This document covers the following topics:


Display a list of all bulletin boards in alphabetical order.

A value of 0 is returned in the parameter Newest-item if:

  • nothing was found;

  • the date of the newest item on the bulletin board is prior to the date in the parameter Start-date;

  • the parameter All-objects was left blank (meaning that only documents are to be returned) and there are no documents.

This subprogram should be invoked iteratively until the return code 77 indicates the end of the list. The parameters Start-date, All-objects and Number can be modified between iterative calls.

This subprogram can be used in conjunction with Z-DIS04A and Z-GET04.


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Start-date A8 O   Format yyyymmdd. When you enter an invalid format, it is set to 0.
Bulletin-start-name A8 O   Start value. The name of a bulletin board. If Bulletin-start-name is not specified, a list of all bulletin boards is returned.
All-objects A1 O   If marked, all objects are returned. If blank, only documents are returned.
Number N2 O   The maximum number of bulletin boards that are returned with each call. When you do not specify a value, or when you specify a value greater than 20, the default value 20 is used.
Occurrence N2   X Number of objects returned with this call.
Bulletin-table (20)
  Name A15   X The name of the bulletin board.
  Description-1 A60   X The first line of description of the bulletin board.
  Description-2 A60   X The second line of description of the bulletin board.
  Newest-item N8   X Format yyyymmdd. The date of the newest item on the bulletin board. The value 0 can also be returned; see the above description.
Work-parameter A15     For internal use. See The Work Parameter.

Return Codes

00 Success
77 End of list

