Rename Cabinets - Batch Mode Only

This document covers the following topics:





Rename cabinets by replacing old cabinet names with unique new ones.

It is recommended to run this utility when users are not logged on to the Con-nect system. You should confirm this before running the utility as data integrity problems can arise, e.g. mail sent to a cabinet that is to be renamed with this utility.

Important Information

Before you begin renaming the cabinets, it is recommended that you first estimate the time required to rename the cabinets (see Batch Examples below). If the time is sufficient, backup your Con-nect system file and run this utility on a non-overloaded machine.

Depending upon the size of the Con-nect system file this utility can take several hours. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you set your execution parameters to adequate values (e.g. the JCL parameter TIME to 1440, the Adabas parameter MADIO to 0 and the Natural parameter MT to 0).

Utility Parameters

Parameter Format Description
From Cabinet Name A8 If an asterisk (*) is specified, all cabinets pending for rename are renamed, if the specified date is reached. Ignored - if parameter Test-execution-time is marked.
To Cabinet Name A8 Optional. Ignored - if parameter Test-execution-time is marked.
Test Execution Time A1 Optional - if marked, cabinets are not renamed. Only the run time is estimated.
Max Allowed Renaming Time A10 Time, measured in minutes, not to be exceeded during the Renaming Cabinets procedure. Default: 240 minutes.

Pending Record

This utility is performed after a cabinet is marked to be renamed in Cabinet Maintenance; i.e. after a pending record has been created to identify the cabinet(s) to be renamed.

Logon to a cabinet that is pending for rename is not allowed once the rename date is reached.


This utility reads one, several or all records pending (when the specified date is reached) for rename, depending on the parameters you enter.

Next, the time required to rename the selected cabinets is estimated and compared with the value defined in the parameter Max-allowed-renaming-time. If the estimated time exceeds the parameter value, the cabinets are not renamed and a message similar to the following is returned:

Renaming cannot be completed within the allowed maximum time
1569 cabinet(s) will be renamed in approx. 06 h 25 m 10 s 

In this case, either start this utility later, or modify the parameter Max-allowed-renaming-time and restart the utility.

If the estimated time is less than the parameter value, then each selected cabinet is locked to obstruct users from logging on. To avoid conflicting actions, a rename flag is stored. See Functions Not Allowed During Execution below.

Next, all records from the Con-nect system file are read in physical order, analyzed and if required renamed. Once all records for the selected cabinets are renamed, the corresponding pending for rename records and the rename flag are deleted.

In the case of program failure, the rename flag is not deleted from the Con-nect file until this utility is restarted, using the same parameters to complete the renaming process.


Document names and nicknames are not changed.

Fields such as "Author ID" and "Modified ID" are updated for all objects.

When the information in an object field is considered a cabinet name or a name that corresponds to a cabinet (e.g. the User ID), this field is also renamed.

Distribution Lists

The name of a distribution list is not changed if this name is equal to a cabinet to be renamed. However, members of a distribtion list are renamed.


If the default password is used for a cabinet, it is renamed. If the user has specified another password, it is not modified.

Functions Not Allowed During Execution

The following functions are not allowed while this utility is running respectively when the rename flag is set:

  • all administration functions,

  • all API subprograms,

  • all other utilities, and

  • logon to the cabinets specified for rename.

If an API subprogram attempts to access a cabinet, return code 02 (invalid cabinet name) is issued.

Commands Not Executed

When this utility is run, the following commands are not executed in conjunction with a cabinet specified with this utility and the resulting message is displayed:

Command Message
SHARE Requested member cabinet is currently being renamed.
ADD Address Addressee(s) not available: renaming in progress
ADD Distribution Addressee(s) not available: renaming in progress
FORWARD Addressee(s) not available: renaming in progress
SEND Addressee(s) not available: renaming in progress
REPLY Item not mailed to all addressee(s): renaming in progress
CONFIRM Item not mailed to all addressee(s): renaming in progress

Estimate Run Time

Depending upon the number of records in the Con-nect system file and the number of cabinets to be renamed, this utility may take anywhere from a couple of minutes to several hours to run.

To determine the execution time, specify the parameter Test-execution-time as shown in the batch example below. In this case, cabinets pending for rename are neither locked or renamed. The run time for this utility is evaluated for 1, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 cabinets.

Batch Examples

Rename cabinets pending for rename, beginning with cabinet AB. This would be coded as follows:

B87050 AB* 

Evaluate the time required to rename cabinets. This would be coded as follows:
