UDEBUG (Debugging Aid)

Overview of Messages

DBG0001 | DBG0002 | DBG0003 | DBG0004 | DBG0005 | DBG0006 | DBG0007 | DBG0008 | DBG0009 | DBG0010 | DBG0011 | DBG0012 | DBG0013 | DBG0014 | DBG0015 | DBG0016 | DBG0017 | DBG0018 | DBG0019 | DBG0020 | DBG0021 | DBG0022 | DBG0023 | DBG0024 | DBG0025 | DBG0026 | DBG0027 | DBG0028 | DBG0029 | DBG0030 | DBG0031 | DBG0032 | DBG0033 | DBG0034 | DBG0035 | DBG0036 | DBG0037 | DBG0038 | DBG0039 | DBG0040 | DBG0041 | DBG0042 | DBG0043 | DBG0044 | DBG0045 | DBG0046 | DBG0047 | DBG0048 | DBG0049 | DBG0050 | DBG0051 | DBG0052 | DBG0053 | DBG0054 | DBG0055 | DBG0056 | DBG0057 | DBG0058 | DBG0059 | DBG0060 | DBG0061 | DBG0062 | DBG0063 | DBG0064 | DBG0065 | DBG0066 | DBG0067 | DBG0068 | DBG0069 | DBG0070 | DBG0071 | DBG0072 | DBG0073 | DBG0074 | DBG0075 | DBG0076 | DBG0077 | DBG0078 | DBG0079 | DBG0080 | DBG0081 | DBG0082 | DBG0083 | DBG0084 | DBG0085 | DBG0086 | DBG0087 | DBG0088 | DBG0089 | DBG0090 | DBG0091 | DBG0092 | DBG0093 | DBG0094 | DBG0095 | DBG0096 | DBG0097

DBG0001 Address $1 does not exist

The user supplied the absolute address $1 or an expression which resulted in the address $1 being calculated, however, this address does not exist.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid address or expression.

DBG0002 No current DSECT available

The user has issued the CBI command to look at dsects, however, no dsect name was provided, therefore, no information could be displayed.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a dsect name on the CBI command or directly on the dsect display screen. Once a dsect is entered during a session, it is retained until altered by the CBI command or directly on the dsect display screen.

DBG0003 Dsect $1 not found

The user attempted to use a dsect $1, however, this dsect was not available in the global table nor was it defined locally for by the user.

Terminal operator info:

If the dsect should exist in the global table, contact your Com-plete systems programmer to determine why it does not.

System programmer info:

Include the dsect in general table which is generated using the TUDBCBGN utility and either bounce the Com-plete or refresh the resident table. Note, however, the refreshing the table could cause unpredictable results for existing UDEBUG users.

DBG0004 $1 $2 not found

$2, which is a type of symbol as described by $1, was referenced by the user but could not be found.

Terminal operator info:

Reference the correct symbol name or define the symbol if it should exist.

DBG0005 No Using for Dsect $1

The user attempted to reference a field in Dsect $1. The Dsect was known to DEBUG, however, no USING statement had previously been issued causing the reference to be unresolved.

Terminal operator info:

Issue a UDEBUG 'Using' command for the Dsect.

DBG0006 Missing operands for $1 command

The $1 command was issued with one or more required operands missing.

Terminal operator info:

Issue the command with the required operands.

DBG0007 Invalid operand $1 for $2 command

The $2 command was issued with operand $1, however, the $1 operand was invalid.

Terminal operator info:

Issue the command with valid operands.

DBG0008 The 'GO' command is only valid at a breakpoint

The 'GO' command has been issued at an invalid point in the UDEBUG dialogue.

Terminal operator info:

Go can only be issued if the program being tested is on a breakpoint or has abended and is to be restarted.

DBG0009 Please enter a valid command

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0010 Invalid Luname or TID specified $1

$1 was specified on the 'AT' to identify the terminal for which the breakpoint is to be set. The intended terminal could not be identified because either the TID number specified does not exist in the TIBTAB or the Luname specified could not be found in the TIBTAB.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the TID/Luname parameter and reissue the command.

