The following table lists hexadecimal operation codes that appear in the output display of the Com-plete DISPLAY and DTASKS commands:
Command | Code | Meaning |
WRT | 00 | Write data to terminal |
WRTT | 01 | Write text to terminal |
WRTS | 02 | Special terminal write |
WRTSE | 03 | Special terminal write with erase |
WRTM | 06 | Map write |
READB | 07 | Read buffer |
WRTSF | 08 | Write structured field |
READ | 10 | Read terminal |
READR | 11 | Read terminal with reset |
READS | 12 | Special terminal read |
READSR | 13 | Special terminal read with reset |
READM | 16 | Map read |
READMR | 17 | Map read with reset |
MESGSW | 20 | Message switch |
PSOPEN | 21 | Open printout spool data set |
PSPUT | 22 | Put line to printout spool data set |
PSCLOS | 23 | Close printout spool data set |
TFGET | 30 | File I/O GET function |
TFPUT | 31 | File I/O PUT function |
TFGETU | 32 | File I/O GET for update function |
TFPUTU | 33 | File I/O PUT for update function |
TFENQ | 34 | File I/O enqueue |
TFDEQ | 35 | File I/O dequeue |
SDCLOS | 3F | Close SD file |
SDOPEN | 40 | Open SD file |
SDDEL | 43 | Delete SD file |
PWRT | 45 | Write data page |
POPEN | 44 | Open paging file |
SDWRT | 41 | Write SD file |
SDREAD | 42 | Read SD file |
PWRTT | 46 | Write text page |
PWRTS | 47 | Write special page |
PWRTSE | 48 | Write special page with erase |
PREAD | 49 | Read page |
PLIMIT | 4A | Set page high and current for queue page file |
CAPTUR | 4B | Capture a record |
EOJ | 4C | End of job |
GETCHR | 4D | Obtain terminal characteristics |
LOAD | 4E | Load a phase |
LOADT | 4F | Load a phase and transfer control to it |
FETCH | 50 | Fetch a phase |
ABEND | 51 | Abend a phase |
SNAP | 52 | Take a thread dump |
VSOPEN | 54 | VSAM Open |
VSCLOS | 55 | VSAM Close |
GETDSN | 56 | Get VSAM dataset name |
RSRGET | 57 | Get resource |
RSRFRE | 58 | Free resource |
WTO | 59 | Write to operator console/log |
SETEID | 5A | SETEID operation |
RJE | 5B | RJE operation |
LEPIPI | 5C | Call LE via LEPIPI |
SECURE | 5D | Security validation |
ABEXIT | 5F | Set/Delete Abend exit |
COMSEC | 60 | Com-plete Security |
STACK | 61 | STACK function |
MODIFY | 62 | MODIFY function |
FLIP | 63 | Change stack level |
CPUTIME | 7B | Get CPUtime used |
DATE | 7C | Get date |
JDATE | 7D | Get Julian date |
TIME | 7E | Get time |
GETMAD | 7F | Get monitor addresses |
CMWAIT | 80 | Wait for ECB |
CMPOST | 81 | Post ECB |
ROLOUT | 82 | Rollout |
TESTAT | 83 | Test attention |
ATTACH | 85 | ATTACH program |
ADABAS | 86 | Adabas call |
USER1 | 87 | Customer specific call |
USER2 | 88 | Customer specific call |
COLINK | 89 | Com-plete LINK operation |
COXCTL | 8A | Com-plete XCTL operation |
COLOAD | 8B | Com-plete LOAD operation |
CODEL | 8C | Com-plete DELETE operation |
GETMAIN | 8D | Com-plete GETMAIN operation |
FREEMAIN | 8E | Com-plete FREEMAIN operation |
SCHED | 8F | Schedule program |
EXIT | 90 | Leave program with COEXIT |
NBPM | 92 | Natural buffer pool manager |
GRAPHICS | 93 | GRAPHICS setup |
COMSTOR | 94 | Common storage processing |
ROLEVT | 95 | Roll-for-event processing |
SERVER | 96 | Get info from server |