Timing Services

Overview of Messages

TMR0001 | TMR0002 | TMR0003 | TMR0004 | TMR0005 | TMR0010 | TMR0011 | TMR0012 | TMR0013 | TMR0014 | TMR0015 | TMR0016 | TMR0017 | TMR0020 | TMR0021 | TMR0022 | TMR0031 | TMR0032 | TMR0040 | TMR0041 | TMR0042 | TMR0043

TMR0001 Program $1 cancelled due to CPUTIME exceeded

Each time an application program is dispatched by Com-plete, it is given a certain amount of CPU time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. If an application program exceeds this amount of time, this message appears. This condition may be caused by an indefinite loop in application program '$'.

System action:

The user program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

System programmer info:

The CPU time limit for the THREAD-GROUP parameter of Com-plete is used to set the CPU time limits for each thread. If this parameter is not specified, the CPU time limit is set to two seconds for each thread. For more information, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Appl. programmer info:

The CPU time limit is set for each thread at the time Com-plete is initialised. This message indicates that a program has exceeded the set thread time (probably because it was looping). If the program needs more time than is allowed, the time may be extended by using the ROLLOUT function within the program. For more information, refer to the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

TMR0002 Program $1 cancelled after elapsed time exceeded

Each time an application program is dispatched by Com-plete, it is given a certain amount of elapsed time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. If an application program exceeds this amount of time, the computer operator is informed by either the TMR0003 or TMR0004 messages, but the application program is not automatically terminated by Com-plete, because there is now way of ensuring that the application program is responsible for the elapsed time being exceeded (e.g., the CPU could have been in STOP mode or a SYSTEM-MUST- COMPLETE function could be transpiring in another region). The computer operator may choose to cancel the program once it has been determined that the problem is being caused by the application program and not by other circumstances. This message appears when the computer operator has elected to cancel the application program and has done so by entering the CAN command.

System action:

The program is abnormally terminated with a Com-plete online dump.

Terminal operator info:

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. programmer info:

This situation indicates that the program was using more than its share of time in the thread. If the program needs more than 1 or 2 seconds of elapsed time in the thread, use the ROLLOUT function within the program to periodically relinquish the thread resource. For more information about the ROLLOUT function, refer to the Com-plete Application Programmer's Manual.

TMR0003 Program $1 TID $3 time exceeded by $2 sec

Each time an application program is dispatched by Com-plete, it is given a certain amount of elapsed time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. The amount of time is set by a Com-plete initialisation parameter. If an application program exceeds the set amount of time, this message appears. The program name is indicated by $1, terminal ID by $3, and $2 is the amount of excess time that has elapsed.

System action:

No action is required. Com-plete cannot automatically cancel the application program because the application program may not be responsible for the elapsed times being exceeded (for instance, the CPU could have been in STOP mode or a SYSTEM-MUST-COMPLETE function could have been transpiring in another region).

System programmer info:

The REAL time limit for the THREAD-GROUP parameter of Com-plete is used to set the elapsed time limits for each thread. If this parameter is not specified, the elapsed time limit is set to seven seconds for each thread. For more information, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

Take the necessary action to determine if the application program is responsible for the time being exceeded. If so, enter the operator CAN command to cancel it. For more information about the CAN command, refer to the Com-plete Computer Operator's Manual.

TMR0004 Program $1 TID $2 time exceeded

Each time an application program is dispatched by Com-plete, it is given a certain amount of elapsed time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. The amount of time is set by a Com-plete initialisation parameter. If an application program program exceeds the set amount of time, this message appears. The program name is indicated by $1; the terminal ID of the terminal with which the program is in conversation is indicated by $2.

System action:

No action is required. Com-plete cannot automatically cancel the application program because the application program may not be responsible for the elapsed times being exceeded (for instance, the CPU could have been in STOP mode or a SYSTEM-MUST-COMPLETE function could have been transpiring in another region).

