This document covers the following topics:


Add an external node which uses either the transport service or the spool file.

This subprogram can be invoked only by a system administrator or supervisor.

When you add an external node which uses the transport service, you must specify the parameter Destination-node (i.e. the name by which the node that you are currently adding is to be identified within the transport service network).


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Cabinet A8 R   The cabinet ID of a supervisor or system administrator.
Password A8 R   The password of the above cabinet.
Node-name A8 R   The name of the node to be added.
Node-description A40 O   A brief description for the node.
Node-type A1 R   A=remote Con-nect node, B=Telex, F=SNADS, G=printer, H=Telefax, or T=Teletex. Only the node types installed on your system can be specified.
Node-service A1 R   S=spool file, T=transport service.
Address-level N1 R   The address level establishes limitations for the Send function. Specify a value between 0 (lowest level) and 9 (highest level).
Destination-node A8 R   Only required when you add a node which uses the transport service. The name by which the node is to be identified by the transport service.
Node-parameters A250/1:7 R   The physical address of the external node. See External Communication. If you add a node which uses the spool file, only the first occurrence of the Node-parameters is used.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name or - in batch mode only - locked cabinet
03 Password incorrect
90 User is not a system administrator or supervisor
91 Node already exists
92 Node type is not supported
93 Spool file nodes cannot have a transport service name
94 System contains no information regarding nodes
95 Addressee definition, not a node name
96 Missing transport service node name
97 Invalid transport service
98 Service not available for this node type

