UDUMP Utility

Overview of Messages

UDU0000 | UDU0001 | UDU0002 | UDU0003 | UDU0004 | UDU0005 | UDU0006 | UDU0007 | UDU0008 | UDU0009 | UDU0010 | UDU0011 | UDU0012

UDU0000 Invalid name, number, or syntax

The operand field entered with the *UDUMP was incorrect. The operand field contains an invalid character in the program name or in the dump number.

System action:

UDUMP processing is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

A new *UDUMP request may be made with the correct program name, dump number, or operand syntax.

UDU0001 No dump

There is no dump in the dump file for the program name that was entered in the operand field.

System action:

UDUMP processing is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Use a proper dump number or program name in the operand field when calling up UDUMP.

UDU0002 Disk error

A disk error occurred while accessing the dump file.

System action:

UDUMP processing is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

If the error occurs again, contact the system programmer.

System programmer info:

If the error reoccurs, the Com-plete SD-FILE should be moved to another area on the disk pack. See the Com-plete System Programmer's manual.

UDU0003 Illegal dump directory data

An error occurred reading the dump directory for the requested dump.

System action:

UDUMP processing is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

If this error occurs again, contact the system programmer.

System programmer info:

If this error reoccurs, the Com-plete SD-File may be moved to another area on the disk pack. See the Com-plete System Programmer's manual. If the error occurs again after relocation of the SD-File, contact your Software AG technical representative.

UDU0004 Security violation

Self-explanatory message.

UDU0005 PSOPEN failed.

The PSOPEN function has failed in the UDUMPP program. This condition should not occur.

System action:

The next transmission from the terminal will cause a program check to occur.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the system programmer.

System programmer info:

Acquire the dump that was created and contact Software AG technical support.

UDU0006 PSPUT error.

The dump printout has been spooled to the destination specified. The message number is $. An error was detected on the PSCLOS function within UDUMP.

System action:

UDUMP execution continues.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Refer to the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual for the reasons that PSCLOS may fail and an explanation of how these failures relate to your installation. If the problem continues, contact Software AG technical support.

UDU0007 Printout $1 queued

The dump printout has been spooled to the destination specified. The message number is $1.

System action:

UDUMP continues execution.

Terminal operator info:


UDU0008 Security violation on PSOPEN

The PSOPEN function within UDUMPP has failed with a security violation (RC=8).

System action:

UDUMP terminates.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the system programmer.

System programmer info:

Refer to the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual for the meaning of RC=8 on PSOPEN. Review the chapter entitled SECURITY AND USER EXIT FACILITIES in the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual and the sending and receiving message class codes as defined within your installation.

UDU0009 Invalid destination on PSOPEN

An invalid destination code was entered for the UDUMP PRINT command (RC=20).

System action:

The printout spool request was aborted.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the UDUMP PRINT command using a valid terminal destination code. The destination code must be a valid TID (Terminal ID) or group assigned to a device in the TIBTAB. See the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual for more information.

UDU0010 Print aborted by the user.

Print is aborted when a CLEAR or PF3 is entered from the print specification screen using the PRINT function in UDUMP.

System action:

When CLEAR is pressed again, your dump (the one you issued print on) will be displayed.

Terminal operator info:


UDU0011 address not in current relocation area

Self-explanatory message.

UDU0012 requested address not in dump

Self-explanatory message.