Zap and Applymod display/modification (UUTIL ZA)

Overview of Messages

ZAP0001 | ZAP0002 | ZAP0003 | ZAP0004 | ZAP0005 | ZAP0006 | ZAP0007 | ZAP0008 | ZAP0010

ZAP0001 Invalid Selection

An invalid function code has been entered.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid function code, i.e. one of the codes shown on the menu.

ZAP0002 Zap number missing or invalid range

Zap numbers range from 1 to 999, a number outside of this range has been entered.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid zap number ( 1 to 999 ).

ZAP0003 Zap log table unavailable

When a zap is applied to a Com-plete system, it's status is logged. This feature delivers accurate information about if a zap is applied or not.

System action:

The utility cannot continue without the zap table.

Terminal operator info:

Inform your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Determine why the zap table, TLFIX, is unavailable and make it available to Com-plete .

ZAP0004 Zap $1 is - NOT - applied

The status of a single zap ('$1') has been queried. The zap is found to be not applied.

ZAP0005 Zap $1 is applied ($2 $3)

The status of a single zap ('$1') has been queried. The fix was found to be applied, it belongs to Com-plete SM level $2. If $2 is equal to 255, the zap is not yet incorporated into an SM level.

ZAP0006 Applymod $1 switched $2 by User $3

The status of applymod $1 has been switched to $2 (ON or OFF). This was done by user '$3'.

ZAP0007 Applymod(s) modified...

This message informs the terminal operator, that the desired applymod changes have completed successfully.

ZAP0008 Enter 'F' to flip applymod on/off.

An applymod can be switched with a 'F' in the 'S' column.

ZAP0010 $1

Self-explanatory message.