DBG0011 Stack overflow in U2DBADR

When evaluating an expression, UDEBUG must stack various parts of the expression and recall them at a later point in time for processing. To do this a stack is allocated with a specific number of entries. In this case the expression appears to be so complex that the number of entries allocated in the stack is not large enough.

Terminal operator info:

Report the error to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

Report the problem to your Software AG representative. This value is set so that it should never be exceeded so it is likely that this is a bug, however, if the maximum is truely exceeded, the default will have to be reviewed.

DBG0012 Invalid expression $1

The expression $1 was entered as an operand or as a direct command to update the current pointer, however, a syntax error exists in the expression. This means that an open bracket was specific with no close bracket or something of this nature.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the expression and reissue the command.

DBG0013 Symbol $1 too long

The symbol $1 was specified as a part of an expression, however, it was too long.

Terminal operator info:

Correct the symbol name and reenter the command.

DBG0014 Unrecognised PF key, please use a valid key

The user hit an interrupt key at the keyboard. The key hit was not recognised by UDEBUG as it wasn't 'ENTER' or PF1 to PF24. This will also occur if the initialisation for PF keys failed. If this is the case, the user will have recieved a message indicating that the initialisation failed and why.

Terminal operator info:

UDEBUG only recognises ENTER or PF1 to PF24. Please use one of these keys. In the event that the message appears in reponse to a valid key, please check for messages at initialisation of UDEBUG.

System programmer info:

If this occurs for a valid pf key, determine why the initialisation for pf keys failed from the messages at initialisation.

DBG0015 Function disallowed

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0016 Unable to load 'UHELP' for help command

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0017 Too few operands entered

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0018 More than one message for request.......

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0019 Symbol $1 cannot be resolved

The user has entered the symbol $1 in an expression and this symbol is known to the system, however, UDEBUG cannot resolve the reference to the symbol. In general, this means that the symbol is a level 3 type symbol related to a primary section (ie. either a CSECT or DSECT). No using or equate could be found for the root section for this symbol making resolution impossible. It is possible that this message will also appear when a using does exist for the section. In this case, the message indicates that the section was never referenced while sitting on the breakpoint.

Terminal operator info:

Resolve the reference by setting up an equate or a using for the root section for the symbol. In the case where a using exists, a breakpoint must first be hit and the symbol referenced before it will be resolved. After this point, the register value at the time of the breakpoint will be used to resolved the reference until the register value gets updated when the next breakpoint is hit.

DBG0020 Too many operands entered

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0021 Invalid character '$1' for SET command, character already in use.

The user attempted to issue a set command to change one of the character identifiers used by UDEBUG for special purposes eg. to identify a relative address. The character '$1' is already in use for another of the special characters and therefore cannot be used again.

System action:

The character identifier for the requested SET operand remains as it was prior to the set command.

Terminal operator info:

Either choose a different character or change the special character for the identifier already using this character to another character.

DBG0022 Trace function now activated

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0023 Messages issued exceed the available message save area

While processing the last command(s), UDEBUG attempted to issue more messages than could fit in the internal UDEBUG message area.

System action:

Any messages issued after this point is reached will not be available for display on the UDEBUG messages screen.

Terminal operator info:

This can generally only occur when more than one command is issued together or a large profile is invoked. In this case, invoke the commands one by one to determine which messages are being issued but will not fit in the UDEBUG message buffer.

DBG0024 Storage currently not available

This indicates that the storage which the user wished to display or alter was not in a state that UDEBUG could alter or display it. This message relates to attempts to access thread storage for the session being debugged. It can occur for the following reason.

  1. The program was rolled out, however, no space was available in the roll buffer to hold the thread image. In this case, the storage cannot become available until the session being debugged is rolled back in again. If the session is on a breakpoint, the breakpoint is lost as the program will proceed past the breakpoint once rolled back in again.

  2. The program on the level being debugged was started before the UDEBUG session activated this level as the test level and the program on the test level has not been active since. This can be corrected by causing the program on the level under test to be rolled in and reattempting the access.

Terminal operator info:

For the first case, this indicates a lack of storage in the roll subsystem to roll debugged images to, so that the storage can be accessed by the debugging session. The Com-plete systems programmer must insure that there is enough space available in the roll buffer for all debugged sessions.

