Remote Job Entry

Overview of Messages

RJE0001 | RJE0002 | RJE0003 | RJE0004 | RJE0005 | RJE0006 | RJE0007

RJE0001 Invalid parameter list specified for RJE function

This message is associated with the Com-plete RJE function. It indicates that the parameter list supplied for the RJE function does not contain two entries.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the RJE parameter list.

RJE0002 Area address invalid for RJE function

This message is associated with the Com-plete RJE function. It indicates that the RJE function could not be successfully completed, because the location specified for the area parameter was not within the boundaries of the area available to the application program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the RJE parameter list. The first word in this list contains the location of the area parameter.

RJE0003 Len or area for Len specified invalid for RJE function

This message is associated with the Com-plete RJE function. It indicates that one or more of the following reasons prevented the successful completion of the RJE function:

  1. The location specified to contain the length was not within the area available to the application program.

  2. The value specified for the length was negative.

  3. The length specified, when added to the location of the area, resulted in a location that was not within the area available to the application program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the RJE parameter list. The first word in this list contains the location of the area parameter. The second word contains the location of the length parameter.

RJE0004 Len not a multiple of 80 for RJE function

This message is associated with the Com-plete RJE function. It indicates that the RJE function could not be successfully completed because the user's data was not an even number of 80-character records (i.e., it was not evenly divisible by 80).

System action:

The application program is abnormally terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the RJE parameter list. The first word in this list contains the location of the area parameter. The second word contains the location of the length parameter.

RJE0005 RJE option parameter invalid

This message is associated with the Com-plete RJE function. It indicates that the RJE function issued by an application program specified an OPTION= parameter that was invalid. Valid OPTION= values are RELEASE and HOLD.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

R1 in the dump contains the location of the RJE parameter list. The third word in this list points to the OPTIONS= parameter value.

RJE0006 RJE security error

This message is associated with the RJE function of Com-plete . It indicates that a Com-plete application or utility program attempted to submit work to the background via Com-plete's RJE function. The input data was furnished to the Com-plete's resident RJE user exit routine ULSRRJE, which decided to reject the request and terminate the calling program.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of the ZRJ00006 message usually indicates a violation of system security standards. If you can correct the input data, do so and reexecute the function; otherwise, notify a system programmer of this error condition.

System programmer info:

This message is produced whenever a return code of 16 is received by TLSRRJE (the RJE service routine) from user exit ULSRRJE.

RJE0007 GETVIS failure for PWR control block

This message is produced when a GETVIS for an internal control block used to submit a job into the POWER spool has been denied.

System action:

A thread dump is produced.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the Com-plete systems programmer.

System programmer info:

Increase the maximum GETVIS for the partition.

Computer operator info:

Contact the Com-plete systems programmer.

Appl. programmer info:

Contact the Com-plete systems programmer.