Overview of Messages

UTI0001 | UTI0002 | UTI0003 | UTI0004 | UTI0005 | UTI0006 | UTI0007 | UTI0008 | UTI0009

UTI0001 $1

An error ocurred when trying to access data stored on the Com-plete System Dataset. '$1' is the message returned by Com-plete's System Data Access Method.

System action:

The request is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Inform your system programmer.

System programmer info:

This message shows the System Data Access Method (SDAM) return code. Check the reason for this error by viewing the message SDAMnnnn where 'nnnn' is the SDAM return code.

UTI0002 Enter Maintenance Password or press ENTER to continue without

A control user entered *UUTIL without specifying the Com-plete maintenance password.

System action:

UUTIL prompts for the maintenance password.

Terminal operator info:

Either enter the Com-plete maintenance password, which will assign 'Super User' status to you, or press 'ENTER' without entering the password, in which case you will be assigned 'Control User' privileges.

UTI0003 Security violation from Tid=$1, User=$2

The terminal user $2 at Tid $1 specified an invalid Com-plete maintenance password.

System action:

UUTIL terminates with this message.

Computer operator info:

Verify if the terminal user, whose userid is $2, is authorised to use UUTIL and to know the Com-plete maintenance password. If not, inform the person responsible for security at your installation.

UTI0004 Control record missing for language=$1

The control record(s) defining the UUTIL menu could not be found.

System action:

UUTIL is terminated with this message.

Terminal operator info:

Inform your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Determine why the UUTIL control record for language '$1' is missing. Contact Software AG support for the procedures.

UTI0005 Invalid function code.

The function code entered by the terminal operator was not one of the codes shown on the current menu.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid function code (i.e. one of the codes shown on the current screen).

UTI0006 Utility program could not be loaded, Rc=$1

The utility program which should have been triggered to process the function requested by the terminal operator could not be loaded. '$1' indicates the reason for the failure.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Inform your Com-plete system programmer.

System programmer info:

Take the steps necessary to solve the problem causing the load failure identified by reason code '$'.

UTI0007 Function disallowed by security user exit 'UUTEX1'

Self-explanatory message.

UTI0008 Error loading security user exit 'UUTEX1'

Self-explanatory message.

UTI0009 Current security level too low for this function.

Self-explanatory message.