In the second case, the test level must simply be activated once and suspended to cause Com-plete to recognise it as a level under test and cause it's image to be held in the roll buffer.

System programmer info:

When a user who is being debugged hits a breakpoint, breakpoint processing forces the user to be rolled out from thread. This rollout must occur to the roll buffer so that the session information is available to the debugging session. This means that the rollbuffer must be large enough to contain all thread images. Refer to the estimates section of the UDEBUG documentation for more details.

DBG0025 Symbol $1 already defined

An attempt was made to defined the symbol $1, however, this symbol has already been defined.

Terminal operator info:

If the previous symbol equate was not the one required, delete it and define the symbol name as you wish it to be.

DBG0026 Local symbol table full

The user attempted to add a symbol locally, however, there was not enough symbols to handle the request.

Terminal operator info:

Either delete some unsused symbols or contact your systems programmer to have the limit on the number of symbols increased to a value that will enable all necessary symbols to be defined.

System programmer info:

If applicable, increase the SYMTAB SYSPARM specification, however, this will have a bearing on the thread size required by UDEBUG to run. Refer to the estimates section of the UDEBUG documentation for details.

DBG0027 No symbols defined

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0028 Member $1 $2 already defined $3

A request was issued to read a member containing Testran format statements in order to allocate the various symbols for UDEBUG, however, this member was already defined. $3 indicates if it is defined in the global or local areas and the member name for OS is identified by $1 while for VSE the sublibrary/member name is identified by $1/$2.

System action:

The supplied name is not processed from the dataset.

Terminal operator info:

Delete the symbols defined for this member if they are to be replaced or read the member locally if the member is already defined globally.

DBG0029 Member $1 $2 processed from $3 $4; $5 records

The user has issued a read command for a member and this has completed successfully. $4 indicates whether it was processed globally or locally and $5 indicates the number of records processed. If $5 is 0 or 1, it indicates that the member specified does not contain what UDEBUG recognises as valid testran symbols. Please refer to the UDEBUG documentation for more details on producing valid testran symbols for UDEBUG. For OS systems, $1 indicates the member name read where as for VSE systems, $1 and $2 indicate the sublibrary member name. $3 is the name of the DD/DLBL from which the member was read.

Terminal operator info:

Your read command has been successfully processed.

DBG0030 Currently at breakpoint id $1 at $2+x$3

This message indicates that the program being debugged is on a breakpoint. The id of the breakpoint is $1 and the breakpoint has occurred in program $2 at offset $3 into the program.

DBG0031 Invalid level number '$1' specified

The user specified $1 as the level for a breakpoint, however, $1 is invalid. This is because either the level is not numeric or the level is higher than the highest level for the terminal specified on the 'AT' command.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid level number for the 'AT' command.

DBG0032 Invalid breakpoint count specified

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0033 TIB already in use by another user

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0034 $1 command not yet implemented

The user has issued the $1 command, however, this functionality is not included in the Com-plete system where UDEBUG is running. This is the result of a UDEBUG nucleus module not being available to UDEBUG at startup. If such an error occurs at startup, this will be reflected in the the first messages screen to appear.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your systems programmer to determine if the functionality should be available or not.

System programmer info:

Insure that all applicable modules are available to UDEBUG at startup. Generally speaking they should be in the residentpage list. Refer to the UDEBUG documentation for more details.

DBG0035 No program currently being tested

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0036 Invalid or no destination code

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0037 DD/DLBL name $1 not found

The user requested a function resulting in an attempt to access the datasets pointed to by the DDname or DLBL $1, however, this DDname or DLBL was not defined or allocated to Com-plete .

Terminal operator info:

Specify a DDname or DLBL which is allocated to Com-plete or, when it has been defaulted, ie. when you did not explicitely specifiy the name, contact your systems programmer to determine why a default DDname or DLBL is not available.

System programmer info:

If the DDname or DLBL not found is defaulted, it indicates that the default DDname or DLBL for a specific function has not been allocated. Refer to the UDEBUG installation guide for details of the default DDname/DLBLs and what they are used for and include this in the Com-plete startup procedure where applicable.

