Search Facility

The search facility is useful if you have forgotten all or part of an item's name or if the number of items you have stored in your cabinet makes location via display screens impractical.

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

You can search for documents, folders (including the files in the folder), reference documents, appointments or meetings. You can do this via keywords or by specifying the object you are looking for more precisely.

The search procedure does not consider system documents (documents which have been created by the administrator in cabinet SYSCNT).

Objects in the Inbasket (except for the names of the five Inbasket files), Outbasket and Wastebasket are not identified by names. They are identified by their descriptions. Thus, if you are searching via a name, these objects are not found.

Objects in the Wastebasket do not contain keywords. Thus, you cannot retrieve them by searching via keywords.

Searching via Keywords

If you are searching via keywords, Con-nect also finds objects which are identified by a description (not by a name). If you are searching via the name (see the following sections), objects which are identified by a description (and not by a name) are not found.

Issue the following command from any point in Con-nect to search for documents, folders, files, reference documents, appointments or meetings via keywords:


As a result, the "Search" window appears.

  10:52 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                          Menu                              Thursday
  Command   Description                +---------------------------------------+
  -------   ------------------------   !                Search                 !
     I      Inbasket                   +---------------------------------------+
     S      Send Memo                  !   Appointm         Meeting            !
     P      Phonepad                   !   Document         Referenc           !
                                       !   Folder                              !
     F      Display Folder             !                                       !
     D      Display Document           !  Keywords _______________             !
     W      Write Document             !           _______________             !
                                       !           _______________             !
     N      Notepad                    !           _______________             !
     B      Bulletin Boards            !           _______________             !
     C      Calendar                   !           _______________             !
                                       ! Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR    !
     T      Desktop                    !                                       !
 Enter search criteria or quit                                                  
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

The objects which have been allowed for you, are displayed at the top of the "Search" window.

Specify the following information in the "Search" window:


The keyword(s) of the object you are looking for. You can enter a maximum of 6 keywords (one keyword per line).

If you enter more than one keyword and if you do not mark the "Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR" field, Con-nect finds only those objects that contain all the specified keywords.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in any of these lines, a list of all defined keywords (and the frequency with which you have used them) is displayed. You can mark a maximum of 6 keywords and press ENTER. If the list of defined keywords is longer than can be displayed in the window, you must press ENTER repeatedly.

Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR

Optional - if you enter several keywords, you can mark this field with any character to find objects that contain any of the specified keywords (i.e. Con-nect finds also those objects which do not contain all the specified keywords).

Press ENTER to verify the search criteria.

Press ENTER a second time to display the search results.

If the search is successful, the following screen is displayed giving you a list of all objects which were found.

 12:36 PM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               22.Apr.2002
 Cabinet LS                                                              Monday
     Subject                      Doc Seq From Date      From Time  To         
 Cmd Name and/or (Description)    Enc Typ Folder         File       Date Filed 
 --- ---------------------------- --- --- -------------- ---------- -----------
 __  Compose                           A                             8.Apr.2002
 __  Demo                              D                            15.Apr.2002
 __  Report                        3  Txt Work                      19.Apr.2002
 __  Video                             A                            21.Apr.2002
 __  Workshop                         Mee Fri 10.May.2002  9:00 AM 12:00 PM    
 __  Internal Training                Mee Mon 6.May.2002  12:01 AM >>>7.May    
 __  Munich                         X App Tue 14.May.2002  9:00 AM >>16.May    
Cmds are 1 or 2 characters from the list below (FLIP for PF-keys)              
   Command /                                                              /    
 Address  Cancel   Copy     Display  Enclose  Erase    Export   File     Format
 Info     Modify   Output   Print    Replies  Send     Translat Undo     X     

The columns display the following information (since the list can show different types of objects, there are two different headings for each column):

Subject / Name and/or (Description)

Either the subject of a meeting or appointment, or the name of a document, folder or reference document. When a document or reference document is not identified by a name but by a description, the description is shown in parentheses. When a file has been found, the file name is shown right after the folder name.

Doc / Enc

A number in this column refers to the total number of documents that are enclosed with this document.

An X in this column indicates that this calendar entry (appointment or meeting) has an agenda.

