103 Library not found

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

There are several possible causes for this condition. The FILENAME may have been spelled incorrectly. Refer to the Com-plete User Utilities Manual for information about how USERV determines the name of the volume to be accessed.

USV0104 I/O error on disk

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is terminated. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This condition may be caused by the removal of the disk volume that was currently accessed by USERV. This can be verified by reissuing the request. The reply should then be the message USV00102. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to inform operations and/or obtain online dump of USERV to diagnose the problem. To obtain an online dump of USERV enter '*CANCEL'; an abend message 0S03I will result.

USV0106 Library in use (Batch)

The library is currently locked by a batch user (probably performing a COMPRESS or similar function).

System action:

The command is ignored; USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Try again later after the batch action is terninated.

USV0107 Library in use (Online)

The library is currently locked by another user, probably using the editor.

System action:

The command is ignored; USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Try again later.

USV0108 Sublibrary not found

The specified sublibrary wasn't found.

System action:

The request is terminated

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the request with a correct Lib/Sublib combination.

USV0201 Dataset is not a VSE library

An attempt is being made to display a data set which is not a VSE library.

System action:

None. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the data set name and reenter.

USV0202 Member XXXXXXXXXX not found

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Determine whether the FILENAME and/or LIBRARY parameter values currently in effect are correct. If appropriate, reissue the command by entering the keyword operand(s) to be changed and their new values.

USV0203 No member specified

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the command specifying one or more member names.

USV0204 All requested scratch operations completed

The SCRATCH operation requested is complete.

System action:

The user is prompted for the next command.

Terminal operator info:

Enter the next command.

USV0205 STOW failed

The STOW operation requested was not successful.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Retry the command.

USV0206 No NEWNAME specified

The operation requires a valid NEWNAME operand.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Supply a valid operand.

USV0207 No ALIAS specified

The operation requires a valid ALIAS operand.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Supply a valid operand.

USV0209 Rename completed

The requested RENAME operation is complete.

System action:

The user is prompted for the next command.

Terminal operator info:

Enter the next command.

USV0301 Spooling class violation

This message is associated with the USERV utility. It indicates one or more of the following conditions:

  1. A PRINT command was issued for a receiving terminal that is not authorized to receive messages or spooling Class 1.

  2. A PRINT command was issued from a terminal or user ID that is not authorized to send Class 1 messages.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Check to see that the receiving terminal(s) are authorized to receive Class 1 messages and spooling. If appropriate, choose a different DESTCODE and reissue the command. On a formattable device such as a 3270 display terminal, it is sufficient to modify the command copy the top of the display area. Inform the Com-plete system programmer so he can rectify the situation.

System programmer info:

If this error occurs, an invalid TIBTAB is probably in use. For information on how to rectify this situation, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

USV0302 Spool I/O error

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is probably a hardware error. Inform the Com-plete system programmer and/or operations about this condition.

USV0303 Too many receiving terminals

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Inform the Com-plete system programmer about this condition.

System programmer info:

This error should not occur. Com-plete's printout spooling functions do not allow a single message to be sent to more than 100 terminals at a time. Therefore, it is not possible to define destination codes in the TIBTAB that conmtains more than 100 TIDs. If the problem persists, the TIBTAB is probably invalid. For information about the TIBTAB, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

USV0304 Invalid destcode

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

Reissue the command specifying a valid Terminal ID number or a valid installation defined destination code. Also, the PA1 key on a 3270 or compatible terminal is programmed to initiate a PRINT command while USERV is active.

USV0305 Printout Id nnnnn queued

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command has been completed. All parameters are retained for future use. Whether or not the next command will default to PRINT or to the previously issued command depends on how the request was made. The PRINT command will be retained as default for future use only if it has been entered explicitly and not if it has been invoked by pressing the PA1 key. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:


USV0306 Printout started asynchronously

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The printout requested is being processed asynchronously by USERV. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The printout requested is being processed asynchronously by USERV.

USV0307 Printout aborted due to purge

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is ignored. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The printout requested was aborted bacause someone purged all messages queued to the receiving terminal. Repeat the command.

USV0400 End of data

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is an information message indicating that the end of the book has been reached.

USV0401 Printout aborted by user

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The function is terminated. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The user has requested that the PRINT or COPY command terminate prior to completion. This request was done by pressing the RESET key followed by the ENTER key on a local 3270 terminal.

USV0402 Block truncated

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The command is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

This is an informational message indicating that the full block could not be listed due to a shortage of space; therefore, only the first part of the block was displayed. If the whole block is needed, contact the system programmer and request that USERV be cataloged with a larger partition size.

USV0403 Scan data not found

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The end of the member has been reached and the data was not found.

USV0404 Scan aborted by user

This message is associated with the USERV utility.

System action:

The function is completed. All parameters are retained for future use. USERV remains in conversational mode.

Terminal operator info:

The SCAN terminated at the user's request.