Sysparm Error Messages

Overview of Messages

PRM0001 | PRM0002 | PRM0003 | PRM0004 | PRM0005

PRM0001 Not enough storage to process parameters

Self-explanatory message.

System programmer info:

There must be at least 23K main storage available for parameter processing.

PRM0002 $1 OPEN failed

Self-explanatory message.

System programmer info:

Check for additional error messages issued by the operating system.

PRM0003 Invalid syntax: $1

Self-explanatory message.

System programmer info:

Check the corresponding manual for the correct syntax.

PRM0004 Unknown keyword: $1

Self-explanatory message.

System programmer info:

Check the statement for spelling errors or look into the corresponding manual for a correct definition.

PRM0005 Unbalanced parenthesis in $1

Self-explanatory message.

System programmer info:

Correct the syntax for the parameter.