CAPTUR Record Header

Capture records are written to the Com-plete capture data set by use of the CAPTUR function. These records can subsequently be processed using the CUCTCAPT batch utility program.

Each record written to the capture data set is prefixed by a variable-length header generated by Com-plete. The format of this header is indicated in the following table.

Location Length Format Contents
Dec Hex
0 0 1 Binary Record identifier:
X'01' Online user program.
X'02' Batch user program.
X'03' Reserved.
X'04' TCSLOG record.
X'06' Reserved.
X'07' DASD security password.
X'09' File I/O record.
X'D3' Capture label record. See the Com-plete System Programming documentation for the format.
1 1 3 Decimal Date in the format yydddF.
4 4 3 Binary Time in 100ths of seconds.
7 7 4 Binary X'FFFFFFFF'
11 B 3 Binary Version|Release|SMlevel
14 E 8 Character Program name or user supplied ID
22 16 2 Binary TID number
24 18 4 Packed Date in the format 0cyydddF
28 1C 4 Binary Reserved for Software AG.