Fix Corrupted Cabinet Records

This document covers the following topics:





Check all objects in the specified shared cabinets and, if appropriate, reset all objects marked as private to blank so that it is no longer private. Additionally, check and correct any invalid user profile screen color values, modification dates, times or IDs.

Online Input Screen

  1:17 PM              * * *  C o n - n e c t  3  * * *             19.Sep.2005
 Cabinet LS            Fix Corrupted Cabinet Records                     B99050
     Process the following cabinet records:                                    
     From Cabinet ________ to Cabinet ________                                 
                ('*' for all cabinets)                                         
     Codes generated by output                                                 
               A - Invalid Private Flag was reset                              
               B - User Profile color field was corrected                      
               C - Modification Date, Time or ID was corrected                  
            Menu  Quit                                                         
Complete the information above and press ENTER to continue                     

Utility Parameters

Parameter Format Description
From Cabinet A8  
To Cabinet A8 Optional


The resulting report contains the following: cabinet; name, description or keyword of the corrected object; date of last modification; ISN processed as well as at least one of the following action codes:

A Invalid private flag was reset.
B User profile screen color field was corrected.
C Modification date, time or ID was corrected.

Batch Example

Reset objects marked as private in all shared cabinets and correct the user profile screen color field. This would be coded as follows:

B99050 X