Dispatching Mechanism Messages

Overview of Messages

DIS0001 | DIS0002 | DIS0003 | DIS0004 | DIS0005 | DIS0006 | DIS0007 | DIS0008 | DIS0009 | DIS0010 | DIS0011 | DIS0012 | DIS0013 | DIS0014 | DIS0015 | DIS0016 | DIS0017 | DIS0018 | DIS0019 | DIS0020 | DIS0021 | DIS0022 | DIS0023 | DIS0024 | DIS0025 | DIS0026

DIS0001 Thread group $1 added successfully

The thread group $1 has been added successfully and is available for use . Additional messages will be issued indicating the subgroups that the thread group contains.

DIS0002 Thread group $1 Modified

The thread group $1 has been modified successfully. Messages will follow indicating the new make up of the thread group. Note that when thread subgroups and threads are deleted as a result of a modification, the thread subgroups and thread resources will only be cleaned up once they have been quiesced i.e. when they are no longer in use.

DIS0003 Thread group $1 quiescing, waiting for $2 users

A request has been issued to delete thread group $1, however, it must first be quiesced i.e. all users using the thread group must first terminate. This message indicates that the thread group is waiting on $2 users to finish using the thread group before it can be deleted.

System action:

At system termination, if the EOJ is not a forced EOJ, the system will wait until all users are finished using the thread group. If forced termination was requested, the message will be issued but the fact that the thread group hasn't been successfully quiesced will be ignored and termination processing will continue.

System programmer info:

If this message continually appears with the same number of users, it indicates that some users did not terminate correctly. This should be reported to your local support centre who may request that a dump fo the situation be taken and sent for diagnosis.

Computer operator info:

If this message appears continually with the same number of users, it indicates that some users may have terminated without removing their associated use count from the thread group. In this case, the system may be terminated by issuing a forced EOJ or, where a diagnostic dump is required, the system should be cancelled with a dump.

DIS0004 Thread group $1 deleted successfully

The thread group $1 has been successfully quiesced and the resources associated with it have been freed.

DIS0005 Thread group $1 add failed rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to add the the thread group $1 failed due to internal response code $2 and feedback code $3.

System action:

The thread group will not be added.

System programmer info:

This may occur if insufficient resources are available to allocate the thread group. The following lists the return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their cause. If any other combination appears, report the problem to your local support centre.

RC FB Reason
8 20 Changes were already in progress, retry the operation
8 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in General Bufferpool)
8 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)

DIS0006 Thread group $1 modify failed rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to modify the thread group $1 failed due the the return code $2 and the feedback code $3.

System action:

Depending on the point in the processing where the error occurred, some of the modifications requested may have succeeded. The status of the thread group should be checked with the UCTRL on-line utility.

System programmer info:

This error can occur due to insufficient resources being available in the system. The following lists the errors that can legitimately occur along with their cause. If an error other than the following appears, report it to your local support centre.

RC FB Reason
8 20 Changes were already in progress, retry the operation
8 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in General Bufferpool)
8 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)

DIS0007 Subgroup name $1 below=$2 above=$3 threads=$4 key=$5

This message is issued after a thread group is successfully added or modified. The variables are as follows:

Variable Value
$1 The name of the thread subgroup
$2 The amount of storage in the subgroup's threads below the line
$3 The amount of storage in the subgroup's threads above the line
$4 The number of threads in the subgroup
$5 The key of those threads ('M' indicates mixed keys used)

DIS0008 Program $1 thread group $2 not found

An attempt to start the program $1 failed because the thread group $2, which was explicitely allocated in the program's catalog entry, had not been defined.

Terminal operator info:

If the program should be available, report the error to your help desk.

DIS0009 Program $1 thread group $2 quiescing

The program $1 has been catalogued to run in thread group $2, however, this thread group is no longer available in the system as it is quiescing.

Terminal operator info:

If the program should be available to you, report the error to your help desk.

DIS0010 Program $1 no suitable thread subgroup

The program $1 has not found a suitable thread subgroup within it's thread group where it can run.

Terminal operator info:

If the program should be available to you, report the error to your local support centre.

System programmer info:

Program $1 has found it's thread group and has attempted to find a subgroup with a thread size below the line sufficient to run it. It could not find such a subgroup and therefore could not run. Either the catalog size for the program must be reduced or a thread subgroup defined for the program's thread group large enough to run this program.

DIS0011 Unexpected CMTHCM error pgm=$1 tg=$2 rc=$3 fdbk=$4

An error has occurred during the dispatching cycle related to an internal CMTHCM rquest. The program experience the error is $1, the thread group is $2 and the return and feedback codes are $3 and $4 respectively.

System action:

The program will not be started if it is an initialisation request or the program will be terminated if this occurred as a result of a relocation request.

System programmer info:

This indicates that a logic error has occurred in the Com-plete dispatcher processing. Report the error to your local support centre.

DIS0012 Task group $1 added tasks $2 priority $3

The task group $1 has been successfully added with $2 tasks and a priority of $3.

DIS0013 Task group $1 modified tasks $2 priority $3

The task group $1 has been modified and now has $2 tasks and a priority of $3.

DIS0014 Task group $1 delete requested, waiting for $2 users

A request has been issued to delete the task group $1. Prior to the deletion of the task group, it must first be quiesced i.e. any users currently using the task group must terminate. When this message was issued, there were $2 user(s) using the task group.

