Invoking Con-nect

Con-nect is contained in the Natural library SYSCNT2 as a Natural system application and the Natural library SYSCNT2B contains the Con-nect utilities.

Con-nect is invoked by executing the Natural transaction MENU. At the beginning of a Con-nect session, Con-nect checks the user's identification and determines the user's authorization, based on the stored Con-nect user definitions. Two parameters, user ID and password, may be provided when the MENU transaction is invoked. For example:

userID password

where userid and password must be substituted with the actual user ID and password.

If only a user ID is provided, Con-nect will prompt the user for the corresponding password.

If no parameters are specified, Con-nect will obtain the user ID from the Natural system variable *INIT-USER (if Natural Security is not in effect) or from the Natural Security user ID (if Natural Security is in effect).

See the Con-nect User's Guide for further information.

Possible Problems when Starting Con-nect

Besides the user's identification and user's authorization, Con-nect internally checks installation settings such as version, environment and modules. If something is missing, the user is informed. The following actions may be requested:

  • the complete installation of another version of Con-nect,

  • re-installation or validation of the copied Con-nect modules, or

  • running the program INSTALL (see Run INSTALL (Job I100, Step 5020)).