SD Functions

Overview of Messages

SDF0001 | SDF0002 | SDF0003 | SDF0004 | SDF0005 | SDF0006 | SDF0007 | SDF0008 | SDF0010 | SDF0011 | SDF0013 | SDF0014 | SDF0015 | SDF0016 | SDF0017 | SDF0018 | SDF0019 | SDF0020 | SDF0021 | SDF0023 | SDF0025 | SDF0027 | SDF0040 | SDF0041 | SDF0042 | SDF0050 | SDF0051 | SDF0052 | SDF0053 | SDF0054 | SDF0055 | SDF0056 | SDF0057 | SDF0081 | SDF0082 | SDF0083 | SDF0084 | SDF0101 | SDF0102 | SDF0103 | SDF0104 | SDF0105 | SDF0106 | SDF0107 | SDF0108 | SDF0109 | SDF0110 | SDF0111 | SDF0112 | SDF0113 | SDF0114 | SDF0115 | SDF0116 | SDF0117 | SDF0118 | SDF0200 | SDF0201 | SDF1000 | SDF1001 | SDF1002 | SDF1003 | SDF1004

SDF0001 SD file function used and SD file has not been opened

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented the successful execution of an SDREAD, SDWRT, SDCLOS, or SDDEL function:

  1. An SDOPEN function was not issued before an SDREAD, SDWRT, SDCLOS, or SDDEL function.

  2. The file name specified in the SDREAD, SDWRT, SDCLOS, or SDDEL function was not the same as that specified in the corresponding SDOPEN function.

  3. The TID specified in the SDREAD, SDWRT, SDCLOS, or SDDEL function was not the same as that specified in the SDOPEN function.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the parameter list for the SD file function in error. The first word in the list contains the address of the file name parameter. Check to see that the file has been opened and that the file name specified in the SDOPEN function is the same as that specified in the associated SD file function. For more information refer to the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual.

SDF0002 Invalid record number specified in SD file function

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that either one or both of the following conditions prevented the successful execution of an SDWRT or SDREAD function:

  1. The location specified to contain the record number was not within the area available to the application program.

  2. The record number specified was negative or greater than the highest record number in the file.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message is an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the address of the SD function parameter list. Word 3 in the list contains the location of the record number parameter.

SDF0003 Invalid area or length specified in SDWRT or SDREAD

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that one or more of the following conditions prevented the successful execution of an SDWRT or SDREAD function:

  1. The area or length was not specified.

  2. The area specified to contain the record length was not within the area available to the application program.

  3. The location specified to contain the record length was not within the area available to the application program.

  4. The value specified for the record length was negative or larger than the largest record size permitted.

  5. The value specified for the record length, when added to the area specified, resulted in a location that was not within the area available to the application program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message is an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the address of the SD function parameter list. The second word in the list contains the location of the area parameter. The fifth word contains the location of the length parameter.

SDF0004 Too many temporary SDfiles for this session

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that the thread SQA space is exhausted.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This message indicates an application programming error. Contact the the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The thread SQA storage is exhausted because of a big amount of control information associated with modules loaded into the thread by the application, opened SD files, etc.

SDF0005 Invalid file name specified for SD file function

This message is associated with the SD file functions of Com-plete . It indicates that the file name argument specifies an invalid file name. This message may also indicate a six byte SD file name parameter field treated as an eigth byte field due to an application program using six byte fields having been compiled / linked with libraries designed for eigth byte fields.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates an application programming error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Check the SD function in the application program for which the abnormal termination occurred. The file name argument is in error. R1 in te dump contains the address of the SD file function parameter list. The first entry in this list points to the SD file name. For information about SD file functions, refer to the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual.

SDF0006 SD file requested was too large

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that there is insufficient space available in the Com-plete SD dataset to create an SD file of the requested size.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The appearance of this message may be caused by one or both of the following reasons:

  1. The application program has tried to create too large an SD file.

  2. The Com-plete SD dataset is becoming full.

Check the size of the SD dataset and the percentage of space used. Backup and / or delete some of the older SD files and / or increase the size of the SD dataset.

