
Con-nect provides two types of help:

Automatic Help

If you enter a wrong or incomplete command, or if you enter a wrong value in a field, help is displayed automatically. There are two types of automatic help:

  • an error message appears above the command line and indicates what went wrong (in some cases, it tells you what you are supposed to do); and/or

  • a window appears which displays all available commands or objects. Pressing ENTER displays the next page of commands or objects. You can enter the correct command or object in the command line. You can also select the command or object by placing the cursor next to it in the window and pressing ENTER (you need not remove the incorrect input from the command line).

Con-nect Help System

You can access the Con-nect help system at any time; for example, when you are unsure about what to enter in a field or how to use a function.

The following topics are covered below:

Field Help

When you are unsure what to enter in a specific field, you can:

  • Enter a question mark (?) in that field and press ENTER.

  • Or place the cursor in that field and press the PF-key assigned to the command HELP. As a result, the help text for that field is displayed. If you need more information about the current function, you can press PF1 while the field help is still displayed. As a result, topic help for the current function is displayed.

The PF-key assignments of the Con-nect help system are not affected by your own PF-key assignments.

Topic Help

To display help for a particular topic, you can issue the command HELP followed by a particular topic in the command line.

Topics are the names of commands (including editor commands) and objects; for example, "Document" or "Display". Further topics are "Editor" and "TRS".

For example, to display help about documents, you specify the following:

HELP Document

For example, to display help about the editor command EX-Y, you specify the following:


You can alternatively enter the first letter or letters of a topic to display a list of all help texts that contain a topic beginning with those letters.

If only one help text is available for the topic, it is displayed as soon as you press ENTER.

If several help texts deal with the topic, a list of all help texts containing the topic is displayed. To display a specific help text, you must mark it with any character and press ENTER. You can also mark several help texts and press ENTER; you must then press PF3 to proceed from one help text to the next.

Find Topic

A "Find Topic" line is displayed at the top of each help screen. When a specific help text is displayed, a list of topics that are related to the current function is shown below that line.

You can enter a topic in the "Find Topic" line to display the help text(s) for that topic.

You can also enter several topics in the "Find Topic" line to display the help text(s) that contain all of the specified topics.

Leaving the Help System

To leave the help system, you must press PF3.

When you have chosen a help topic from a list of help topics, you must press PF3 repeatedly to leave the help system.

You return to the screen from which you called the help system.