Mapping Functions

Overview of Messages

MAP0001 | MAP0002 | MAP0003 | MAP0004 | MAP0005 | MAP0006 | MAP0007 | MAP0008 | MAP0009 | MAP0013 | MAP0014 | MAP0015 | MAP0016 | MAP0017 | MAP0018 | MAP0019 | MAP0020 | MAP0021 | MAP0022 | MAP0023 | MAP0024

MAP0001 The MRCB address or Feedback area length is invalid

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Either R1 points at a fullword with the invalid address or an invalid address was computed by adding the feedback area length to the fullword. This error message will also be generated if the MRCB is not on fullword boundary.

MAP0002 Map $1 - location or length invalid

A resident map has an invalid address or pointer.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Maps are loaded into the thread along with the program and chained together via address pointers. This message is issued when one of the pointers does not point at a valid map within the thread. Check to make sure the program does not modify areas it has not obtained via GETMAIN. This message may also be caused by specifying the map as being concatenated to the MRCB and the MRCB length as being odd, resulting in a non-aligned map.

MAP0003 An invalid map is concatenated to the MRCB

An invalid map was found to be resident in the program.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The MRCB specified that a map was concatenated to it but the map is invalid. Check that the concatenated map has the same name as specified in the MRCB and that the device being used is legal for that map.

MAP0004 Map $1 - storage unavailable

There is not enough storage available to load a map.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

All the available storage in the thread is obtained, the map is loaded and the remaining storage is freed. There was not a continuous area of storage large enough to hold the map. Catalog the program with a larger RG= parameter.

MAP0005 $1 is an invalid map name

The map name in the module contains invalid characters; the map name is not the same as the module name, the map version is not B, or the MRCB map name device type is inconsistent with the map name in the map header

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The map name within the map header must be consistent with the map's module name. Renaming a map using an operating system utility or UPDS will not change the name within the map. In addition, ensure that the map name within the MRCB is correct.

MAP0006 Your terminal is ineligible for mapping

This message is associated with the terminal being used. Mapping requests are invalid when used in conjunction with this device.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

System programmer info:

This message may be the result of the failure to link edit the modules TLSRMPRF or TLSRMPWF with the Com-plete nucleus. INsert an include card for the appropriate module in the Com-plete link edit SYSLIN file.

Appl. programmer info:

See the system programmer information below or remove the mapping request call from your program.

MAP0007 Too many parameters were passed in a mapping request

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

More than three parameters were passed in a mapping request call. R1 in the dump points to the parameter list. For Assembler language, programmers using the CALL macro should ensure that the VL parameter is specified to end the parameter list.

MAP0008 Format error in the MRCB

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

An error in one of the following MRCB fields has been encountered:

  1. VERSION - Must be B. This may result if the MAPEND macro is not included in the map.

  2. RESERVED - One of the two reserved fields (at offsets 5 and 44) was not spaces.

  3. MAP COUNT - The number of resident maps exceeded 16448 or was less than 1.

MAP0009 FCT address or count field invalid

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The address of the FCT is outside the program area or the number of FCTEs, when multiplied by their length and added to the FCT address, resulted in an address that is outside the program area.

MAP0013 Map $1 not found in library

This is an application programmer error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Map '$' was not cataloged in the Com-plete program library. If the map name is correct, catalog the map. If the map name is not correct, check to be sure the proper MRCB address is passed in te mapping request call.

MAP0014 Map $1 field $2 exceeded available buffer storage

The available output buffer space was exhausted while processing field

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The output buffer is obtained via a GETMAIN from the available storage in the user program area. All of the available storage is obtained and freed for the buffer. Either free some unused storage or recatalog the program with a larger region parameter. The amount of storage available is also affected by the number of resident maps. See the map count field in the MRCB.

MAP0015 Map $1 field $2 has an invalid DAREA address

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Data area addresses are computed by adding the offset specified in the map to the data area parameter passed in the mapping call. Either the offset was too large, too small (negative), or the data area parameter is in error. R1+4 in the dump points to a fullword containing the data area address.

MAP0016 Map $1 FCT fields only specified in MRCB but no FCT passed

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The READ or WRITE option field of the MRCB indicated that only the fields in the FCT were to be processed, but no FCT address was passed or the FCT count field in the MRCB was spaces or zeros.

MAP0017 Map $1 has too many lines

Map $ has been modified or cataloged incorrectly (under a wrong name).

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Make sure the map has not been modified or that the map in storage has not been modified. This message can also be caused by the presence of non-displayable data in an alphanumeric or zoned field.

MAP0018 Map $1 has created invalid data

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

This message indicates that invalid data was encountered in a constant field in the map or in an alpha or zoned decimal field in the data area. This message is issued after the entire output buffer has been built. Examine the data area or the concatenated map for invalid data. R1+4 in the dump points to a fullword containing the address of the data area.

MAP0019 Map $1 - invalid TCC specified

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

An invalid terminal control code was encountered in the TCC field of the MRCB. R1 points to a fullword that contains the address of the MRCB.

MAP0020 Map $1 field $2 - invalid FDC specified

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

An invalid FDC was encountered in the FCTE for field $2. R1+8 points to a fullword containing the address of the ten-byte FCT entries.

MAP0021 Map $1 field $2 has an invalid sign

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

A sign code other than A through F was encountered in packed field $2.

MAP0022 Map $1 field $2 contains an invalid digit

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

Packed field '$2' contains a digit other than 0 through 9.

MAP0023 Map $1 field $2 is an invalid field entry

This is an application program error.

System action:

A dump is taken of the abnormally terminated program.

Terminal operator info:

Notify the application programmer responsible for the program being used when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

The screen location specified in map '$1' for field '$2' is invalid. Check to see whether the map was generated correctly and whether it has been modified.

MAP0024 Map $1 - old format destroyed

Self-explanatory message.