Computer operator info:

The Com-plete SD dataset possibly is becoming full. Check for warning console messages about this fact and contact the Com-plete system programmer.

Appl. programmer info:

Either reduce the size requested in the SDOPEN function or contact the Com-plete system programmer to enable the size to be increased.

SDF0007 Unable to add SD file record. No free blocks in COMSD

This message is associated with the SD functions of Com-plete . It indicates that the Com-plete SD dataset is full.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Inform the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The Com-plete SD dataset is full. Check the size of the SD dataset and the percentage of space in use. Backup and / or delete some of the older SD files and / or increase the size of the SD dataset.

Computer operator info:

Inform the Com-plete system programmer.

SDF0008 Unable to add SD file. Directory is full

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete .

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The directory of the SD dataset is full. Check the SD files directory for old SD files. It may be necessary periodically to run an SD file backup with deletion of old SD files. If required, backup all SD files, reinitialize the dataset with an increased directory size, and restore the SD files from the backup.

Computer operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

SDF0010 SD file access not allowed

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . An installation may set security requirements on the SDOPEN function to protect against unauthorised access to specific SD files. This message indicates that the requirements were not satisfied for the SD file specified in the SDOPEN request.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This message may mean that the user ID is not authorised to access the program or that a particular function of the program in use is restricted. Contact the person responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

System programmer info:

For information about Com-plete SD file security, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

SDF0011 SD file system not available

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that the SD functions of Com-plete are not available for use in the currently defined Com-plete system.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

System programmer info:

The SD functions of Com-plete have been disabled. The SD functions of Com-plete are disabled either when Com-plete is generated or through special contractual arrangements with the installation. For more information, consult Com-plete technical support.

Appl. programmer info:

An SD function was requested; SD functions are not permitted in the currently defined Com-plete system. Contact your system programmer.

Terminal operator info:

This message indicates an application programming error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

SDF0013 Tried to open too many SD files

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that the application program already has five SD files in open status and has attempted to issue another SDOPEN request.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This message indicates an application program error. Consult the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The application program has opened too many SD files simultaneously. Close one of them before issuing the SDOPEN.

SDF0014 Error during access to COMSD dataset

This message is associated with the SD functions of Com-plete . It indicates that one or both of the following conditions exist:

  1. An access method error occurred during access to the SD dataset.

  2. The in-storage SD file directory is in error.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

If this error persists after Com-plete has been restarted, the SD library may be destroyed and require reinitialization and restoration from the most recent backup.

Computer operator info:

This message indicates that a potentially disastrous error has occurred during processing of the SD functions of application programs. Com-plete should be terminated and restarted as soon as possible. If the error persists, consult the Com-plete system programmer.

SDF0015 SD file to be deleted not found in SD file directory

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that Com-plete was unable to locate a directory entry for an SD file that an application program had attempted to delete.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

This message indicates a probable Com-plete system logic error. Consult the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred and/or contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This message indicates that the SD file requested for deletion was found in the main storage directory in the UPCB but was not found in the SD file directory. This means that the file was successfully opened by the application program and the SD library or the in-storage directory have been damaged. If the error persists after Com-plete has been restarted, the SD dataset should be reinitialized and restored from the most recent backup.

Appl. programmer info:

This message indicates a potentially disastrous error has occurred during processing of the SD functions of application programs. Consult the Com-plete system programmer to determine the cause for the missing SD file.

SDF0016 Not enough main storage available to open SD file

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that there is insufficient main storage available in Com-plete to allocate buffers and control blocks for the SD file.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Allocation of storage from the Com-plete buffer pool failed because there is no more main storage available to Com-plete to expand the buffer pool. Refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual for information about how to calculate the amount of storage required by Com-plete .

