This document covers the following topics:


Add a folder or file.

You can also add a folder and file at the same time. In this case, the specifications for the parameters Description and Keywords apply to both the folder and file. However, it is recommended that you proceed in two steps. In the first step, you add a folder, and in the second step, you add a file (which is stored in the folder that you added in the first step). In this case, you can assign a separate description and separate keywords to the file.

In contrast to the description for a folder (A60/1:2), the description for a file has only one line and can be up to 40 characters long (A40).

The security levels of a file are always that of the folder in which it is stored (as specified in the parameter Security-flags).

The sequence of a file is always that of the folder in which it is stored (as specified in the parameter Folder-sequence).


Parameter Format In Out Remarks
Return-code N2 O X Input -1: no ET.
Cabinet A8 R   The cabinet in which the folder or file is to be added.
Password A8 R   The password of the above cabinet.
Folder-name A15 R   Either the name of the folder to be added, or the name of the folder in which you want to store the file that you are currently adding.
File-name A15 O   The name of the file to be added within the above folder.
Description A60/1:2 O   A brief description for the folder or file. For a file the description has only one line and it can be up to 40 characters long (A40).
Keywords A15/1:6 O   Keywords are helpful when you search for an object. You can specify up to 6 keywords. A keyword must not contain an asterisk (*).
Security-flags A2 O   The security levels for Read and Modify. Values 0 to 9.
Folder-sequence N1 O   1 (ascending by date), 2 (descending by date), or 3 (user-defined). Default: 1.
Folder-number N5   X The internal number for the new folder.
File-number N5   X The internal number for the new file.
ISN P10   X The ISN of the new folder or file. When you add a folder and file at the same time, this is the ISN of the file.

Return Codes

00 Success
02 Invalid cabinet name
03 Password incorrect
10 Function not valid for a system folder
12 System folder record does not exist, contact administrator
54 At least one keyword was invalid
61 Invalid security code(s)
73 Invalid folder/file name
74 Folder/file already exists
75 Too many folders/files in this cabinet (>65535)
76 Sequence number for folder invalid, set to 1




0020 *
0030 LOCAL
0040 *
0050 1 RETURN-CODE               (N2)
0060 1 CABINET                   (A8)
0070 1 PASSWORD                  (A8)
0080 1 FOLDER-NAME               (A15)
0090 1 FILE-NAME                 (A15)
0100 1 DESCRIPTION               (A60/1:2)
0110 1 KEYWORDS                  (A15/1:6)
0120 1 SECURITY-FLAGS            (A2)
0140   2 SECURITY-READ           (A1)
0150   2 SECURITY-MODIFY         (A1)
0160 1 FOLDER-SEQUENCE           (N1)
0170 1 FOLDER-NUMBER             (N5)
0180 1 FILE-NUMBER               (N5)
0190 1 ISN                       (P10)
0200 *
0220 *
0230 INPUT (IP=OFF AD='_')
0240         'Cabinet       ' CABINET
0250      /  'Password      ' PASSWORD (AD=N)
0260      /  'Folder        ' FOLDER-NAME
0270      /  'File          ' FILE-NAME
0280      /  'Description   ' DESCRIPTION (1)
0290      /  '              ' DESCRIPTION (2)
0300      /  'Keywords      ' KEYWORDS (1:3)
0310      /  '              ' KEYWORDS (4:6)
0320      /  'Security  Read' SECURITY-READ 'Modify' SECURITY-MODIFY
0330      /  'Sequence (1-3)' FOLDER-SEQUENCE (SG=OFF)
0340 IF   FOLDER-NAME NE ' '
0350      CALLNAT 'Z-ADD13A'
0360           RETURN-CODE
0370           CABINET
0380           PASSWORD
0390           FOLDER-NAME
0400           FILE-NAME
0410           DESCRIPTION (*)
0420           KEYWORDS (*)
0430           SECURITY-FLAGS
0440           FOLDER-SEQUENCE
0450           FOLDER-NUMBER
0460           FILE-NUMBER
0470           ISN
0480      IF   RETURN-CODE EQ 0
0490           WRITE 'Folder/file has been created'
0500      ELSE
0510           WRITE 'Folder/file cannot be created:' RETURN-CODE
0520      END-IF
0530 END-IF
0540 *
0550 END