Reentrant Program Support

Overview of Messages

RES0002 | RES0003 | RES0004 | RES0005 | RES0006 | RES0007 | RES0008 | RES0011 | RES0012 | RES0013 | RES0015 | RES0017 | RES0019 | RES0020 | RES0021 | RES0022

RES0002 Program $1 not found

This message is associated with Com-plete initialisation of resident programs and indicates the program '$' is not in the Com-plete STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or SYS1.LINKLIB libraries.

System action:

The application program that was to be loaded as resident is not loaded.

System programmer info:

Link edit the resident program then restart Com-plete.

Appl. programmer info:

The program '$' is not loaded resident. If, at a later time, the program is link edited to one of the above libraries and is subsequently loaded by an application program, it will be loaded into the thread. If not enough storage is available, the application program will be abnormally terminated.

RES0003 $1 resident program load failed, Code $2

This message is associated with Com-plete initialisation of resident programs. The number indicated by CODE $2 indicates the type of error and represents the return code from the operating system LOAD macro. Please refer to the appropriate operating system manuals for a description of the LOAD macro's return code.

System action:

The application program that was to be loaded as resident is not loaded.

System programmer info:

Link edit the resident program and then restart Com-plete.

Appl. programmer info:

The program '$1' is not loaded resident. If an application program subsequently loads program '$1', it will be loaded into the thread. If not enough storage is available, the application program will be abnormally terminated.

RES0004 $1 resident program load failed - error at BLDL

Self-explanatory message.

RES0005 $1 resident program load failed - no storage available

Self-explanatory message.

RES0006 Program $1 loaded - $2 $3

Resident program $1 was load successfully. For systems where modules can reside above the 16 meg line, $2 indicates if it was loaded 'ABOVE' or 'BELOW'. If the program is not reentrant, $3 will indicate that fact. Residentpage programs must be reentrant, otherwise abends will occur when the program tries to alter itself.

RES0007 $1 programs loaded $2, size $3K

This message indicates how many resident programs were loaded ($1) and the total size of the resident programs ($3). For systems where modules can reside above the 16 meg line, $2 indicates which 'set' of modules the message relates to ie. one message will be issued for the modules loaded below the line and one for the modules loaded above.

System programmer info:

This information can be used to estimate the storage requirements of for Com-plete.

RES0008 Duplicate resident program $1 ignored

The same program name $1 has been specified twice in the Com-plete startup parameters.

System action:

Program $1 is loaded once into the resident program area and the second request is ignored.

System programmer info:

Remove one of the RESIDENTPAGE sysparm for the duplicated module.

RES0011 Invalid command starting '$1'

The operand entered is not 'LOAD', 'DELETE', or 'REFRESH'.

System action:

The command is ignored.

Computer operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

RES0012 Invalid program name starting '$1'

The specified program name does not start with a letter or is more than eight characters long.

System action:

The command is ignored.

Computer operator info:

Correct the command and reenter.

RES0013 Program $1 already resident in Com-plete

A request was made to load a program which was already resident.

System action:

The command is ignored.

Computer operator info:

Specify the 'REFRESH' operand.

RES0015 $1 resident program $2 successful $3

An operator request $2 for resident program $1 has completed successfully. If the request involved the loading or refreshing of a program, $3 will indicate if the program was loaded above or below the 16 meg line and if the newly loaded program is reentrant or not.

RES0017 Program $1 not found

A LOAD request failed because the specified program could not be found.

System action:

The command is ignored.

System programmer info:

Place the specified program in Com-plete STEPLIB/LIBDEF. STEPLIB/LIBDEF.

Computer operator info:

Notify the Com-plete system programmer.

RES0019 No storage available for loadpcb

A request to load a module into the resident program area has been received. Com-plete attempted to get storage for a Loaded Program Control Block (LPCB) for the module and this request has failed.

System action:

The request to load the program is terminated without the program being loaded.

System programmer info:

In a case where storage is not available for the LPCB, it is unlikely that the storage will be available to load the actual module. In this case, the storage estimates must be reviewed to allow for situations where modules must be loaded while Com-plete is running.

RES0020 Delete $1 deferred, in use by $2 processes

A PGM DELETE or REFRESH command specified a module that cannot be deleted immediately, because one or more processes are busy using it and might abend if the module was deleted.

System action:

The module is flagged as deleted, but will only be deleted physically when the last process frees it.

System programmer info:

In case of a REFRESH command, or if the module will be requested to be loaded, a new copy of the module will be loaded into the Com-plete region, provided that enough memory is available.

RES0021 Program $1 not resident

A request was made for action against resident program $1, however, Com-plete has determined that this program does not exist in the resident program area.

RES0022 Logic error in TTOCRP

A call to the Com-plete resident program search module has resulted in an unexpected return code.

System action:

The request is terminated.

System programmer info:

Contact your local support centre with the details of the exact command issued which caused the problem.