SDF0017 SDfile $1.$2 damaged. Record number: $3 RBN: $4

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that the SD library is out of available space allocation of additional SD files.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Consult the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The SD library may be out of available allocation space either because all space is exhausted or because available space has become fragmented. The correct status of the SD library available space table may be determined by use of the ULIB display functions. Compress the SD library to eliminate fragmentation. If there is still not enough space, reallocate the SD library and specify a larger SD library size.

SDF0018 RBN $1 to be freed invalid, or already free, or directory damaged.

During execution of an SDDEL function (SD file deletion), an attempt to free a block not in use by the SD file being deleted was detected.

System action:

Processing continues.

Terminal operator info:

Consult the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

The SD library may be out of available allocation space either because all space is exhausted or because available space has become fragmented. The correct status of the SD library available space table may be determined by use of the ULIB display functions. Compress the SD library to eliminate fragmentation. If there is still not enough space, reallocate the SD library and specify a larger SD library size.

Computer operator info:

Either the instorage SD files' directory or a control block of a single SD file have been destroyed due to a storage override error. In consequence, other SD files may be damaged. Com-plete should be stopped as soon as possible. At next startup, Com-plete will automatically check and recover all intact SD files and delete all damaged SD files. During startup, watch the console messages about deletion of damaged SD files and restore them after Com-plete is up again from the latest backup using BATCH utility TUSDUTIL.

SDF0019 Invalid parameter list specified in SD file function

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that an SD file function has been requested and an invalid set of arguments was specified.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The application program has issued an SD function and specified an invalid parameter list. Register 1 in the dump contains the address of the SD function parameter list.

SDF0020 Invalid address of file name specified in SD file function

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that an SD file function has been requested and that the file name parameter is not within the area available to the application program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message is an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the SD function parameter list. The first word in the list points to the file name requested.

SDF0021 Invalid terminal ID specified in SD file function

This message is associated with the SD function of Com-plete . It indicates that an SD file function has been requested and that the TID parameter was not within the area available to the application program or contained an illegal value.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the address of the SD function parameter list. For the SDOPEN, SDREAD, and SDWRT functions, the fourth word in the list contains the location of the TID parameter. For the SDCLOS and SDDEL functions, the second word contains the location of the TID parameter.

SDF0023 Invalid length, number of records, or high record in SDOPEN

This message is associated with the SDOPEN function of Com-plete . It indicates that one or both of the following conditions prevented successful execution of and SDOPEN function:

  1. The location specified to contain the record length, number of records, or highest record was not within the area available to the application program.

  2. The value specified for the record length or the number of records was negative or zero.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message indicates an application program error. Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the address of the SDOPEN parameter list. The second word in the list contains the location of the record length parameter. The third word in the list contains the location of the number of records parameter. The fifth word in the list contains the location of the highest record parameter.

SDF0025 EOJ processing failed for SD file '$1' TID '$2'

This indicates that eoj processing attempted to delete, or to close an SD file and failed.

System action:

The application program is normally terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This indicates that an error has occurred while cleaning up for an user. An SD file could not be closed or deleted. Contact Com-plete technical support.

Computer operator info:

This should not be an error situation, however, the Com-plete systems programmer should be made aware of the message.

SDF0027 SD file to be closed not found in SD files directory

This message is associated with the SDCLOS function of Com-plete . It indicates that the application program attempted to close a SD file, but Com-plete was unable to locate the file in the directory of SD files.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

This message will appear only if the directory record for the file exists in the main storage directory in the UPCB but not in the SD file directory. This is a potentially disastrous error condition. The SD library may be damaged and require restoration.

SDF0040 Former dump space in COMSD file ($1 blocks) switched to SD files

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0041 No COMDUMP DD and no dump space in COMSD, thread dumps disabled

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0042 No COMSD DD and no SD-PREFIX parm, any SD file access will fail

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0050 Inconsistancy detected in SD files. Check in progress.

An unexpected error has been detected in the Com-plete COMSD dataset. An analysis process has been started to discover and delete damaged SD files.

System action:

After deletion of damaged SD files Com-plete initialization continues.