Seq / Typ

For a folder, the display sequence is shown (A=ascending, D=descending, U=user). For a document, the document format (such as Txt or Cnf) is shown. For a calendar entry, the type of entry is shown (App=appointment, Mee=meeting).

From Date / Folder

For a calendar entry, the starting date is shown. For a document or reference document, the name of the folder in which the object is stored is shown.

If a folder or file has a description, the description is shown in parentheses.

The name of a file is not shown in this column. The file name is shown right after the folder name (in the first column).

From Time / File

For a calendar entry the starting time is shown. For a document or reference document, the name of the file in which the object is stored is shown.

To / Date Filed

For a calendar entry that does not exceed one day, the ending time is shown. For a calendar entry that exceeds one day, the ending date is shown. For any other object, the date when the object has been filed in this cabinet is shown.

The command prompting lines of the above screen show all the commands which apply to the found items. The commands are described in section Commands. Since different types of objects can be shown in the search result, not all commands are allowed for all objects.

Searching for Documents

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:

SEARCH Document

As a result, the "Search Document" window appears.

 11:39 AM            * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *               11.Jan.2001
 Cabinet LS                          Menu                              Thursday
 Command   Description       +------------------------------------------------+
 -------   ---------------   !                Search Document                 !
    I      Inbasket          +------------------------------------------------+
    S      Send Memo         ! Document Name ________________________________ !
    P      Phonepad          !        Folder _______________                  !
                             !          File _______________                  !
    F      Display Folder    !      Keywords _______________ _______________  !
    D      Display Documen   !               _______________ _______________  !
    W      Write Document    !               _______________ _______________  !
                             !          Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR    !
    N      Notepad           !        Author ___________________________      !
    B      Bulletin Boards   !  Date Created ___________ - ___________        !
    C      Calendar          !        Sender ___________________________      !
                             !     Recipient ___________________________      !
    T      Desktop           !   Date Mailed ___________ - ___________        !
Enter search criteria or quit                                                  
   Command /                                                              /    
      Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

Specify at least one of the following search criteria:

Document Name

The name of a document. If you enter anything in this line, documents identified by a description (not by a name) are not found.

If you only know the first letter or first few letters of the document name, you can, for example, enter "Ack*" to get a list of all documents starting with "Ack".

If you leave this line blank, all documents are found (including those identified by a description). However, you must specify a folder or keyword(s).

Folder / File

The name of the folder in which the document is stored. In addition to the folder, you can enter the name of a file.

However, if you do not know the name of the folder, you can enter an asterisk (*) in either of these lines to display the "Folder is not defined" window; if you mark a folder it is automatically entered in the "Folder" line of the above window.


The keyword(s) of the object you are looking for. You can enter a maximum of 6 keywords (one keyword per line).

If you enter more than one keyword and if you do not mark the "Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR" field, Con-nect finds only those documents that contain all the specified keywords.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in any of these lines, a list of all defined keywords (and the frequency with which you have used them) is displayed. You can mark a maximum of 6 keywords and press ENTER. If the list of defined keywords is longer than can be displayed in the window, you must press ENTER repeatedly.

Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR

Optional - if you enter several keywords, you can mark this field with any character to find documents that contain any of the specified keywords (i.e. Con-nect finds also those documents which do not contain all the specified keywords).

To search for an author or a creation date, you must also specify one of the above search criteria.


The name or user ID of the person who created the document.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in this line, the user IDs are displayed in a window. If you mark a user ID, it is automatically entered in the "Author" line.

Date Created

This line refers to the date on which a document was created. You can enter the starting date or both starting and ending date.


The name or user ID of the person who sent the document.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in this line, the user IDs are displayed in a window. If you mark a user ID, it is automatically entered in the "Sender" line.


The name or user ID of the person to whom you have sent the document.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in this line, the user IDs are displayed in a window. If you mark a user ID, it is automatically entered in the "Recipient" line.

When you specify both a sender and a recipient, Con-nect searches for all documents that the specified sender has sent to the specified recipient.

Date Mailed

This line refers to the date on which a document was sent. You can enter the starting date or both starting and ending date. In this case, you must also enter a sender and/or recipient.

Press ENTER to verify the search criteria.

Press ENTER a second time to display the search results.

If the search is successful, the "Search Documents" screen is displayed giving you a list of the documents which were found.

