Com-plete Functions For Batch And Online Programs

Com-plete allows the use of the following functions by batch programs, as well as online programs.

Function Description
ABEND Initiate Com-plete abnormal termination processing.
CAPTUR Write user-specified data to the Com-plete capture log medium.
EOJ Terminate a program, this function terminates Com-plete processing, but does not end the batch job step.
GETCHR Obtain information about the terminal environment.
MESGSW Send a message or a message segment.
PSCLOS Logically close a printout spool data set.
PSOPEN Provide to Com-plete information required to create a printout spool data set.
PSPUT Output a record from a working storage buffer area to the printout spool data set.
RJE Submit job streams to the batch environment for scheduling of execution.
SDCLOS Logically close an SD file.
SDDEL Delete specific SD files.
SDOPEN Create a new SD file or prepare an existing SD file for access.
SDREAD Read a fixed-length record from an SD file.
SDWRT Write a fixed-length record as an SD file.