DBG0038 Member name $1 $2 not found in DD/DLBL $3

The user request a function which required the reading of a dataset member from disk. In the case of an OS type system, the member name $1 could not be found while for VSE, the member name $2 could not be found in sublibrary $1. In both cases the DDname or DLBL $3 was searched.

Terminal operator info:

Add the appropriate member to the OS PDS or DOS sublibrary or specify the correct DDname or DLBL.

DBG0039 Error during execution of $1 command

During execution of the $1 command, an error occurred.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your systems programmer with the details of what occurred to cause the error along with the full text of the error.

System programmer info:

Contact you local support centre with the details of the steps taken to create the error along with the full error message itself.

DBG0040 Insufficient storage for $1

UDEBUG attempted to get storage for $1, however, the storage requested wasn't available in the thread.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your systems programmer to have the UDEBUG catalog size increased when possible.

System programmer info:

This message indicates that UDEBUG tried to get some storage in the thread and failed. Please refer to the UDEBUG storage estimates for details on how to calculate storage usage in thread for UDEBUG based on the paramters set at initialisation.

DBG0041 No usings in effect

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0042 Program $1 not found

UDEBUG has attempted to load the program $1 but this program couldn't be found.

System action:

Depending on the importance of the module, UDEBUG may be terminated. If the module is essential to operation, the user will see the message on the first line of the screen and UDEBUG will be terminated. When the module is not required for operation, the message will be seen as part of the standard messages in the UDEBUG session.

System programmer info:

If the module should be available to users, it must be put into the residentpage area of Com-plete at startup in the sysparms, or during execution using the 'PROGRAM LOAD' operator command. If you do not wish the programs to be in the residentpage list, Com-plete must run with applymod 79 or 80 on which will enable UDEBUG to load the module from COMPLIB. Please note that this technique greately increases the amount of storage required in the thread to run UDEBUG.

DBG0043 No UDEBUG Com-plete Control Block Available; Initialisation aborted

For the normal operation of UDEBUG, a Com-plete resident UDEBUG control block is required. This is generated at initialisation according to the sysparms set by the systems programmer. In this case, either the paramter was set to 0, causing no blocks to be generated, or not enough control blocks were available to satisfy this request.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your systems programmer to determine why the control blocks were not generated or to indicate that not enough are available for the number of users working.

System programmer info:

This is valid when the UDEBUG sysparms have been set up to effectively disable UDEBUG, however, if it should be available, insure that enough UDEBUG Com-plete control blocks are available for the number of users who need to use it. Please refer to the estimates section of the UDEBUG documentation for more details.

DBG0044 UDEBUG must run PV, Initialisation aborted

UDEBUG must be catalogued to Com-plete with the 'PV' attribute. In this case, the program has not been catalogued with this attribute.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your systems programmer to indicate that UDEBUG has not been catalogued properly.

System programmer info:

Catalog UDEBUG with the PV attribute.

DBG0045 UDEBUG logic error in program $1+x$2

An unforseen error has occurred in the program $1 at offset $2.

Terminal operator info:

Report the problem to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

When this occurs, get a dump of the user's session and, along with the message details, report the problem to your local Software AG representive.

DBG0046 Program $1 not found

The user attempted to set a breakpoint for program $1, however, the program could not be found.

Terminal operator info:

Either specify the correct program name, make program $1 residentpage in Com-plete or catalogue program $1.

DBG0047 Breakpoint id $1 defined

The user has added a breakpoint with id $1 successfully.

DBG0048 Breakpoints cannot be set for the level on which UDEBUG is running

The user attempted to set a breakpoint for the level on which UDEBUG itself is running. This is not permitted.

Terminal operator info:

Define the breakpoint on a different level.

DBG0049 TID $1 already in use by UDEBUG user on TID $2

The user has attempted to establish a UDEBUG session on a TID $1, however, a user running on TID $2 is already debugging on TID $1.

Terminal operator info:

Select another TIB or have the session on TID $2 terminated if possible.

DBG0050 AT command invalid when no test TID/LEVEL combination set

The user has attempted to set a breakpoint when either the TID and/or the Level on which testing is to take place, has not been set.

Terminal operator info:

Set the Tid and Level number on which you wish to test using the SEssinfo command and then add the breakpoint.

DBG0051 Attempt to execute profile $1 $2 recursively ignored

The user is executing a PROFILE command which results in the execution of 1 or more 'nested' PROFILE commands. In this case, UDEBUG has detected that a request has been made to execute a profile when the profile is being executed at a higher level. Execution of this profile command would therefore cause an error. The profile which the user attempted to execute recursively is the member $1 for OS systems, or the member $2 in sublibrary $1 for VSE.

System action:

The recursive PROFILE command is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Check the profiles that are being executed and removed the recursive call to identified profile.

DBG0052 $1 command issued successfully

The user issued the $1 command and the command has completed successfully.

DBG0053 DD/DLBL name $1 invalid for $2 command

The $2 command was issued and either explicitely or by default had to access data pointed to by DD/DLBL name $1, however, the dataset(s) found were invalid for the format of the data to be read.

Terminal operator info:

If the DD/DLBL name was explicitely entered, the dataset pointed to it cannot be used by the entered command and so the dataset(s) must be redefined or a different DD/DLBL name used. If the DD/DLBL name is defaulted, report the error to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

If the error occurs on a default dataset, please refer to the UDEBUG installation guide for details of which defaults are used, what they are used for and what format the datasets should have.

DBG0054 Invalid SCAN/CHANGE string

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0055 PF Key $1 undefined

The user has hit pf key number $1, however, there is no data assoicated with this pf key.

Terminal operator info:

Either define the pf key or use the correct pf key number for the function you want to invoke.

DBG0056 $1 updated successfully

The user request $1 to be updated via a direct command or entry on a map. This message indicates that the update has completed successfully.

DBG0057 Invalid value specified for $1

The user attempted to update the $1 information either via a direct command or via a full screen update, however, the data provided for the update was invalid.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid value for the field which you wish to update.

DBG0058 Missing end address

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0059 End address reached

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0060 UDEBUG token not defined to user pf key utility UPF

UDEBUG attempted to retrieve the pf keys set globally by the user from the system dataset, however, UDEBUG is not defined to the Com-plete e use profile system.

Terminal operator info:

Report the error to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

This indicates an error on the Com-plete System Data Containers. Insure that the System Data Containers being used are the most up to date ones or if this is already the case, report the problem to your local support representative.

DBG0061 Command not allowed

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0062 Invalid register number

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0063 SDAM error accessing $1

UDEBUG uses the Com-plete System Data Container(s) to store and retrieve various pieces of user and global data. This indicates that SDAM (System Data Access Method) experienced an error while attempting to access the System Data Container. In this case, UDEBUG was attempting to retrieve the information as described by $1 which can have the following values...

Pf keys

  • UDEBUG was attempting to read the applicable pf key definitions for the session. These could be user specific or global.

User prof

  • UDEBUG was attempting to read or write the user's profile. During this processing, the profile routines had an error.

System action:

When the error occurrs for pf keys, then pf keys of any nature will no longer be available for the rest of the Com-plete session. When the error relates to UDEBUG profiles, then the profile will not be run nor will the defaults normally changed by the command be changed.

Terminal operator info:

Report the problem to your system's programmer.

System programmer info:

Generally this message will be given to the user along with a diagnostic message which will be written to the console. This message should indicate what the problem with the profile system or system dataset is. Correct this problem and, for a profile command error, have the user retry the profile command. For a pf key problem, if the error occurred at UDEBUG initialisation, have the user restart the session and try

DBG0064 Invalid program name '$1'

The user entered a program name $ which is invalid.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid program name.

DBG0065 Invalid offset or address '$1'

$1 was provided explicitely or was the result of an expression to be used as an address for a breakpoint or the offset into a module. Either it was not on a halfword boundary or, for an address, it wasn't within a resident program in Com-plete .

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid offset or address.

DBG0066 No breakpoint buffer available

An attempt was made to add a breakpoint, however, there was no breakpoint buffer available in the DEBUG buffer pool.

Terminal operator info:

Report the problem to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

This indicates that a get failed for the breakpoint buffer from the DEBUG buffer pool. Check the initial allocation of breakpoint buffers which is determined by the DEBUG-BREAKPTS Com-plete sysparm. Refer to the UDEBUG estimates documentation for more details.

DBG0067 No breakpoints defined for TID $1 level $2

The user has attempted to delete all breakpoints, however, no breakpoints were found for the TID/level combination as specified by $1 and $2.

DBG0068 Breakpoint id $1 not defined

The user specified a breakpoint id of $1, however, this breakpoint could was not defined or was found to be flagged for later deletion.

DBG0069 No Breakpoint reached

The user has requested to see breakpoint information for the session using the BP command, however, the session in question has not reached and breakpoint and therefore no information is available.

Terminal operator info:

Cause the session under test to hit a breakpoint before entering this command.

DBG0070 Breakpoint already defined by breakpoint number '$1'

The user has attempted to set a breakpoint, however, an identical breakpoint already exists for the user. The existing breakpoint number is '$1'.

Terminal operator info:

No action should be necessary as the required breakpoint is already set.

DBG0071 Invalid level number

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0072 Invalid breakpoint id $1

The user has entered $1 as a breakpoint id, however, this is not valid. A valid breakpoint id is the number of the breakpoint in question or an identifier which must be eight bytes or less must not start with a numberic value.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid breakpoint id.

DBG0073 Insufficient storage

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0074 Invalid file name

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0075 $1 $2 already defined $3, record no. $4

The user has issued a read command to read the Testran text cards in a member. While reading the member, it was determined that the same CSECT/DSECT/COMMON section name $2 was defined more than once in the member, or, in the case of a symbol, the symbol was found to be defined twice within the same section name. $1 indicates what the name $2 represents, $3 indicates if the processing is global or local occurred.

System action:

Processing for the entity is ignored. For a section type enitity, the whole section is ignored. For a symbol, the symbol is simply ignored.

Terminal operator info:

This should not normally occur. Please check the assmbly used to produce the testran records for error messages which may indicate a consistency.

DBG0076 Read not allowed recursively

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0077 Invalid breakpoint number

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0078 MODIFY failed, return code $1

During initialisation, UDEBUG uses the Com-plete MODIFY function to get itself in to Com-plete's key which is necessary for the correct operation of UDEBUG. In this case the MODIFY failed with return code $1. This return code is documented in the Com-plete Application Programmers Reference Manual.

Terminal operator info:

Report the error to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

Determine what the return code means and correct the error. If it appeats that it is not installation related, contact your local support representative.

DBG0079 Breakpoint id $1 number $2 deleted successfully

The breakpoint id $1 number $2 has been successfully deleted. This indicates that all traces of the breakpoint have been removed.

DBG0080 Breakpoint id $1 number $2 flagged for deletion

The breakpoint id $ number $ has been flagged for deletion. This indicates that the breakpoint has been found, however, as the breakpoint was found to be active, it could not be deleted from the system totally, however, it has been flagged for later deletion. This means that when the user who is on the breakpoint comes off the breakpoint, the breakpoint will then be deleted from the system.

DBG0081 Breakpoint id $1 already in use for session

The user has attempted to add a breakpoint with an id $1, however, a breakpoint with the same id already exists.

Terminal operator info:

Either delete the already existing breakpoint name $1 or use a different id for the breakpoint you now wish to add.

DBG0082 Addressing mode 24 is inconsistent with 31 bit address $1

The user has requested that UDEBUG restart the user with address mode 24, however, the restart address $1 is a 31 bit address and therefore this is inconsistent.

Terminal operator info:

Either restart the program in 31 bit mode or specify a valid 24 bit address.

DBG0083 Breakpoint at .......$1

Self-explanatory message.

DBG0084 Invalid hexadecimal data '$1'

The user has attempted to enter hexadecimal data, however, the data was not valid. Hexadecimal data can only contain the characters 'A' to 'F' or '0' to '9'.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid hexadecimal string.