System programmer info:

The REAL time value in the THREAD-GROUP parameter is used to set the elapsed time limits for each thread. If this parameter is not specified, the elapsed time limit is set to seven seconds for each thread. For more information refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

Computer operator info:

Take the necessary action to determine if the application program is responsible for the time being exceeded. If so, enter the operator CAN command to cancel it. For more information about the CAN command, refer to the Com-plete Computer Operator's Manual.

TMR0005 User=$1 Tid=$2 LU=$3 autologoff time exceeded

User $1 running on tid number $2 luname $3 will be logged off by the Com-plete system as enter has not been hit at the terminal within the time specified in the AUTOLOGOFF Com-plete sysparm.

System action:

The system will attempt to log the user off.

TMR0010 Userid $1: $2

This message shows that a scheduled request was performed by the timer monitor for the Userid $1.

TMR0011 Timer monitor active on Tid $1

This message shows that the timer monitor is working correctly, and which TID it attached.

TMR0012 Timer monitor stopped, error loading UTMEX2

While attempting to load the exit UTMEX2 an error was encountered.

System action:

The UTIMER monitor program UTIMRM is terminated.

System programmer info:

Determine what caused the error and correct it.

TMR0013 Timer monitor stopped, not enough storage to load UTMEX2

Not enought storage was available to load the user exit UTMEX2 into the thread for UTIMER.

System action:

The UTIMER monitor program UTIMRM is terminated.

System programmer info:

Increase the region size for UTIMRM with ULIB.

TMR0014 Timer monitor stopped, already active on another Tid

During start up, UTIMRM established that the monitor program was already active on another terminal in the system.

System action:

UTIMRM terminates.

TMR0015 $1

Self-explanatory message.

TMR0016 Logon failed for userID $1 (required for scheduled job $2)

Self-explanatory message.

TMR0017 Member (Job) $1 not found in library SYSJOBS

Self-explanatory message.

TMR0020 Timer monitor message which I can't work out

Self-explanatory message.

TMR0021 Timer monitor message which I can't work out

Self-explanatory message.

TMR0022 Timer monitor message which I can't work out

Self-explanatory message.

TMR0031 User exit UTMEX3 gave invalid return code

The UTIMRM exit UTMEX3 was invoked and returned an unexpected return code.

System action:

The return code is ignored and execution continues.

System programmer info:

UTMEX3 gave a return code which was logically not expected at that point by U2TSUB, a subroutine of UTIMRM. Correct the error in the exit causing the bad return code to be returned. Refer to the system programmer's guide for more information regarding return codes expected from UTMEX3.

TMR0032 'SYSJOBS' DD statement missing

UTIMRM attempted to honour a request from UTIMER to submit a job, however, the SYSJOBS DD/DLBL statement could not be found and therefore the job could not be found to submit.

System action:

The request to submit the job is ignored.

System programmer info:

The Jobs to be submitted by the timer monitor are expected in a dataset referenced by a SYSJOBS DD statement in Com-plete's startup procedure. ensure that this DD statement exists.

TMR0040 JIM initialisation is not available

The UTIMRM monitor program attempted to submit a job but discovered that the Com-plete JES interface had not been successfully initialised and is not therefore available.

System action:

The job is not submitted to the JES.

System programmer info:

If this processing is required, ensure that a JES is availble via the JES sysparm and that it manages to initialise successfully.

TMR0041 JIM operation for job $1 failed, error code $2

UTIMRM attempted to submit job $1, however, during the submission process, the Com-plete JES interface module returned an unexpected return code $2.

System action:

Submission of the jobn is terminated.

System programmer info:

A Timer Monitor JES Operation could not be performed. Contact your local support centre with details of the error.

TMR0042 JIM request failed, function not supported

UTIMRM attempted to use a function of the Com-plete JES interface which is not supported.

System action:

The request is aborted.

System programmer info:

This Message results from a return code 12 from the JES interface module. It could not perform the requested action.

TMR0043 Requested spool function $1 not supported

UTIMRM requested that the Com-plete JES interface module issue a $1 request, however, the JIM did not support this.

System programmer info:

This message results from a return code 16 from the JES interface module. The spool action is not supported. Contact you local support centre for more information.