CTL0001 | CTL0002 | CTL0003 | CTL0004 | CTL0006 | CTL0008 | CTL0010 | CTL0011 | CTL0012 | CTL0013 | CTL0015 | CTL0016 | CTL0017 | CTL0018 | CTL0019 | CTL0020 | CTL0021 | CTL0022 | CTL0023 | CTL0024 | CTL0025 | CTL0026 | CTL0027 | CTL0028 | CTL0029 | CTL0030 | CTL0031 | CTL0032 | CTL0033 | CTL0034 | CTL0035 | CTL0036 | CTL0040
CTL0001 | Illegal PF Key Used |
Explanation: |
The user hit a Program Function (PF) or Program Attention (PA) Key which has no meaning for UCTRL. |
CTL0015 | Fixed Buffer Pool Deleted |
Explanation: |
Self-explanatory message. |
CTL0021 | No Common Storage Pool Allocated |
Explanation: |
No statistics could be presented on the Common Storage or COMSTOR pool as none was allocated at initialisation. |
CTL0023 | Entry not found |
Explanation: |
An attempt has been made to restrict the UCTRL UA display to certain userids. No match was found for the provided data. |
CTL0026 | Error in Date format |
Explanation: |
A date supplied to the UCTRL HC function had an invalid format. |
Terminal operator info: |
Please provide the correct format date. |
CTL0027 | Wrong partition |
Explanation: |
The partition provided to the UCTRL HC function was invalid or incorrect . |
Terminal operator info: |
Provide a valid and/or correct partition. |
CTL0028 | Hardcopy File table missing |
Explanation: |
UCTRL could not find the hard copy file table to process a UCTRL HC request. |
CTL0029 | Hardcopy File no supported |
Explanation: |
While processing a UCTRL HC request, UCTRL determined that the Hardcopy file was not supported. |
CTL0040 | $1 is in the $2. EP:$3 A:$4 size:$5 |
Explanation: |
Self-explanatory message. |