This document covers the following topics:


File a folder (Source-folder) in another folder (Target-folder), or remove a folder (Source-folder) from the folder in which it is stored.

You can specify a folder by either its name or its number. You must not specify both. To get the numbers for the source and target folders, you can either invoke Z-ADD13 or Z-DIS13A prior to this subprogram.

To file the Source-folder in the Target-folder, you must specify either the parameter Target-folder-name or the parameter Target-folder-number. You must not specify both parameters.

To remove the Source-folder from the folder in which it is stored, you must leave the parameters Target-folder-number and Target-folder-name blank. In this case, the Source-folder becomes a separate folder which is not filed within any other folder.

Lower hierarchy is not allowed when filing folders into other folders. For example, folder A is filed in folder B and folder B is filed in folder C. Folder C can be filed in another folder but it cannot be filed in folder A or B.

A TRS folder cannot be used as a source or a target folder.


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Cabinet A8 R   The cabinet in which the folder is to be filed.
Password A8 R   The password of the above cabinet.
Source-folder-name A15 R*   The name of the folder to be filed. Either Source-folder-name or Source-folder-number, not both.
Target-folder-name A15 R*   The name of the folder in which the Source-folder is to be filed. Either Target-folder-name or Target-folder-number, not both.
Source-folder-number N5 R*   The number of the folder to be filed. Either Source-folder-number or Source-folder-name, not both.
Target-folder-number N5 R*   The number of the folder in which the Source-folder is to be filed. Either Target-folder-number or Target-folder-name, not both.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name
03 Password incorrect
55 Requested folder/file does not exist
56 Requested folder is a TRS folder
91 Supply either Target-folder-name or Target-folder-number
92 Supply Source-folder-name or Source-folder-number
93 Folder cannot be filed within itself
94 Cyclic folder structures are not allowed

