ULOGM Utility

Overview of Messages

ULM0001 | ULM0002 | ULM0004 | ULM0005 | ULM0006 | ULM0007 | ULM0008 | ULM0009 | ULM0010 | ULM0011 | ULM0012 | ULM0013 | ULM0014 | ULM0015 | ULM0016 | ULM0017 | ULM0018 | ULM0019 | ULM0020 | ULM0021 | ULM0022 | ULM0023 | ULM0050 | ULM0051 | ULM0052 | ULM0053 | ULM0054 | ULM0055 | ULM0056 | ULM0057 | ULM0058 | ULM0059 | ULM0060 | ULM0061 | ULM0063 | ULM0064 | ULM0065 | ULM0066 | ULM0067 | ULM0068 | ULM0069 | ULM0070 | ULM0071

ULM0001 Operation successfully completed...

The requested UUTIL UM function has finished.

System action:


Terminal operator info:


ULM0002 Invalid operation requested

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM online function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered an operation (first parameter) that is not recognized by UUTIL UM. Refer to the Com-plete . e System Utilities Manual for a description of UUTIL UM.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message normally indicates that either an operation code was incorrectly typed. Correct the error and reenter the request. For information on how to use UUTIL UM, refer to the Com-plete System Utilities Manual.

ULM0004 Function not currently implemented

The terminal operator entered a function code for which the corresponding function processor module has been omitted from the link-edit for this utility.

System action:

The requested function can not be executed and is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your Com-plete system programmer for resolution.

System programmer info:

Check why the respective function processor module is missing.

ULM0005 ULOGM Security violation from Tid=$1, User Id=$2

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM online function. It indicates that the person whose user ID is $2 attempted to use the function from the terminal whose terminal identification number is $1 but specified the wrong password.

System action:

The ULOGM utility is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Use correct password.

Computer operator info:

This is a possible security violation. Contact the person responsible for security at the installation.

ULM0006 $1 User(s) deleted

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM online function. It indicates that the DE(lete) function with Selection 'Y' actually deleted $1 Users.

System action:

UUTIL UM will remain in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0007 Specified Userid already exists

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has requested that a new user ID be added to Com-plete's profiles, but the user ID is already defined.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message usually indicates that the data for the user ID keyword was incorrectly typed. If this is the case, correct the error and reenter the request. To change the information for a user ID, use the update operation.

ULM0008 Userid omitted

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered a request to ADD, UPDATE, or DELETE a user ID from Com-plete's profiles but failed to specify the user ID keyword.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the request specifying the user ID.

ULM0009 User $1 successfully added

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has made a request to add a new user ID to Com-plete's profiles and that the request has been performed.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation; other requests may be entered.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0010 $1

An error ocurred when trying to access data stored on the Com-plete System Dataset. '$1' is the message returned by Com-plete's System Data Access Method.

System action:

The request is terminated.

Terminal operator info:

Inform your system programmer.

System programmer info:

This message shows the System Data Access Method (SDAM) return code. Check the reason for this error by viewing the message SDAMnnnn where 'nnnn' is the SDAM return code.

ULM0011 Userid not found

This message is associated wit the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered an update or delete operation, but UUTIL UM could not find the specified user ID in Com-plete's profiles.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message usually indicates that the data for the user ID keyword has been typed incorrectly. Correct the error and reenter the request.

ULM0012 User $1 deleted

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered a request to delete a user ID from Com-plete's profiles. The request has been performed.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0013 $1 successful

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered a request to update information for a user ID in Com-plete's profiles and the request has been performed.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0014 Userid or account not entered

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered a LOCK or UNLOCK request but failed to specify either a user ID or account number (user ID and ACCOUNT keywords).

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the request specifying user ID or ACCOUNT for the items to be locked or unlocked.

