UCTRL Utility

Overview of Messages

CTL0001 | CTL0002 | CTL0003 | CTL0004 | CTL0006 | CTL0008 | CTL0010 | CTL0011 | CTL0012 | CTL0013 | CTL0015 | CTL0016 | CTL0017 | CTL0018 | CTL0019 | CTL0020 | CTL0021 | CTL0022 | CTL0023 | CTL0024 | CTL0025 | CTL0026 | CTL0027 | CTL0028 | CTL0029 | CTL0030 | CTL0031 | CTL0032 | CTL0033 | CTL0034 | CTL0035 | CTL0036 | CTL0040

CTL0001 Illegal PF Key Used

The user hit a Program Function (PF) or Program Attention (PA) Key which has no meaning for UCTRL.

CTL0002 Invalid function requested

The function code entered by the user was not recognised by UCTRL.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a valid function code. Valid function codes are listed on the UCTRL main menu.

CTL0003 Invalid fetch request

The user entered a '*' followed by data leading UCTRL to believe that the user wished to transfer control to another program, however, the data provided as the program name is invalid.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid program name or remove the '*' from the error message line.

CTL0004 UCTRL PRINT: PSOPEN failed, return code $1

Com-plete utility UCTRL issued a PSOPEN API call in order to create a printout. Unexpectedly, this PSOPEN call returned a non-zero return code as indicated by $1. Please, consult Com-plete Application Programmers Manual for the meaning of the return code.

System action:

UCTRL is terminated abnormally, and a thread dump is produced.

CTL0006 WTO table not allocated

The user has requested to see a copy of all recorded Com-plete WTO messages, however, the table to record these was never allocated.

Terminal operator info:

Contact your systems programmer to determine why the table has not been allocated.

System programmer info:

This table will not be allocated if the WTOBUFFERS Sysparm is set to '0'. Check the Sysparm specification and ensure it reflects the installation requirements.

CTL0008 Required operand missing

A request to see the terminal status display of a terminal failed as the terminal requested was not found.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a terminal name or number which exists.

CTL0010 User not authorised to issue commands

An attempt has been made to enter a command for Com-plete on the UCTRL command line, however, the user is not authorised to issue commands in this way.

Terminal operator info:

If you require this facility you must contact the system administrator for this system.

System programmer info:

In general, only users who are control users have the authority to issue Com-plete operator commands in this way. The installation has the option of allowing all users to issue commands by turning on APPLYMOD 6. See the System Programmer's manual for more details.

CTL0011 Function aborted

The user issued an EOJ request from the UCTRL command line but did not confirm the EOJ when asked to do so.

System action:

The EOJ request will not be carried out.

Terminal operator info:

If the EOJ request should be issued, confirm by replying 'YES' to the confirmation message which UCTRL issues.

CTL0012 No buffer available to process operator command

A request has been made to issue an operator command in UCTRL. This request cannot be completed as there is no buffer available in the General Buffer Pool in which the request can be issued.

System action:

The operator command is not issued.

Terminal operator info:

Report this error to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

This indicates that there is insufficient space in the General Buffer Pool. The allocation for this buffer pool should be reviewed.

CTL0013 Type the job name to confirm EOJ for system "$1"

A request has been made to terminate Com-plete. This message is requesting confirmation that this is what the user really wants to do. $1 is the installation id of the Com-plete which is about to be terminated.

System action:

If 'Yes' is replied to this confirmation request, the Com-plete under which UCTRL is running will be terminated immediately.

Terminal operator info:

Reply 'Yes' to confirm that EOJ processing for Com-plete should take place. If this should not take place, reply 'No'.

CTL0015 Fixed Buffer Pool Deleted

Self-explanatory message.

CTL0016 Unrecognised Fixed Buffer Pool Name

The Fixed Buffer Pool name provided in the Option field is not recognised by the UCTRL facility. For this reason, the Fixed Buffer Pool Token cannot be identified and therefore the statistics information for the buffer pool cannot be found.

Terminal operator info:

Enter a recognised Fixed Buffer Pool Name.

The following are recognised by UCTRL

General - Com-plete's General Buffer Pool

VSAM - Com-plete's VSAM Buffer Pool

VTAM - Com-plete's VTAM Buffer Pool

Ddbug - Com-plete's UDEBUG Buffer Pool

Comstor - Com-plete's Comstor BUffer Pool

CTL0017 Fixed Buffer Pool Not Active

The Fixed Buffer Pool for which the user requested statistics is not currently active.

Terminal operator info:

This will normally occur when a Fixed Buffer Pool is not required by the system or has been terminated.

CTL0018 Fixed Buffer Pool Quiescing

The Fixed Buffer Pool, for which statistics were requested, is currently quiescing. This indicates that it is about to be terminated and therefore it is not possible to gather statistics for it.

