z/OS Installation

The installation steps described in this document must be followed in sequence in order to install Com-plete successfully. You are recommended to use the provided examples up to successful initialization in order to ensure that the installation was successful. Once a functional system is available, you can start customizing the product as required.

The installation medium is created using IBM standard labels.

Please see the Software AG Product Delivery Report for the correct Volser.


  1. For a description of installing the ADASVC, refer to the Adabas documentation.
  2. The Com-plete Batch utilities require access batch (that is, the Adabas SVC must be installed).

This document covers the following topics:

The Installation Medium

Contents of the Installation Medium

The files may not be on the installation medium in the order shown below; please consult the Software AG Product Delivery Report. There may be no cumulative fix pack libraries for a component if this is a new release of the respective component.

File Name Description
SMT111.TABS SMA tables
COMvrs.SRCE Source data set
COMvrs.LOAD Load library
COMvrs.LOA3 TPF load library
COMvrs.USER User ID file
COMvrs.CTLG Catalog file

Copying Data Sets to a z/OS Disk

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy all data sets from tape to disk.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPY.JOB from Tape to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    //* ---------------------------------
    // DISP=(OLD,PASS),
    // UNIT=(CASS,,DEFER),
    // VOL=(,RETAIN,SER=tape-volser),
    // LABEL=(2,SL)
    //SYSUT2 DD DSN=hilev.COPY.JOB,
    // UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=disk-volser,
    // SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE),
    // DCB=*.SYSUT1


    tape-volser is the VOLSER of the tape, for example: T12345,
    hilev is a valid high-level qualifier, and
    disk-volser is the VOLSER of the disk.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPY.JOB to your disk.

Step 2: Modify hilev.COPY.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify hilev.COPY.JOB according to your requirements:

    Set EXPDT to a valid expiration date, for example, 99365.

    Set HILEV to a valid high-level qualifier, for example, USERLIB.

    Set LOCATION to a storage location, for example, STORCLAS=ABC or UNIT=3390,VOL=SER=USR123.

Step 3: Submit COPY.JOB

  • Execute hilev.COPY.JOB to copy single, multiple, or all data sets to your disk.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Authorize Com-plete

Com-plete must run as an authorized user. To achieve this, you need only place module TLINxx in an authorized data set, where xx can stand for "OS" for z/OS systems. Use one of the following alternative steps.

  • Copy the module from the APSvrs.LDnn to a library that is already authorized and use the library as the STEPLIB for Com-plete. Sample JCL to copy the module is contained in member JCLINST1.

    If you do not use JCLINST1, you must ensure that whatever method you use to copy the module retains the correct AMODE/RMODE attributes and authorization code for the module.

    Authorize the distributed APS load library containing the newest version of TLINxx permanently by adding an entry for the data set in member IEAAPFnn of library SYS1.PARMLIB, where nn is the suffix used at your site.

    This could be the library from the latest cumulative fix pack.

Step 2: Allocate and Initialize the Com-plete Non-VSAM Data Sets

  • Allocate the data sets needed to run Com-plete by modifying sample job JCLINST2 to reflect appropriate size and placements of data sets.

    Software AG recommends allocating the USER.LOAD library as a single sufficiently large extent (with no secondary space). If secondary extents are allocated while Com-plete is active, modules from these extents will only be loadable after manual operator intervention or a Com-plete restart.

    This job allocates all non-VSAM data sets:


Step 3: Allocate and Initialize the Com-plete VSAM System Data Containers

  • Only for a new installation:

    Allocate, initialize and load the Com-plete system information data sets by modifying sample job JCLINST3 to reflect appropriate size and placement of the files. Please refer to the Com-plete Files and Associated User Files in the Com-plete System Programming documentation for more information on this VSAM file.

Step 4: Allocate and Initialize the Capture Data Set(s)

  • Required only if capture is used at your installation.

    Com-plete capture data sets are defined as VSAM data sets in the current version. Sample job JCLINST4 provides JCL to allocate and initialize two capture data sets. You must modify the job to reflect appropriate size and placement of the capture data sets.

Step 5: Allocating and Initializing the Com-plete SD Dataset

  • Required.

    The Com-plete SD dataset must be defined as a VSAM dataset in the current version. For detailed information on this file, please refer to the Com-plete Files and Associated User Files in the Com-plete System Programming documentation. To allocate and initialize the SD dataset, modify sample job JCLINSTE to reflect your requirements and run this job.

Step 6: Allocate and Initialize the Com-plete Spool Data Set

  • Required.

    The current version of Com-plete requires the spool data set to reside on a VSAM file. To allocate and initialize this file, modify sample job JCLINST5 to reflect appropriate size and placement of the data set. Then run the job.

    The DD name used for this dataset in the Com-plete startup procedure must be COMSPL.

Step 7: Install the Com-plete License File

  • Required (see section Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing).

    Store the license file in ASCII or EBCDIC encoding to a PDS member of your choice. Make the location of the license file known to Com-plete by means of either a DD statement with the DD name LICENSE, or sysparm LICENSE.

Step 8: Install the Com-plete Batch Interface


The Com-plete BATCH utilities and migration jobs require ACCESS when performing some or all of their functions.

Batch applications that use Com-plete services communicate with the target Com-plete via ACCESS. This communication is based on an Adabas SVC (ACCESS SVC) and a DBID (ACCESS NODE ID). Note that the DBID chosen may be greater than 255 and that the value of both DBID and SVC must correspond to the values of ACCESS-ID and ACCESS-SVC specified in the SYSPARM member.

The Com-plete BATCH interface module loads a module with name ACSTAB and searches this module for an entry name BATCH.

Installation actions:

  1. Make sure the Link global table used by the ADALNK or ADALNKR for ACCESS points to the same SVC as defined in the ACCESS-SVC sysparm.

  2. Modify the sample ACSTAB module on the source data set to reflect the system requirements for SVC and NODE ID.

  3. Assemble and linkedit the module into the COM.USER.LOAD library. Modify sample job JCLINSTF to do this. The library specified as SYSLMOD must then be contained in the STEPLIB DD chain of the batch jobs.

    Note that the DBID chosen may be greater than 255 and that the value of both DBID and SVC must correspond to the values of ACCESS-ID and ACCESS-SVC specified in the SYSPARM member.

Step 9: Install the Com-plete High Level Language Interface

  • Optional.

    Applications that use Com-plete functions must be linked with the Com-plete high level language interface (HLLI) modules. These modules provide a standard interface between the application and Com-plete.

    These modules are provided on the supplied load data set. If you are migrating from a previous version of Com-plete, some applications may need to be relinked with the new version of the HLLI modules. For details, refer to the description of Migration procedures.

Step 10: Install the JES Server Interface

  • This interface requires the following prerequisites:

    JES2 The PTFs for APARs OA06694 and OA11039 must be applied.
    JES3 The PTFs for APARs OA16284, OA19893 and OA20685 must be applied. See also Information APAR II11784 for recommended JES3 SAPI maintenance.

    Add the following SERVER statement to the Com-plete sysparms:

    For JES2:


    For JES3:



    ssss is a unique server name within your Com-plete.

Step 11: Install the UDEBUG Environment

  • Optional.

    Com-plete provides an online debugging utility (UDEBUG). In order to establish the working environment, you may want to allocate two UDEBUG profile and symbol datasets as described in Com-plete Files and Associated User Files in the Com-plete System Programming documentation.

    For details on the UDEBUG facility, see the Com-plete Utilities documentation.

Step 12: Enable VTAM Interface

  • To enable the VTAM interface, an ACB and Logmodes must be defined in the VTAM libraries. Refer to the description of the VTAM interface in the Com-plete System Programming documentation for the required definitions and parameters.

Step 13: Check Com-plete Startup Parameters (SYSPARM)

  • A sample SYSPARM member is distributed in the Com-plete source library. This member can be used as a base for Com-plete customization. Although most parameters need not be changed, ensure that the following parameters reflect your environment:

    Parameter Value
    ACCESS-SVC Specify the correct Adabas SVC number (see Install the Com-plete Batch Interface).
    ACCESS-ID Specify the database ID for ACCESS (see Install the Com-plete Batch Interface).
    PATCHAR Choose a unique single character for this installation (see Com-plete Startup Procedure in the Com-plete System Programming documentation).
    SECSYS Specify the security system running at your site (see Software Interfaces in the Com-plete Com-plete System Programming documentation for details on the SECSYS parameter).
    SERVER *
    Required for Com-plete 6.5 and above:

    The sequence of these statements is mandatory.

    Code one SERVER statement for each additionally installed server according to the required syntax:
    JES SERVER See Install the JES Server Interface.
    Natural Buffer Pool Manager See Natural Buffer Pool Manager in the Com-plete System Programming documentation.
    These SERVER statements must be put after the Com-plete server.
    VTAMAPPL Must specify Com-plete's ACB name (see Enable VTAM Interface).

