General Information for Con-nect

This document contains general information for installing Con-nect and the transport service. It covers the following topics:

The Con-nect Operating Environment

Con-nect Version 3.4.2 can be used with any of the following operating systems:

  • z/OS,

  • z/VSE,

  • VM/CMS, or

  • BS2000/OSD.

Additionally, Con-nect Version 3.4.2 can be used with any of the following teleprocessing monitors:

  • Com-plete,

  • CICS,

  • TSO,


  • IMS/DC

  • TIAM and UTM (BS2000).

Adabas Statistics Facility

If the Adabas Statistics Facility is installed and you want to send the output of critical reports to Con-nect, you must copy the following Con-nect API subprograms and the subprograms called by these API subprograms from SYSCNT2 to SYSASF:

Z-ADD11, Z-ERA11, and Z-MAILA.

For further information, see the Con-nect Application Programming Interface documentation.

Con-form and Language Modules

Con-form and the language modules must also be installed with Con-nect. Thus, when using SMA to install Con-nect (CNTxxx), Con-form (CMFxxx) and CSxnnn (language modules) must also be set to "to be installed".

For further information, see the Con-form Installation Manual.

Con-nect Text Retrieval

Con-nect Text Retrieval is based upon Adabas Text Retrieval (for further information see Adabas TRS Call Interface: Programmer's Guide).

When you plan to use Con-nect Text Retrieval, the following product must be installed:

  • Adabas Text Retrieval System Version 2.1.4 or above.

The Con-nect Text Retrieval datasets are no longer delivered separately. They have been integrated into the Con-nect datasets. The installation of Con-nect Text Retrieval is incorporated in the Con-nect installation procedure.

When you plan to use Con-nect Text Retrieval and you are using SMA, you must set the parameter CNT-TEXT-RETR to Y.


Con-nect is a subsystem of Natural. Con-nect Version 3.4.2 is compatible with Natural Version 4.2 or above.

If OUTPUT 'CONNECT' is defined either in conjunction with a Con-nect system whose selected printer is CONNECT, or an application with the Natural statement DEFINE PRINTER (n) OUTPUT 'CONNECT', the Natural load library module NATPCNT must be linked to the Natural nucleus.

Printer files 1 through 8 should be defined in the NTPRINT macro. Otherwise, you have to define printer files 1 through 8 dynamically in the Natural parameter PRINT.

Natural Security

If Natural Security is installed and the language code for Natural Security is set to 0, it is important to note that the value of the Natural profile parameter ULANG is applied. This means that the value of ULANG and the Con-nect language code you are installing must be identical.

See the Natural Security documentation for information on user maintenance.


If Predict is installed, you must copy the following Con-nect API subprograms and the subprograms called by these API subprograms from SYSCNT2 to SYSDIC to enable the transfer of texts to and from Predict:

Z-ADD11A, Z-DIS11, Z-ERA11, Z-GET11B and Z-GET11C.

For further information, see the Con-nect Application Programming Interface documentation.

Transport Service

The installation of the Con-nect transport service method is incorporated in the Con-nect installation procedures. A description of the installation steps for the transport service is provided. See Part 2. The Transport Service.

Before beginning the installation, it is recommended that you read the Con-nect Administration documentation, section The Transport Service, sub-section General Information.

Installation Jobs

The installation of Software AG products is performed by installation jobs. These jobs are either created "manually" or generated by System Maintenance Aid (SMA).

For each step of the installation procedure, the job number of a job performing the respective task is indicated. This job number refers to an installation job generated by SMA.

If you are not using SMA, an example installation job of the same number is provided in the job library on the Con-nect installation tape; you must adapt this example job to your requirements. Note that the job numbers on the tape may be preceded by a product code (for example, CNTI061).

Using System Maintenance Aid

If you plan to use SMA for the installation process, you must set the parameter CNT-FIRST-INSTALL to either Y if Con-nect is not installed, or N if you are upgrading from a previous Con-nect version.

When you plan to use Con-nect Text Retrieval, you must set the parameter CNT-TEXT-RETR to Y. If you do not want to install Con-nect Text Retrieval, set this parameter to N.

Additionally, if you want to install the transport service method, you must set the parameter CNT-TRANS-SERV (CNT-OPT-TRANS for BS2000/OSD) to Y. If you do not want to install the transport service, set this parameter to N.

All three parameters can be found in the SMA group Options.

For information on using SMA for the installation process, refer to the SMA documentation (included on the current edition of the Natural documentation CD).

Dataset Names

All references in this manual are made to dataset names. The notation nnn in dataset names represents the version number of the product, while the notation x represents the language code as shown below:

Character Language Code Number
E English 1
D German 2
F French 3
S Spanish 4
H Dutch 6
K Danish 8