This document covers the following topics:


Erase a nickname.

This subprogram applies to a nickname for an internal Con-nect address, a nickname for an external address using the spool file, and a nickname for an external address using the transport service.

When the Deletion-flag is blank, the nickname is moved to the Wastebasket of the cabinet. When the Deletion-flag is marked or when the nickname is already stored in the Wastebasket, the nickname is erased from Con-nect and cannot be recovered.


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Cabinet A8 R   The cabinet in which the nickname is to be erased.
Password A8 R   The password of the above cabinet.
Nickname A20 R*   The nickname to be erased.
ISN P8 R*   The ISN of the nickname to be erased. If both ISN and nickname are supplied, their consistency with one another is verified. You can invoke Z-GET01 or Z-GET01T prior to Z-ERA01 to obtain the ISN for the desired nickname.
Deletion-flag A1 O   If blank, the nickname is moved to the Wastebasket. If marked, the nickname is erased from Con-nect.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name
03 Password incorrect
04 ISN was not found
09 ISN does not point to a correct object
91 Invalid name
92 Address does not exist
99 ISN and nickname are not consistent