System programmer info:

Each SD file found in error will be deleted and indicated by a message. If necessary, after successful initialization of Com-plete , these SD files must be restored from the most recent backup.

SDF0051 SD file processor initialized. COMSD $1 % full

The Com-plete SD/paging/online-dump subsystem has been initialized successfully.

System action:

Com-plete initialization continues.

System programmer info:

If a high percentage of used space is indicated, it is recommendet to run a backup job with deletion of old SD files. If the dataset is full, application programs attempting to add new SD/paging files, or to add records to existing SD/paging files will be abnormally terminated.

Computer operator info:

If a high percentage of used space is indicated, a backup of the SD files should be taken and old SD files should be deleted.

SDF0052 Not enough storage available to open COMSD dataset

There is not enough main storage available in the Com-plete region to allocate control blocks and buffers for the SD file subsystem.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

SDF0053 I/O error accessing COMSD dataset

An I/O error has occurred during initialization of the Com-plete SD subsystem.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases there are other messages issued giving more detailed information about the error.

SDF0054 COMSD dataset destroyed or not initialized

The Com-plete SD dataset has not been correctly initialized, or has been damaged and must be reinitialized before initialization of Com-plete .

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

SDF0055 Damaged SD file $1 $2 detected and deleted.

Com-plete detected an error within the SD file indicated. The file was not accessible and has been deleted to avoid more serious problems that could occur when application programs would try to access it.

System action:

Com-plete startup processing continues.

System programmer info:

Use Com-plete BATCH utility TUSDUTIL to restore the SD file indicated from the most recent backup.

SDF0056 SD file $1 $2 recovered after it was not properly closed.

The SD file indicated was open when the previous run of Com-plete terminated abnormally. It has been recovered, but the last write transaction may not have been completed when the ABEND occurred.

System action:

Com-plete initialization continues.

SDF0057 COMSD $1 % full !!!

The Com-plete SD dataset is about to become full. $1 indicates the percentage of space currently in use by SD and paging files.

System action:

SD/paging file processing continues normally until the SD dataset is 100% full. If this occurres, application programs attempting to add or increase SD or paging files will be terminated abnormally.

System programmer info:

It is recommendet periodically to run a backup job with deletion of old SD files. For more information about backup, deletion, and restoration of SD files, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual. Eventually the size of the SD dataset must be increased.

Computer operator info:

A backup of the SD files should be taken and old SD files should be deleted.

SDF0081 COMSD $1 error RF=X'$2', FDBK=X'$3'.

This message is associated with the INIT function of Com-plete BATCH utility TUSDUTIL. A VSAM request has been issued against the SD dataset and this request failed. $1 indicates the request type: OPEN CLOSE PUT or ENDREQ. VSAM return code $2 and ACB/RPL feedback code $3 are provided for diagnosis of the problem.

System action:

SD dataset initialization is terminated with the return code shown in this message indicating that initialization has not been successfully completed.

System programmer info:

In most cases, the operating system will issue other messages in relation to the failure. Refer to the relevant VSAM programming manual and use the return code and feedback code provided in this message to determine why the request failed.

Computer operator info:

The SD dataset is not usable for Com-plete . Determine the reason of the failure and re-run the job.

SDF0082 COMSD at least $1 records required

This message is associated with the INIT function of Com-plete BATCH utility TUSDUTIL. It indicates that the size of the SD dataset is insufficient in relation to the amount of space requested by TUSDUTIL parameters. At least $1 VSAM records of the size allocated are required.

System action:

Initialization processing is terminated unsuccessfully with a non-zero return code.

System programmer info:

For detailed information on allocation and initialization of the Com-plete SD dataset, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

The SD dataset has not been initialized and is not usable for Com-plete . Allocate a larger dataset or change the TUSDUTIL parameters and re-run the job.

SDF0083 COMSD initialization parameter error

This message is associated with Com-plete BATCH utility TUSDUTIL.

System action:

TUSDUTIL processing is terminated with a non-zero return code.

Computer operator info:

Correct the TUSDUTIL parameters and re-run the job.

