This document covers the following topics:


Return the mail status message of a specific user.

This subprogram can be invoked prior to Z-MAILA or Z-MAILAX to find out whether the user has set a mail status message. However, it can also be used independently.

You cannot specify more than one ID in the Cabinet parameter. If you want to get the mail status message for several users, you must invoke this subprogram for each user.

For another cabinet than your own, the mail status message is only returned when it has been activated (i.e. when the user has marked the "Set Mail Status Message" field).

For your own cabinet, the mail status message is also returned when it has not been activated.


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2   X  
Cabinet A8 R   The cabinet in which the mail status message is to be returned.
Active A1   X If marked, the mail status message has been activated.
Mail-status-message A37/1:10   X The text of the mail status message.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name