Step 14: Install NSPOOL


The printout spooling facility NSPOOL is described in the Com-plete Application Programming documentation. The required dataset for running NSPOOL is on the Com-plete installation medium and is loaded as part of the Com-plete installation. The dataset name is COMvrs.NS22.

  1. Run an INPL of NSPOOL.

  2. If NSPOOL is to be used in a Natural environment running under Natural Security, you must stow the following modules in the Natural Security system library; otherwise, proceed to the next point.

    SPAPPL-N * 
    SPUSER-N * 

    See also the section Default Authorization below.

  3. You must place the following module in the Natural system library and delete them from the NSPOOL library:

  4. The Natural startup application (for example, NAT31) must be cataloged with ULIB as PV (privileged).

  5. If you are using Natural Security, you must copy the latest versions of NSCUS and NSCXR to the NSPOOL library.

Step 15: Install the POSIX Server

The license file checker of Com-plete 6.5 and higher requires the POSIX runtime to be active.

All load modules used by the POSIX runtime are contained in APSvrs.LDnn, which is mandatory for Com-plete 6.5 and higher.

  1. To activate the POSIX runtime, add the following SERVER statement to your SYSPARMs:


    Servers are started in the order in which their SERVER= statements are found in the SYSPARMs. The servers OPERATOR, POSIX, COMPLETE must be defined in this order.

  2. POSIX runtime parameters can be specified directly in the Com-plete SYSPARM member, or in a separate member concatenated to the Com-plete SYSPARMs in the startup JCL procedure. The POSIX runtime may require additional parameters to be set, please refer to the Configuration of the SMARTS Environment documentation for a detailed description of those parameters. In particular, the above mentioned TCP/IP based Com-plete components need to know which TCP/IP stack to use. This definition must be made using the following POSIX runtime parameter:

    CDI_DRIVER=('tcpip,PAAxSOCK [,...]')

    If you do not add the statement(s) to your sysparms, the server will be started internally.

Step 16: Activate the tn3270 Server

The tn3270 server must be defined using a SERVER SYSPARM statement. See section The tn3270 Server in Software Interfaces in the System Programming documentation for a detailed description.

  • The SERVER statement for the tn3270 server must be located after the SERVER statement for the COMPLETE server.

Step 17: Install the HTTP Server

Install the HTTP server as described in the Com-plete HTTP Server documentation.

In general, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Make sure the POSIX runtime is setup properly, including the CDI drivers (see above).

  2. Add a SERVER statement to your SYPARMs:


    Note that this server definition must be placed behind the definitions of the servers OPERATOR, POSIX, and COMPLETE in the SYSPARMs.

  3. Use the sample module HAANCONF from the HTTP server source library as a pattern to setup your own configuration. This is the place where you specify, for example, the port number your HTTP server will be using.

Startup Procedure

Com-plete can be run as a started task or as a job. In order to start Com-plete, proceed as follows:

Step 1: Modify Procedure COMJCL

  • Review sample procedure COMJCL in the source library for correct data set names. Then either copy the procedure to a procedure library to be started, or use it as a basis for a job to be submitted.

    If no previous version of Com-plete was installed on your server, you can set the sysparm ULOGM to define a password for Com-plete administration in UUTIL; otherwise the maintenance password will be set to PASSWORD at first startup. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Com-plete, use example job JCLBCOPY to move the record with your current maintenance password from the old COMSYS.BASE to COMSYS.CATALOG.

    For more information on the data sets and their purpose, see the Com-plete System Programming documentation.

Step 2: Initialize Com-plete for the First Time

  • Start Com-plete either by submitting the created job or starting the created procedure. Monitor the startup messages carefully for any signs of problems. When the initialization is complete, a message to that effect is written to the operator console.

    A message is also sent to the console to notify you that the VTAM and ACCESS interfaces have initialized.

Step 3: Log On

  • Log on through VTAM to the specified VTAM application name. The Com-plete ULOG menu is displayed, prompting you for user ID and password. Logon to Com-plete using user ID SAGADMIN and password ADMIN.

    This user ID has a definition on the Com-plete system data container with the required authorization to define more user IDs to the system using the user ID maintenance facility (see the Com-plete Utilities documentation).

    After defining other user IDs, you are recommended to change the password for user SAGADMIN and use this user ID in emergency cases only.

What Next?

Com-plete is now up and ready for work. You can continue with the customization steps described in the Com-plete System Programming documentation and the Com-plete Utilities documentation.