SDF0084 COMSD recordsize $1 invalid

This message is associated with the INIT function of Com-plete BATCH utility TUSDUTIL. The VSAM recordsize $1 of the dataset being initialized does not fulfill the criteria required for the Com-plete SD dataset.

System action:

TUSDUTIL processing is terminated unsuccessfully with a non-zero return code.

Computer operator info:

Re-allocate the dataset with the correct VSAM parameter values and re-run the job.

SDF0101 No DD/DLBL statement for 'COMSD' file

The Com-plete SD dataset must be defined by a COMSD DD/DLBL job control statement.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

Add the correct DD/DLBL statement to the Com-plete job jontrol and restart the job.

SDF0102 LPL area for COMSD file is too small

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0103 Contents of LPL for COMSD invalid

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0104 Not enough storage available for COMSD file

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0105 COMSD dataset is not a VSAM dataset

Com-plete has checked the dataset type of the dataset pointed to by the 'COMSD' DD/DLBL job control statement and has determined that it is not a VSAM dataset.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

Refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual for information about how to allocate and initialize the SD dataset.

SDF0106 COMSD VSAM $1 error X'$2'; Rc=X'$3'

Com-plete has issued a request against a VSAM ACB for the SD dataset and detected a non-zero return code from VSAM. Possible values for $1 are OPEN, CLOSE. The VSAM error code $2 and return code $3 are provided for diagnosis of the problem.

System action:

With a return code of 4 from OPEN, processing is continued. With a return code greater than 4 from OPEN, Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

Use the provided return and error codes and refer to the relevant VSAM manual to determine why the request failed.


During SD dataset OPEN processing, Com-plete attempted to issue a SHOWCB for this dataset and failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases, the operating system will issue messages in relation to this error.

SDF0108 COMSD LRECL less than 256 bytes

Com-plete has determined that the logical record length (LRECL) of the SD dataset is less than the minimum 256 bytes.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

Allocate the SD dataset with a LRECL of 256 bytes or more and restart Com-plete .

SDF0109 COMSD dataset has more than 1 record in a CI

This message is followed by message ZSD00110. See there for details.

SDF0110 COMSD only the first record of a CI will be used

The Com-plete SD subsystem uses only the first record of each control interval of the SD dataset.

System action:

Processing continues, however, space will be wasted on the VSAM SD dataset.

System programmer info:

This is a warning message. Refer to the Com-plete System Programmers Manual for detail information about initialization of the Com-plete SD dataset.

SDF0111 COMSD not enough storage available for data buffers

There is insufficient storage available in the Com-plete region to allocate buffers required for the SD subsystem.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

Review the storage estimates for the SD subsystem and ensure enough storage is available for these buffers.


Com-plete has issued a GENCB to generate a VSAM RPL for the SD dataset and failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases, the operating system will issue messages in relation to this condition.

SDF0113 COMSD dataset not initiliazed

Com-plete has determined that the SD dataset contains no records, indicating that it has not been initialized.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

The SD dataset must be initialized before use. Refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual for information about allocation and initialization of the SD dataset.


Com-plete issued a GENCB to generate a VSAM ACB for the SD dataset and failed.

System action:

Com-plete initialization is aborted.

System programmer info:

In many cases, the operating system will issue messages in relation to this failure.

SDF0115 COMSD VSAM $1 error; FBDK=X'$2'; RC=X'$3'

Com-plete has issued a request against the SD dataset and failed. Possible values for the request code $1 are: GET, PUT, ENDREQ. Feedback code $2 and return code $3 are provided for diagnosis of the problem.

System action:

Com-plete processing continues, however, the error is likely to have repercussions later in the run.

System programmer info:

Using the provided return and feedback codes, refer to the relevant VSAM Manual and determine why the request failed. If the error is not due to installation problems, contact your local support centre with the information from this message and the following ZSD00116 message.

SDF0116 COMSD RPL=$1; RBA=$2; IND=$3

This message containes more diagnostic information about an unexpected error while accessing the Com-plete SD dataset and will normally follow message ZSD00115.