CTL0019 Unexpected status returned by FBPM RC=$1 FDBK=$2

While UCTRL was requesting statistics from the Fixed Buffer Pool Manager an unexpected status was returned. $1 is the FBPM return code and $2 is the associated feedback code.

Terminal operator info:

This indicates that either something unusual has happened in the system or there is a bug in UCTRL. Report this error along with the steps taken to get the message to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

The return code ($1) and feedback code ($2) are documented in the Fixed Buffer Pool Manager Return and Feedback codes section of the Messages and Codes manual. If there has been unusual happenins in the system, this may account for the unexpected status. If not, please the error to your local support centre.

CTL0020 Insufficient storage for thread copy of WTO table

The Com-plete copy of the WTO table is constantly being updated, therefore, UCTRL must take a copy of the table in order for the user to be able to browse it. There was insufficient storage available in the thread for a copy of the table.

Terminal operator info:

Report the error to your systems programmer.

System programmer info:

The catalog size for UCTRL should be increased. The delivered catalog size should be sufficient for WTOBUFFERS=100 or less. If this Com-plete sysparm is greater than this, then an increase in the catalog size will be necessary for UCTRL CM to function correctly.

CTL0021 No Common Storage Pool Allocated

No statistics could be presented on the Common Storage or COMSTOR pool as none was allocated at initialisation.

CTL0022 DB2 Server not active

Statistics for the DB2 Server could not be presented as the DB2 server is not active in the Com-plete where the user is running. DB2 is activated via a Com-plete parameter at startup of Com-plete.

CTL0023 Entry not found

An attempt has been made to restrict the UCTRL UA display to certain userids. No match was found for the provided data.

CTL0024 Too many fields selected, line overflow by $1 bytes

A user attempted to customise a printout of the UCTRL UA statistics, however, some of the data will not be printed as it will not fit on the line. $1 indicates how many bytes of data will be lost.

System action:

The Field Selection Menu is displayed again to enable correction.

Terminal operator info:

Select the information to be printed in two lots to avoid the overflow.

CTL0025 No servers defined

A request has been made to display information regarding all servers in the system. No information could be presented as no servers are currently active in the system. Servers are allocated at startup via Com-plete sysparms.

CTL0026 Error in Date format

A date supplied to the UCTRL HC function had an invalid format.

Terminal operator info:

Please provide the correct format date.

CTL0027 Wrong partition

The partition provided to the UCTRL HC function was invalid or incorrect .

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid and/or correct partition.

CTL0028 Hardcopy File table missing

UCTRL could not find the hard copy file table to process a UCTRL HC request.

CTL0029 Hardcopy File no supported

While processing a UCTRL HC request, UCTRL determined that the Hardcopy file was not supported.

CTL0030 Program $1 resides in the $2

This message issued by the FP (find program) subfunction indicates that the program $1 resides in the link pack area (MVS and compatible systems) or in the partition GETVIS area or SVA (VSE systems). All LOAD-type requests against this program share this copy. Note: Applymod 60, if set, defines exceptions from this rule.

CTL0031 Thread group $1 not found

A request was made for information relating to thread group $1 however, the thread group specified could not be found.

Terminal operator info:

Provide an active thread group name for the request or provide no name to view data related to the default group.

CTL0032 Thread group $1 is dormant

A request was made for information relating to thread group $1, however, the thread group was found to be dormant.

Terminal operator info:

Provide an active thread group name or provide no name to view information about the default thread group.

CTL0033 Unexpected error from CMPRCM macro, rc=$1 fdbk=$2

While attempting to retrieve information using the internal CMPRCM macro, an unexpected response was returned to the macro. $1 is the return code and $2 is the feedback code for the request.

System action:

The processing of the request is terminated.

System programmer info:

Check the Com-plete log for other messages and report these, the steps taken to produce the error and the $1 and $2 codes to your local support centre.

CTL0034 Processor group $1 not found

A request was made for information about processor group $1 but the processor group was not found in the system.

Terminal operator info:

Provide a valid processor group name for the request or provide no name to get the data for the default group.

CTL0035 Requested processor group is dormant

Information was requested about the processor group $1 but the processor group was found to be dormant.

Terminal operator info:

Provide the name of an active processor group or don't provide a name to get information about the default group.

CTL0036 Unexpected error returned from CMTHCM macro, rc=$1 fdbk=$2

While using the internal CMTHCM macro to retrieve information about threads in the system, an unexpected return code $1 and feedback code $2 were returned for the request.

System programmer info:

Check the Com-plete log for errors and report any error message, the steps taken to produce the error and $1 and $2 to your local support centre.

CTL0040 $1 is in the $2. EP:$3 A:$4 size:$5

Self-explanatory message.