DBG0085 Inconsistent update for $1

The user has attempted to make an update on one of the full screen maps. To provide the user with as much information as possible, the same data is sometimes displayed in two different formats and can be modified in either of the formats. This indicates that the user has attempted to make an update to $1 in more than one of the different display formats. This is considered to be an inconsistent update request.

Terminal operator info:

Make the update in only one of the areas where the information to be updated is displayed.

DBG0086 Update failed for data at address $1

The user attempted to update storage at address $1, however, the write to this storage area failed.

Terminal operator info:

Determine if the storage still exists where the update failed. If it still is allocated, report the problem to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

If this error occurs for a storage area which exists, determine the exact circumstances for which the error occurs and report this to your local Software AG representative.

DBG0087 Enter 'CONFIRM' command to commit updates......

The user has made altererations as indicated using highlighted fields on the output screen. To actually commit the updates, the 'confirm' UDEBUG command must be issued at the next enter.

Terminal operator info:

Issue the 'confirm' command if you wish to commit the updates, enter any other command if you do not wish to commit the updates.

DBG0088 Storage at address $1 update successfully

The user has requested storage to be updated at address $1. This has been update successfully.

DBG0089 Resource manager error, status=x'$1'

UDEBUG requires the Com-plete resource manager to serialise certain functions. In this case, an unexpected error was returned. $1 is the status related to the error.

System programmer info:

Report the error and the steps taken to produce it to your local support centre.

DBG0090 Program $1, no eligible thread

The program for which the breakpoint is to be set '$1' cannot run in the system as it is currently configured as it's catalog size is larger than any of the available threads.

Terminal operator info:

Recatalog the program with a catalog size which will fit in one of the available threads or allocate one or more threads large enough to run the program.

DBG0091 No trace data available for processing

The user has issued a TRCEDISP command to display trace data but no trace data is available.

Terminal operator info:

Before trace data can be displayed, it must first by copied using the TRCECOPY command. Refer to the description of the UDEBUG TRCECOPY command for more information.

DBG0092 SD file $1 $2 error, rc=$3

During the processing of SD File $1, UDEBUG encountered an error during processing as indicated by $2. The return code to that function was $3.

System action:

Processing of the TRCECOPY command is terminated and any trace data previously copied will not be overwritten.

System programmer info:

The return code $3 is the return code from the SD file request as identified by $2. Refer to the application programmers reference manual to determine if there is an obvious cause for the problem such as a lack of space during SDWRT processing. If there is not an obvious reason, report the error to your local support centre.

DBG0093 Current trace buffers copied

A TRCECOPY command has been issued causing UDEBUG to copy the trace data from the current incore trace buffers. This has completed successfully and the data is now available for display using the TRCEDISP command.

DBG0094 No incore trace buffers available to copy

A TRCECOPY command has been issued indicating that the data from the current incore trace buffers should be copied, however, no incore trace buffers exist.

System action:

No data is copied and any trace data in existence before this command was issued will remain intact.

System programmer info:

This will occur if the TRACEBUFFERS Com-plete sysparm is set to 0.

DBG0095 Member $1 $2 from DD/DLBL $3 contains invalid data

UDEBUG has processed the data from member $2 (sublib $1 for VSE) contained in DD/DLBL $3 but could find no valid trace data.

System action:

Any data previously processed using the TRCECOPY command will not be overwritten.

Terminal operator info:

The trace data in the member must have been produced by Com-plete capture processing and copied to a member in a dataset before it can be processed by UDEBUG.

DBG0096 Request failed for program $1, no eligible processor group

A request to add a breakpoint for program $1 as the program has been catalogued to run in a processor group which does not exist or has been deleted.

Terminal operator info:

Report the error to your system administrator.

System programmer info:

The processor group in which a program will run is determined by the catalog options for a program. Either remove the defined processor group for program $1 or insure that it is defined to the system when required.

DBG0097 Request failed for program $1, system is quiescing

A request to add a breakpoint for program $1 has failed because the system is quiescing.

System programmer info:

If program $1 should be allowed to run while the system is quiescing, this must be done by setting the appropriate catalog option for the program in ULIB. Refer to the ULIB documentation for more information.