Com-plete Natural Security interface

Overview of Messages

NAT0800 | NAT0804 | NAT0806 | NAT0812 | NAT0825 | NAT0829 | NAT0838 | NAT0839 | NAT0855 | NAT0857 | NAT0873 | NAT0875 | NAT0876 | NAT3000

NAT0800 Logon failed due to too many consecutive errors

The user logon has been verified via the Natural Security interface a number of times and has evenutally exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed by Natural Security.

System action:

The logon fails and the user is infromed that the password was incorrect via message ULG0027.

System programmer info:

This could indicate that an unauthorised user is attempting a number of times to enter the system with a valid userid. This is indicated by the fact that the user doesn't seem to know the correct password and has attempted with an invalid password a number of times. The Security Administrator for the system should be informed.

Computer operator info:

Inform the Com-plete Systems Programmer or the Security Administrator about this message.

NAT0804 Re-enter new password to confirm password change

If you wish to change your password, you must type in the new password a second time so as to confirm the password change. This confirmation is necessary to prevent typing errors in passwords (which may occur as the password and new password are not visible on the logon screen).

System action:

The user is told to enter the new password again via message ULG0028.

Terminal operator info:

If password modification was intended, enter your new password again. If password modification was not intended, press ENTER to resume the logon procedure.

NAT0806 Library not found

Self-explanatory message.

NAT0812 User security profile has been illegally manipulated

ULOG has attempted to log a user on by verifying that the USERID and PASSWORD combination exists on the Natural Security file as defined in the Com-plete startup parameters. The interface to the Natural Security file has determined that the security definition for the USERID has been illegally updated. This can happen when a program, other than a Software AG authorised program has updated the userid's security definition.

System action:

The logon fails and the user is told that the incorrect password was entered via message ULG0027.

System programmer info:

This message indicates that a problem exists with the Natural Security system file. If other users are experiencing similar problems with Natural, it is likely that the problem will is Natural Security related and should be addressed from that angle. In the case that the problem ONLY occurs after or during Com-plete logon, it is possible that a problem has occurred with the Com-plete / Natural Security interface. In this case, the problem should be reported to your local support centre.

Computer operator info:

This message should be reported to your systems programmer and/or the Natural Security administrator.

NAT0825 Security profile has been illegally manipulated

This indicates that the Com-plete logon utility program 'ULOG' has attempted to log a user on via the Natural Security interface using the Natural Security system file as specified in the Com-plete ing Sysparms. During logon processing, while the interface was checking the application record for the user, it was detected that the application record had been illegally changed.

System action:

The logon fails and the user is informed that the entered password is incorrect with message ULG0027.

System programmer info:

The Natural Security System file should only be updated by authorised Software AG applications and methods. This message indicates that updates have been made to the Natural Security system file by an unauthorised application. Check with your Natural Security Administrator if such problems occur as the problem will more than likely be a Natural Security problem rather than a Com-plete problem. If the problem only occurs during or after Com-plete logon processing (ie. ULOG ON processing NOT Natural logon processing from Com-plete ), ie. contact your local support centre.

Computer operator info:

Inform your Com-plete Systems Programmer and/or your Natural Security Adminstrator that you have seen the message.

NAT0829 Password change not permitted

You cannot change your password because updating of the NATURAL Security system file has been prohibited.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your NATURAL Security administrator.

NAT0838 Change your password. Enter the old and a new password

This indicates that a user has attempted to logon to Com-plete via the Natural Security Interface using the Natural Security System file as specified in the Com-plete Sysparms. The Logon has failed because although the user has supplied a valid userid and password, the Natural Security Interface has determined that this password has expired and a new password should be set.

System action:

The logon fails and the user is informed that the password is invalid via message ULG0027.

System programmer info:

This indicates that Natural Security is 'expiring' userids, or userids have been explicitely expired by the Security Adminstrator. This is not currently supported by the interface and therefore should not occur. It causes confusion for the user as the message that the terminal user recieves is that the password entered is incorrect, whereas this is correct, however, Natural requires a new password for the userid. This maybe bypassed by requesting that the user enter a new password along with the valid current password to satisfy the requirements of Natural Security.

Computer operator info:

Inform your Systems Programmer or Natural Security administrator about the message.

NAT0839 The library 'SYSSEC' has not been found

The user is attempting to logon to Com-plete via the Natural Security Interface using the Natural Security System File defined in the Com-plete Sysparms. The logon attempt has failed due to the fact that the 'SYSSEC' Natural Security Application could not be found.

System action:

The logon fails and the user is informed that the entered password is invalid via message ULG0027.

System programmer info:

This message indicates that either the NATSECDB and NATSECFNR are specified and Natural Security is not installed, or they are pointing at the incorrect Natural Security file. Either remove the specification or specify the correct file for the Natural Security System File.

Computer operator info:

Inform the Com-plete Systems Programmer about the message.

NAT0855 New password must be at least $1 characters long.

Natural Security requires that passwords have a minimum length.

Terminal operator info:

Choose a longer password.

NAT0857 This user is currently locked

Self-explanatory message.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0873 User ID or password invalid

Self-explanatory message.

Terminal operator info:

Enter correct userid and correct password

NAT0875 This user is currently not active

Self-explanatory message.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT0876 New password is not valid. Please choose a different one.

The new password was denied for one of the following reasons: 1) The new password has too much similarity to previous passwords. 2) The new password does not conform to the rules for passwords.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Natural Security administrator.

NAT3000 ADABAS response code $1

The error may be caused by one of the following: - An invalid request was made to the database. - A malfunction occurred in the database.

Terminal operator info:

Retain the number of the response code and contact your database administrator.