Operation Codes

The following table lists hexadecimal operation codes that appear in the output display of the Com-plete DISPLAY and DTASKS commands:

Command Code Meaning
WRT 00 Write data to terminal
WRTT 01 Write text to terminal
WRTS 02 Special terminal write
WRTSE 03 Special terminal write with erase
WRTM 06 Map write
READB 07 Read buffer
WRTSF 08 Write structured field
READ 10 Read terminal
READR 11 Read terminal with reset
READS 12 Special terminal read
READSR 13 Special terminal read with reset
READM 16 Map read
READMR 17 Map read with reset
MESGSW 20 Message switch
PSOPEN 21 Open printout spool data set
PSPUT 22 Put line to printout spool data set
PSCLOS 23 Close printout spool data set
TFGET 30 File I/O GET function
TFPUT 31 File I/O PUT function
TFGETU 32 File I/O GET for update function
TFPUTU 33 File I/O PUT for update function
TFENQ 34 File I/O enqueue
TFDEQ 35 File I/O dequeue
SDCLOS 3F Close SD file
SDOPEN 40 Open SD file
SDDEL 43 Delete SD file
PWRT 45 Write data page
POPEN 44 Open paging file
SDWRT 41 Write SD file
SDREAD 42 Read SD file
PWRTT 46 Write text page
PWRTS 47 Write special page
PWRTSE 48 Write special page with erase
PREAD 49 Read page
PLIMIT 4A Set page high and current for queue page file
CAPTUR 4B Capture a record
EOJ 4C End of job
GETCHR 4D Obtain terminal characteristics
LOAD 4E Load a phase
LOADT 4F Load a phase and transfer control to it
FETCH 50 Fetch a phase
ABEND 51 Abend a phase
SNAP 52 Take a thread dump
GETDSN 56 Get VSAM dataset name
RSRGET 57 Get resource
RSRFRE 58 Free resource
WTO 59 Write to operator console/log
SETEID 5A SETEID operation
RJE 5B RJE operation
SECURE 5D Security validation
ABEXIT 5F Set/Delete Abend exit
COMSEC 60 Com-plete Security
STACK 61 STACK function
MODIFY 62 MODIFY function
FLIP 63 Change stack level
CPUTIME 7B Get CPUtime used
DATE 7C Get date
JDATE 7D Get Julian date
TIME 7E Get time
GETMAD 7F Get monitor addresses
CMWAIT 80 Wait for ECB
ROLOUT 82 Rollout
TESTAT 83 Test attention
ATTACH 85 ATTACH program
ADABAS 86 Adabas call
USER1 87 Customer specific call
USER2 88 Customer specific call
COLINK 89 Com-plete LINK operation
COXCTL 8A Com-plete XCTL operation
COLOAD 8B Com-plete LOAD operation
CODEL 8C Com-plete DELETE operation
GETMAIN 8D Com-plete GETMAIN operation
FREEMAIN 8E Com-plete FREEMAIN operation
SCHED 8F Schedule program
EXIT 90 Leave program with COEXIT
NBPM 92 Natural buffer pool manager
COMSTOR 94 Common storage processing
ROLEVT 95 Roll-for-event processing
SERVER 96 Get info from server