Capture Initialisation

Overview of Messages

CAI0001 | CAI0002 | CAI0005 | CAI0007 | CAI0008 | CAI0018 | CAI0019

CAI0001 CAPTURE functions disabled

This message is associated with the Com-plete capture initialisation routine. It indicates that support for the CAPTUR function has been disabled for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. No CAPTURE DD card was provided in the Com-plete job stream.

  2. The CAPTUR service routine (TLCTCAPT) was not link edited into the Com-plete control program.

System action:

Com-plete initialisation continues as normal. Any CAPTUR requests issued by Com-plete internal service routines (such as file I/O) will be ignored. A return code of 4 will be returned to any application program that issues a CAPTUR function.

System programmer info:

If any Com-plete facilities that need a capture file are desired, include a CAPTURE DD/DLBL statement in the Com-plete initialisation procedure. For more information about Com-plete initialisation, refer to the Com-plete System Programmer's Manual.

CAI0002 $1 DD/DLBL statement not found

Capture initialisation processing attempted to open a dataset which should have existed based on the Com-plete Sysparms, however, the DDname/DLBL for the dataset does not exist. The applicable DDname/DLBL is printed in the message.

System action:

Capture initialisation continues, ignoring this DDname/DLBL.

System programmer info:

Determine why Com-plete tried to open the DDname/DLBL based on the Capture Sysparm specifications and correct the error. If the Sysparms are correct, then add the DDname/DLBL to the job control.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.

CAI0005 $1 GENCB error for $2 Rc=X'$3'

An error was recieved while GENCBing VSAM control blocks for the Capture dataset indicated by the DDname/DLBL. The return code from the GENCB is printed for diagnostic information.

System action:

This Capture dataset is ignored and initialisation processing continues with the next Capture dataset to be processed if any.

System programmer info:

If the cause of the GENCB error cannot be determined using the applicable VSAM programming manual to explain the return code, or the problem is being caused by a Com-plete error, contact you local support with the details.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.

CAI0007 Actual CAPTURE file DD/DLBL name = $1

The current Capture dataset is has a DDname/DLBL as shown in the message.

CAI0008 DSN = $1

This is the dataset name of Capture dataset dealt with on a previous message. See preceeding message for more information.

CAI0018 VSAM MODCB error X'$1', dataset details follow....

An error occurred during a 'MODCB' operation on a Capture dataset. The error code is printed as part of the message. A following message will print details of the DDname/DLBL and the dataset name of the Capture dataset in question.

System action:

This Capture dataset is ingored and Capture initialisation continues.

System programmer info:

Determine the reason for the error from the applicable VSAM programmers guide. This may be a Com-plete logic error, if so the details must be reported to your local support centre.

Computer operator info:

Inform your systems programmer.

CAI0019 DD/DLBL = $1 DSN = $2

This is the DDname/DLBL and dataset name of the Capture dataset for which a previous error was issued. See the previous message for details of the problem or information for which this message was issued.