'USER' Operator Command Processor

Overview of Messages

OUS0001 | OUS0002 | OUS0003 | OUS0004 | OUS0005 | OUS0006

OUS0001 Program $1 attached, data '$2'

In response to the the 'USER' operator command, the program $1 has been successfully attached with data $2 as supplied in the operator command.

OUS0002 Invalid program name

The operator command USER specified an invalid program name to be attached.

System action:

The USER operator command is terminated.

Computer operator info:

Refer to the Operators manual for details on the systax of the 'user' command.

OUS0003 Invalid function

Self-explanatory message.

OUS0004 File name missing or invalid

The operator command 'USER ULIB...' has been issued to request that certain files will be closed, however, no files to be closed have been specified on the request, or the file names specified on the request are invalid.

System action:

The request is terminated.

Computer operator info:

Refer to the operator's manual for details of specifying file names on the 'USER ULIB' request.

OUS0005 Too many files (more than 5)

The operator command 'USER ULIB' has been issued, however, the command specifies too many files at the one time. The maximum number of files that my be specified is currently 5.

System action:

The request is terminated without closing any files.

OUS0006 Program $1 attached function $2 DDN $3

The program $1 has been successfully attached to perform the $2 function on file $3.

System action:

The attached program will asynchronously attempt to complete the request.