UCOPY Utility

Overview of Messages

UCO0001 | UCO0002 | UCO0003 | UCO0010 | UCO0011 | UCO0012 | UCO0014

UCO0001 Function not allowed

Self-explanatory message.

UCO0002 Command entered from unsupported device

The terminal ID entered identified a terminal line ID instead of a terminal ID. The screen may only be sent to a TID, not an LID.

System action:

The request is ignored.

Terminal operator info:

Reenter the UCOPY command with a correct TID number.

UCO0003 SD file in use - unable to write to it

You requested contents of a screen to be copied to an SD file while this SD file is in use (probably by yourself).

System action:

No screen copy is taken.

Terminal operator info:

Copying screen contents to an SD file while you are using UEDIT or or another utility dealing with the same work SD files would destroy your current utility workfile. Your request, therefore, is rejected. If the above is not the case, contact your system programmer to find out who uses your SD file. To get a screen hardcopy, setup the appropriate hardcopy device correctly for your session.


One of the above mentioned calls got a returncode > 0.

UCO0011 Security violation due to invalid class codes

Self-explanatory message.

UCO0012 An unrecoverable I/O error occurred

Self-explanatory message.

UCO0014 Invalid hardcopy destination

Self-explanatory message.