Com-plete SECURITY

Overview of Messages

ZSS0001 | ZSS0002 | ZSS0003 | ZSS0004 | ZSS0005 | ZSS0006 | ZSS0007 | ZSS0008 | ZSS0009 | ZSS0010 | ZSS0011 | ZSS0012 | ZSS0013 | ZSS0014 | ZSS0015 | ZSS0016 | ZSS0017 | ZSS0018 | ZSS0019 | ZSS0020 | ZSS0021 | ZSS0022 | ZSS0023 | ZSS0024 | ZSS0025 | ZSS0026 | ZSS0027 | ZSS0028 | ZSS0030 | ZSS0031 | ZSS0099

ZSS0001 Com-plete Security system activated

The Com-plete security system has been activated.

ZSS0002 Unable to initialize Com-plete Security system

The Com-plete Security System could not be initialised.

System programmer info:

Detailed information as to why Com-plete Security could not be initialised is given in the accompanying ZSSnnnn messages.

ZSS0003 Com-plete Security system initialization bypassed

The Com-plete system has been initialised without Com-plete security as no request was made in the Com-plete sysparms to initialise Com-plete security.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation continues, however the Com-plete Security System is not active.

System programmer info:

If Com-plete Security should be activated at initalisation, the correct SECSYS sysparm value should be set. Refer to the systems programmer's manual for more information.

ZSS0004 Security initialization already in progress

A request to load the security tables into main storage was issued whilst a request to load the security tables was already in progress.

System action:

The request to load the security tables a second time is ignored.

System programmer info:

Wait until the first request to load the tables has completed before issuing a new request to load the tables.

ZSS0005 Security initialization aborted, database not active

A request was made to load the security tables into main storage, however, the Com-plete security system received a reponse code indicating that the database on which the security tables should be found is not active.

System action:

The request to load the security tables is terminated.

System programmer info:

If the database id and file number as specified in the Com-plete sysparms are correct, insure that the datbase is up before attempting to load the security tables.

ZSS0006 Security initialization aborted due to ADABAS responsecode $1

A request was issued to load the Com-plete security tables, however, while reading the data from the database containing the Com-plete security file, a bad response code $1 was received.

System action:

The request to load the security tables is aborted.

System programmer info:

Refer to the Adabas Messages and Codes manual to determine the meaning of the response code. If the databaset is in error, correct the problems with the database and retry. If not, insure that the database id and file number specified for the Com-plete security file in the Com-plete sysparms point to the correct database and file number.

ZSS0007 Not enough storage for Security tables

A request to load the security tables into main storage was issued, however, not enough storage was available to hold the tables.

System action:

The load operation is aborted. If a valid set of tables was already present in storage, Com-plete security continues using these tables.

System programmer info:

If this occurs at initialisation, check the storage estimates to insure that enough main storage is available for the tables that you wish to load. If it occurs during a 'reload' operation, then the storage estimates must allow for the fact that Com-plete security must maintain two copies of the tables in core to effect the changeover. Refer to the systems programmer's manual for more information on estimating storage.

ZSS0008 Com-plete Security system Backup file error

When a backup file is available to Com-plete , Com-plete security first attempts to load the security tables from the backup copy. This indicates that there is an error in the backup dataset. Note, this will occur the first time that Com-plete security is started with a backup file.

System action:

The Com-plete Security System will try to read the security tables from the database. The newly loaded tables will then be stored in the backup file for future startups.

ZSS0009 Security options: COMSEC = $1, SECSYS = $2

This message indicates the status of security in the Com-plete system. If $1 is yes, then Com-plete Security is active in the system. $2 indicates whether the external security system interface is active or not. This can contain NO, RACF, ACF2 or TOP-SECRET depending on the Com-plete sysparms.

ZSS0010 Invalid operand entered

An invalid COMSEC operator command was entered.

System action:

The command is ignored.

System programmer info:

Refer to the appropriate Com-plete security system manual for details of the valid COMSEC commands.

