Navigating Through the Directory Synchronization

This document covers the following topics:

Invoking the Directory Synchronization Menu

The following diagram shows the path you must take to invoke the Directory Synchronization.


Directory Synchronization Menu

When you select the Directory Synchronization function from the "Administration - Main Menu", the screen below is displayed.

Only system administrators can access the directory synchronization functions.

   5:57 PM              * * * C O N - N E C T 3  * * *                 14.Feb.94
  Cabinet LS        Administration - Directory Synchronization              OLAP

  Select a Function:        _ Upload Address Maintenance

                            _ Upload Addresses

                            _ Download Address Maintenance

                            _ Download Addresses

                            _ Import Address Maintenance

                            _ Import Addresses

                            _ Directory Synchronization Maintenance

       Help  Menu  Quit  UAM   Upl   DAM   Downl IAM   Imp   DiSyn
 Mark item(s) from the list above or press a PF-key

You mark the function you want with any character and press ENTER, or press the corresponding PF-key.