Computer operator info:

This will generally occur during Com-plete termination. If the message continually repeats with the same number of users, it indicates that some users may have not terminated correctly and thus did not remove their use count from the task group. In this case, a forced EOJ will bypass the problem or Com-plete should be cancelled with a dump if diagnostic information is required.

DIS0015 Task group $1 deleted successfully

The task group $1 has finished quiescing successfully and all resources gotten for the task group have been freed.

DIS0016 Task group $1 add failed rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to add the task goup $1 failed with return code $2 and feedback code $3.

System action:

The task group will not be added.

System programmer info:

The task group add can fail due to a lack of resources on the system. The following lists return code/feedback code combination that may legitimately occur and their causes. If any combination other than the following occurs, report the error to your local support centre.

RC FB Reason
8 20 Changes were already in progress, retry the operation
8 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in General Bufferpool)
8 52 Operating System attach failed (Maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

DIS0017 Task group $1 modify failed, rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to modifiy the task group $1 failed with return code $2 and feedback code $3.

System action:

Depending on the point where the problem occurred, some of the modifications may have been implemented. Check the task group status with the UCTRL utility.

System programmer info:

The task group modify can fail due to a lack of resources on the system. The following lists return code/feedback code combination that may legitimately occur and their causes. If any combination other than the following occurs, report the error to your local support centre.

RC FB Reason
8 20 Changes were already in progress, retry the operation
8 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in General Bufferpool)
8 52 Operating System attach failed (Maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

DIS0018 Get for wait buffer failed uid=$1 tid=$2 LU=$3 Pgm=$4

During the dispatching cycle, an enlarged wait buffer was required for a task. An attempt to get this buffer failed. The failure occurred for userid $1 running on LUname $4 (tid $2) for program $4.

System action:

The wait request must be ignored, therefore the program will hang until Com-plete is brought down.

System programmer info:

As this failure will cause users to hang indefinitely, the general buffer pool allocations must be reviewed to ensure that the required buffers are available. Alternately, additional tasks could be allocated in the task group to avoid long wait lists building up on individual tasks.

DIS0019 Attach failed rc=$1 fdbk=$2

An attempt to attach a task failed with return code $1 feedback code $2.

System action:

The request for which the attach was issued will fail.

System programmer info:

Determine from the return and feedback codes, why the attach failed and correct the problem. The following are the possible return and feedback codes and their cause.

RC FB Reason
8 04 The IDENTIFY request failed prior to the attach (MVS only)
8 08 The operating system ATTACH request failed
8 12 Add processing for the task termination ECB failed
8 16 The request failed because the maximum tasks were already attached

DIS0020 Queue initialization completed successfully

Com-plete builds a queue registration area in which all TIB queues in the system are registered at initialisation. Also, the common TIB queues such as output, message, completion etc. are built. This message indicates that this processing has finished successfully.

DIS0021 Task group $1 $2 failed rc=$3 fdbk=$4

A request to $2 task group $1 failed due to return code $3 and feedback code $4.

System action:

The request is not processed.

System programmer info:

The request may fail due to insufficient system resources being availabl e. The following lists return code/feedback code combination that may legitimately occur and their causes. If any combination other than the following occurs, report the error to your local support centre.

RC FB Reason
8 20 Changes were already in progress, retry the operation
8 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in General Bufferpool)
8 52 Operating System attach failed (Maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

DIS0022 Thread group $1 $2 failed rc=$3 fdbk=$4

A request to $2 thread group $1 failed. A previous message will indicate why the request failed.

System programmer info:

This may occur if the thread group parameters specified are invalid, or if insufficient resources are available to create/alter the thread group. The following lists the return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their cause. If any other combination appears, report the problem to your local support centre.

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes were already in progress, retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in General Bufferpool)
08 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)
12 36 Invalid parameter value

DIS0023 Waiting for task group $1 to quiesce

The system is wating for task group $1 to quiesce. This indicates that users are still using the task group.

System action:

The system will continue to wait on the task group and issue the message until such time as the users using the task group stop using it.

System programmer info:

If the system fails to come down and continually issues this message, it indicates that there may be a problem with programs not removing their use count from a task group when they terminate. Report the error to your local support centre and take a dump for diagnosis. If a dump of the situation is already available, Com-plete may be terminated using a forced EOJ.

DIS0024 Getmain for wait list failed

Self-explanatory message.

DIS0025 RRS $1 failed, rc=$2, user $3 program $4

A call to a system service has failed unexpectedly. Refer to the operating system documentation for resource recovery for the meaning of the return code, e.g. "MVS Programming: Resource Recovery"

System action:

Depending on the type of service that failed: Resource Manager service - Com-plete initialization fails. Context service - the transaction fails.

DIS0026 WLM service $1 failed, reason $2, TID $3, program $4

A call from Com-plete to MVS Workload Management Services failed. Depending on the kind of call that failed, the interface to WLM may not function at all, or not correctly.

System action:

Processing continues.

System programmer info:

The reason codes per service are documented in IBM's "MVS Workload Management Services". If there is no general problem with WLM on your system, then most likely this is a Com-plete error. In this case inform Software AG Support.