If you have specified a sender or recipient, "Sent by: user-ID" or "Sent to: user-ID" is displayed below the screen name.

The command prompting line of the "Search Document" screen shows all the commands which apply to the items found. The commands are described in section Commands.

Searching for Folders and Files

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:


As a result, the "Search Folder / File" window appears.

  10:58 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                          Menu                              Thursday
  Command   Description                +---------------------------------------+
  -------   ------------------------   !      Search Folder / File             !
     I      Inbasket                   +---------------------------------------+
     S      Send Memo                  !                                       !
     P      Phonepad                   ! Object Name                           !
                                       !      _______________                  !
     F      Display Folder             !                                       !
     D      Display Document           ! Keywords                              !
     W      Write Document             !      _______________ _______________  !
                                       !      _______________ _______________  !
     N      Notepad                    !      _______________ _______________  !
     B      Bulletin Boards            !                                       !
     C      Calendar                   ! Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR    !
                                       !                                       !
     T      Desktop                    !                                       !
 Enter search criteria or quit                                                  
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

Specify at least one of the following search criteria:

Object Name

The name of a folder or file.

If you only know the first letter or first few letters of the object name, you can, for example, enter "I*" to get a list of all objects starting with "I". When you specify a name with an asterisk (for example, "Work*") and do not specify a keyword, all folders beginning with the specified letters are found. The list also contains all files in these folders, even if the file names do not start with the specified letters.

When you specify a name without an asterisk and do not specify a keyword, Con-nect assumes that you specified a folder name. In this case, a file with the specified name is not found.

When you specify at least one keyword in addition to the information in this line, the resulting list contains only those folders and files that contain the specified keywords. Either the folder name or the file name must meet the search criteria. If the folder name starts with the defined letters and if a file in the folder contains the specified keywords, the file name can also start with different letters. If the file name starts with the defined letters and if the file contains the specified keywords, the name of the folder in which the file is stored can also start with different letters.


The keyword(s) of the object you are looking for. You can enter a maximum of 6 keywords (one keyword per line).

If you enter more than one keyword and if you do not mark the "Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR" field, Con-nect finds only those folders and files that contain all the specified keywords.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in any of these lines, a list of all defined keywords (and the frequency with which you have used them) is displayed. You can mark a maximum of 6 keywords and press ENTER. If the list of defined keywords is longer than can be displayed in the window, you must press ENTER repeatedly.

Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR

Optional - if you enter several keywords, you can mark this field with any character to find folders and files that contain any of the specified keywords (i.e. Con-nect finds also those folders and files which do not contain all the specified keywords).

Press ENTER to verify the search criteria.

Press ENTER a second time to display the search results.

If the search is successful, the "Search Folder / File" screen is displayed giving you a list of the folders and files which were found.

The command prompting line of the "Search Folder / File" screen shows all the commands which apply to the items found. The commands are described in section Commands.

Searching for Appointments and Meetings

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:

SEARCH Calendar

As a result, the "Search Calendar" window appears.

  10:58 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                          Menu                              Thursday
  Command   Description                +---------------------------------------+
  -------   ------------------------   !           Search Calendar             !
     I      Inbasket                   +---------------------------------------+
     S      Send Memo                  !  Appointm         Meeting             !
     P      Phonepad                   !                                       !
                                       ! From Date ___________                 !
     F      Display Folder             !   to Date ___________                 !
     D      Display Document           !  Keywords _______________             !
     W      Write Document             !           _______________             !
                                       !           _______________             !
     N      Notepad                    !           _______________             !
     B      Bulletin Boards            !           _______________             !
     C      Calendar                   !           _______________             !
                                       ! Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR    !
     T      Desktop                    !    Author ___________________________ !
 Enter search criteria or quit                                                  
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

The objects which have been allowed for you are displayed at the top of the "Search Calendar" window.

Specify at least one of the following search criteria (you can also search for past appointments and meetings):

from Date

The day with which you want to start the search.

In contrast to displaying a list of calendar entries (which starts with the current date, if you do not enter a date with the command sequence), all appointments and meetings are found when you do not enter a starting date.

to Date

The day with which you want to end the search.

You can either enter a starting date, or both starting and ending date.


The keyword(s) of the object you are looking for. You can enter a maximum of 6 keywords (one keyword per line).

If you enter more than one keyword and if you do notmark the "Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR" field, Con-nect finds only those appointments and meetings that contain all the specified keywords.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in any of these lines, a list of all defined keywords (and the frequency with which you have used them) is displayed. You can mark a maximum of 6 keywords and press ENTER. If the list of defined keywords is longer than can be displayed in the window, you must press ENTER repeatedly.

If a found meeting or appointment exceeds one day, the frequency with which you have used the keyword(s) is equal to the number of the days. For example, if the duration of a meeting is 3 days, the frequency is also 3.

Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR

Optional - if you enter several keywords, you can mark this field with any character to find appointments and meetings that contain any of the specified keywords (i.e. Con-nect finds also those appointments and meetings which do not contain all the specified keywords).


The name or user ID of the person who created the calendar entry.

To search for an author, you must also specify one of the above search criteria.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in this line, the user IDs are displayed in a window. If you mark a user ID, it is automatically entered in the "Author" line.

Press ENTER to verify the search criteria.

Press ENTER a second time to display the search results.

If the search is successful, the "Search Calendar" screen is displayed giving you a list of the appointments and meetings which were found.

The command prompting line of the "Search Calendar" screen shows all the commands which apply to the items found. The commands are described in section Commands.

Searching for Reference Documents

Issue the following command sequence from any point in Con-nect:

SEARCH Reference

As a result, the "Search Reference Document" window appears.

  10:58 AM             * * *  C O N - N E C T  3  * * *                 3.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS                          Menu                              Thursday
  Command   Description                +---------------------------------------+
  -------   ------------------------   !      Search Reference Document        !
     I      Inbasket                   +---------------------------------------+
     S      Send Memo                  ! Document Name                         !
     P      Phonepad                   !      ________________________________ !
                                       !    Folder _______________             !
     F      Display Folder             !      File _______________             !
     D      Display Document           ! Keywords                              !
     W      Write Document             !      _______________ _______________  !
                                       !      _______________ _______________  !
     N      Notepad                    !      _______________ _______________  !
     B      Bulletin Boards            ! Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR    !
     C      Calendar                   !    Writer ___________________________ !
                                       !     Title ___________________________ !
     T      Desktop                    !                                       !
 Enter search criteria or quit                                                  
    Command /                                                              /    
       Help  Menu  Quit  In    Send  Foldr Docs  Note  Cal   Flip  Last  Home   

Specify at least one of the following search criteria:

Document Name

The name of a reference document. If you enter anything in this line, reference documents identified by a description (not by a name) are not found.

If you only know the first letter or first few letters of the document name, you can, for example, enter "B*" to get a list of all reference documents starting with "B".

If you leave this line blank, all reference documents are found (including those identified by a description). However, you must specify a folder or keyword(s).

Folder / File

The name of the folder in which the document is stored. In addition to the folder, you can enter the name of a file.

However, if you do not know the name of the folder, you can enter an asterisk (*) in either of these lines to display the "Folder is not defined" window; if you mark a folder, it is automatically entered in the "Folder" line of the above window.


The keyword(s) of the object you are looking for. You can enter a maximum of 6 keywords (one keyword per line).

If you enter more than one keyword and if you do not mark the "Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR" field, Con-nect finds only those reference documents that contain all the specified keywords.

If you enter an asterisk (*) in any of these lines, a list of all defined keywords (and the frequency with which you have used them) is displayed. You can mark a maximum of 6 keywords and press ENTER. If the list of defined keywords is longer than can be displayed in the window, you must press ENTER repeatedly.

Mark _ to combine Keywords with OR

Optional - if you enter several keywords, you can mark this field with any character to find reference documents that contain any of the specified keywords (i.e. Con-nect finds also those reference documents which do not contain all the specified keywords).

To search for a writer or a title, you must also specify one of the above search criteria.


The writer of the reference document.

This refers to the name of the writer which has been entered in the "Writer" line of the reference document - this does not refer to the person who created the reference document.


The title of the reference document.

Press ENTER to verify the search criteria.

Press ENTER a second time to display the search results.

If the search is successful, the "Search Reference Document" screen is displayed giving you a list of the reference documents which were found.

The command prompting line of the "Search Reference Document" screen shows all the commands which apply to the items found. The commands are described in section Commands.