ULM0015 $1 User(s) locked

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that a lock operation has been successfully performed. The value $1 indicates how many user ID records were affected by the lock operation.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0016 $1 User(s) unlocked

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that an unlock operation has been successfully performed. The value $1 indicates how many user ID records were affected by the unlock operation.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0017 Enter new maintenance password

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator has entered a request to change Com-plete's maintenance password but failed to specify the new password.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation,waiting for the password to be entered.

Terminal operator info:

Enter the new password.

ULM0018 Delete failed due to user logged on to Tid $1

This message is associated with the Com-plete UUTIL UM function. It indicates that the terminal operator entered a request to remove a user ID from Com-plete's profiles (DELETE operation), but UUTIL UM could not honor the request because the specified user ID was in use at the terminal whose terminal identification number is $1.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

The appearance of this message may indicate that the value for the user ID keyword has been incorrectly typed. If this is the case, correct the error and reenter the request; otherwise, wait until the user ID on terminal $1 has logged off and then reenter the request to delete it.

ULM0019 Maintenance password successfully updated

Com-plete has a new maintenance password. It will be active after the next restart of Com-plete .

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0020 Operation aborted by user

The user did not complete the operation that was being performed.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:


ULM0021 Please enter operation or hit 'CLEAR'

UUTIL UM is ready for the next operation.

System action:

UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

Select an option from the menu.

ULM0022 Userid to copy from not specified

When using the CO option, both the new user ID and the user ID to be copied must be supplied.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

Supply valid user IDs.

ULM0023 Userid to copy from not found

The user ID to be copied does not exist.

System action:

The request is ignored. UUTIL UM remains in conversation.

Terminal operator info:

Supply the name of an existing user ID.

ULM0050 Please enter additional arguments to update

The UPDATE function of UUTIL UM has been selected. This message asks the terminal operator for changes to the selected user ID record.

System action:

UUTIL UM awaits further input.

Terminal operator info:

Modify the user ID definition where appropriate.

ULM0051 Arguments respecified will be updated

An update function has been selected for a userid. This message informs the terminal operator, that any changes made on this screen will be written back to the Com-plete System Dataset after pressing 'PF5'.

ULM0052 Please enter additional arguments...

When adding a new UserId record, this message requests you to fill in additional data or modify the default values initially supplied.

ULM0053 Invalid language code (1-255) ...

An invalid language code, outside of the valid range 0 to 255, has been entered.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid language code.

ULM0054 256 menu lines per language should be enough...

This message is associated with the COM-PASS menu maintenance. While already on page 8, the terminal operator pressed 'PF8' to go to page 9; however, only 8 pages (240 menu programs) are allowed.

System action:

The request is ignored, page 8 will be displayed again.

ULM0055 Menu lines added...

The 'PF5' key has been pressed while using the COM-PASS menu maintenance function, a new 'set' of 30 menu programs has been allocated.

ULM0056 Menu lines updated...

The 'PF5' key has been pressed while using the COM-PASS menu maintenance function. This resulted in an update of the Com-plete System Dataset.

ULM0057 No (more) menu lines for specified language...

The COM-PASS menu maintenance function informs the terminal operator that data for the current page could not be found; therefore, when 'PF5' is pressed, a new 'set' of 30 menu programs will be allocated.

ULM0058 Data modified, press PF3/CLEAR to confirm EXIT.

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0059 Press 'PF5' to perform action or 'PF3'/'CLEAR' to abort.

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0060 Use the line command 'D' to delete this entry

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0061 Please save your modifications with <PF5> before advancing.

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0063 Please enter ACCOUNT

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0064 No userid(s) found for selected operation...

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0065 User(s) $1, return to menu...

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0066 Please hit ENTER to $1 user

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0067 Id character is not between "A" and "I"...

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0068 Page number is not between 1 and 3...

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0069 Page number / Id character duplication error

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0070 Please enter Page number / Id character of the menu program(s)

Self-explanatory message.

ULM0071 Please enter ACCOUNT, AUTH or Control Info...

Self-explanatory message.