These Release Notes are structured as follows:
HFS/zFS have unrestricted file naming conventions and are therefore better suited for keeping files that are for example part of web pages owned by the installations (such as HTML, CSS, JS, images, etc.). Any number of HFS/zFS directories can be logically mounted in Com-plete and accessed via the Com-plete Web Gateway. See section Accessing HFS/zFS Files in the Com-plete HTTP Server documenation for details. This feature was already introduced as part of Com-plete 6.7 fix packs.
The CONSOLE server is no longer required but is used if the SERVER statement is present in the sysparms.
By default Com-plete reads the last console messages from OPERLOG or, if no OPERLOG is found, from SYSLOG.
The new interface allows you to:
jump to the oldest entry in the log,
display messages by date/time,
search for a character string,
choose between displaying only local system messages or messages of all systems in the sysplex (OPERLOG only).
Note that Com-plete checks for OPERLOG only once (UQ M or HTTP server) and remembers a failure until it is restarted (in order to avoid multiple IXG231I messages).
Since only one record with installation specific information (the UUTIL master password and the date of the next USERID-EXP run) still existed in the dataset, the usage of this data set has been discontinued and its information has been moved to the CATALOG dataset (COMSYS4).
For migration, choose one of the following two options:
Copy the record to COMSYS4 using a batch job (see JCLBCOPY on the delivered z/VSE source or MVSJOBS dataset).
If you start COM68 without having copied the record, the record will be created with a default password “PASSWORD” and a new date for user ID deletion is set according to the sysparm. Use UUTIL UM MA to change the password. You may also set the ULOGM sysparm temporarily to override the default in the newly created record, until you have permanently modified it in UUTIL.
The remaining two COMSYS datasets continue with their DD Names COMSYS3 and COMSYS4.
Holding SD files as well as dumps in one physical VSAM file has turned out to be somewhat inflexible; for example, the size of the dumps section must be updated to hold larger size dumps when thread sizes increase. If Com-plete 6.8 finds a COMDUMP DD statement pointing to a VSAM file with CI size 4096 and record size 4080, it uses this file as dumps storage and add the former dumps section in COMSD to the space available for SD files. A new COMDUMP file is formatted automatically during the first Com-plete startup.
The handling of archived data set recall has been integrated into the Com-plete nucleus in a vendor-independent way. A new sample source of user exit UXEEX5 is provided with this release.
Installations which use their own UXEEX5 and do not intend to switch to the new exit must adjust their exit routine to set return codes as expected by the new interface.
As the size of this control block had to be increased, it is necessary to reassemble any user exit routines which reference it, e.g., UUQEX1).
Com-plete can now find out the IP address of the client computer from VTAM when the user has a terminal emulation VTAM session with Com-plete. If a PCL-capable printer is attached to that computer, the user can print from Com-plete directly to his printer. The following steps are required in order to set this up:
In Windows, enable the LPD printing service.
In Windows, enable sharing of the printer. Note that this works only for printers attached directly to the PC, not for network printers.
In Com-plete UUTIL UD, enter the share name of the printer as printer name and “*” (asterisk) as server name, and press PF5.
The highlight of this new interface is the capability to select multiple entries and apply the same change to all selected entries in one operation, for example, change the accounting information for any number of users.
Whereas previous versions of Com-plete only logged warning messages if an invalid license file was used, Com-plete 6.8 will not start if the license check fails.
The following table outlines the currently supported versions of Com-plete with their respective end-of-support date:
Version | End of support |
6.8.1 | to be announced later |
6.7.1 | Dec. 31, 2013 |