$1 The address of the RPL used for the request.

$2 The RBA number of the current data buffer.

$3 The address of the current index buffer.

System action:

Com-plete processing continues, however, the error is likely to have repercussions later in the run.

System programmer info:

Use this along with the diagnostic information from ZSD00115 to determine the problem. In case when this problem is to be reported to Software AG, try to get a hardcopy of the RPL at the address indicated in the message.

SDF0117 COMSD record number invalid; R0=$1

This message indicates a Com-plete internal error. Due to an inconsistancy, Com-plete attempted to read or write a record out of range of the SD dataset.

System action:

Processing continues, however, this error is likely to have repercussions later in the run.

System programmer info:

If the error persists after Com-plete has been restarted, contact your local support centre for assistance.

Computer operator info:

This message indicates an inconsistancy within the current run of Com-plete . Com-plete should be terminated and restarted as soon as possible.

SDF0118 R0=$1 R1=$2 R6=$3 RE=$4 RF=$5

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0200 Empty COMDUMP file detected, initializing...

Self-explanatory message.

SDF0201 COMDUMP file not usable, wrong CI size, record size, or space

Self-explanatory message.

SDF1000 Using dynamic SDFiles. DSName: $1name.Ttid

This message appears during Com-plete startup, indicating that dynamic SD files will be used rather than COMSD. $1 is the dataset name prefix that will be used for all SD files (defined by SYSPARM SD-PREFIX).

SDF1001 $1 $2 failed, unexpected error from $3

This message is related to dynamic SD files as defined by SYSPARM SD-PREFIX. An unexpected, hence unhandled error condition occurred. $1 - file name (without prefix) $2 - API function in effect $3 - internal subfunction during which the error occurred

System action:

The application program is terminated abnormally.

System programmer info:

Please, contact your local Software AG support centre with the information from this message.

SDF1002 $2 failed, SDfile $1 is in use elsewhere

This message is related to dynamic SD files as defined by SYSPARM SD-PREFIX. The API function as indicated by $2 could not be executed, because the SD file $1 is in use, and its VSAM dataset attributes do not permit the level of sharing required for the current function.

System programmer info:

Probably one of the following two situations has occurred: 1) There are multiple Com-pletes running on your system(s) which use the same dataset name prefix (SYSPARM SD-PREFIX) for SD files. The only situation where this is recommended is when these Com-pletes run in a Parallel Sysplex, and all users log on through the same generic VTAM application (SYSPARM VTAMGENERIC). In all other cases, no two Com-pletes should share the same SD file name prefix. 2) The SD file is in use by a failed session of the same user on a different Com-plete sharing the same VTAM application name in a Parallel Sysplex. In this case, you should specify SYSPARM SD-RLS=YES or adjust the VSAM shareoptions in the SMS dataclass used for SD files.

SDF1003 $1 exists but is not a Com-plete SDfile

This message is related to dynamic SD files as defined by SYSPARM SD-PREFIX. Com-plete has found a dataset matching the naming conventions for a Com-plete SD file, but this file appears to be no Com-plete SD file by one or more of its attributes.

System action:

The application program is terminated abnormally.

System programmer info:

The dataset names generated by Com-plete for SD files using the prefix as defined by SYSPARM SD-PREFIX conflict with the names of other files on the system. Either you'll have to change SD-PREFIX (don't forget to delete or rename all existing SD files with the old name prefix), or you should ensure that nobody but Com-plete can create datasets starting with this prefix.

SDF1004 $1 $2 error RF=X'$3' FDBK=X'$4'

This message is related to dynamic SD files as defined by SYSPARM SD-PREFIX. An unexpected, hence unhandled return code / feedback code has been received from a VSAM record management function. $1 - file name (without prefix) $2 - API function in effect $3 - VSAM record management return code $4 - VSAM record management feedback code

System action:

The application program is terminated abnormally.

System programmer info:

Please, contact your local Software AG support centre with the information from this message.