ZSS0011 Invalid data entered

An valid COMSEC operator command was entered, however, the paramter for the command was not valid.

System action:

The command is ignored.

System programmer info:

Refer to the appropriate Com-plete security system manual for the correct syntax of the command.

ZSS0012 DBID changed from $1 to $2

An operator command has been entered which has changed the database id on which Com-plete expects to find the Com-plete Security file from $1 to $2.

System action:

Future requests to load the security tables will load the data from database id $2.

ZSS0013 FNR changed from $1 to $2

An operator command has been issued which has changed the file number where Com-plete expects to find the Com-plete Security file from $1 to $2.

System action:

Future requests to load the security tables will reference file number $2

ZSS0014 DBID and FNR must be given

A COMSEC LOAD operator command was issued, however no database id and/or file number for the Com-plete security file was available to Com-plete .

System action:

The load command is not executed.

System programmer info:

Either identify the Com-plete secrutiy file in the Com-plete sysparms COMSECDB and COMSECFN or use the COMSEC FNR and COMSEC DBID operator commands and reissue the load.

ZSS0015 Security system not loaded

The Com-plete security system has not been loaded. This message is always accompanied by another message which indicates the reason for the failure.

ZSS0016 Security system loaded

The Com-plete security system has successfully load the security data into tables in main storage.

System action:

Security checks will henceforth use the newly loaded tables.

ZSS0017 Security system unloaded

THe Com-plete security system has been unloaded in response to a COMSEC UNLOAD operator command.

System action:

The security tables are released and no more access checks will be made by the Com-plete security system.

ZSS0018 Security system not active

The Com-plete security system is not active.

ZSS0019 Security system activated

The Com-plete security system has been activated in response to a COMSEC ACT operator command.

ZSS0020 Security system already active

An attempt was made to activate the Com-plete security system whilst it was already active.

System action:

The activation request is ignored.

ZSS0021 Security system deactivated

The Com-plete security system has been deactivated in response to a COMSEC DEACT operator command.

ZSS0022 Userid $1 enabled

The COMSEC ENABLE command has been issued and accepted for user $1.

System action:

User $1 is henceforth allowed to access all objects.

ZSS0023 Userid $1 reset

A COMSEC RESET operator command has been issued and accepted for user $1.

System action:

Normal access checks will henceforth be performed for user $1.

ZSS0024 Userid $1 disabled

A COMSEC DISABLE operator command has been issued and accepted for user $1.

System action:

User $1 is henceforth not allowed to access any objects.

ZSS0025 Userid $1 not defined

An attempt has been made to modify the status of a user who is not known to the Com-plete security system.

System action:

The request is ignored.

ZSS0026 Internal error

The Com-plete security system has identified an internal logic error.

System programmer info:

Contact your local support centre with the details of the circumstances surrounding this error.

ZSS0027 Security violation log active

The Com-plete security system will henceforth log security violations on the operator's console.

ZSS0028 Security violation log not active

The Com-plete security system will not log security violations.

ZSS0030 Com-plete password violation Tid $1 Userid $2

Three consecutive attempts have been entered to the Com-plete security system maintenance program (normally called 'COMSEC') by user id $1 from tid $2.

System action:

The program is terminated.

ZSS0031 Security violation User $1 Tid $2 Access $3 Resource $4

A security violation has occurred. The details in the message are as follows.

  1. $1 - The userid of the user causing the violation.

  2. $2 - The TID on which the user is running.

  3. $3 - The class of access requested by the user (eg. READ, WRITE etc.)

  4. $4 - Name of the object to which access was denied.

System action:

Access to the object is denied.

ZSS0099 NATURAL subroutine 'LGNSPL' error, Return Code $1

The Natural Security interface routine LGNSPL returned an unexpected return code $1.

System action:

The logon request is denied.

System programmer info:

Report the circumstances surrounding the error along with the unexpected error code $1 to your local support centre.