Directory Synchronization - Download - Batch Mode Only

This document covers the following topics:





Download new addresses from the central directory which correspond to the profiles you defined. Additionally, update all previously imported addresses whose records have been modified on the central directory since the last download to your Con-nect node.

You must ensure that the correct setting for the LFILE parameter is specified for the central directory, since in batch mode this information will not be overwritten.

Utility Parameters



When this utility is run, the system checks the highest transaction ID on your Con-nect node against the transaction IDs on the central directory. If there are addresses on the central directory (which correspond to a profile you have defined) which have been assigned transaction IDs higher than what is stored on your Con-nect node, this utility begins the download procedure with the address assigned to the next highest number. If an address cannot be located on the central directory with a transaction ID higher than that on your local Con-nect or which corresponds to a profile you have defined, this utility is terminated.

This utility first downloads all new and modified addresses from the central directory and then updates all previously imported addresses.

If a previously imported address has been unlinked from the central directory, it is never updated even though the address record on the central directory may be modified. Instead, the modified address is treated as a "new" address and is downloaded as such.

See Directory Synchronization in Con-nect Administration for further information.

Batch Example

Download all new and modified addresses on central directory which correspond to the profiles you have defined. This would be coded as follows:
