New Features and Enhancements

New features and enhancements are available in the following areas:


Improved messages are available when Con-nect cannot be invoked after the installation. See Con-nect Installation and Operations, section Possible Problems when Starting Con-nect.



It is now possible to display a report containing the Con-nect installation history. See Con-nect Administration, section Con-nect Installation History.

Transport Service

The "Items" column on the "Queue Maintenance" screen is now 6 characters wide. If the queue contains more than 9999 items, "!>9999" is shown in this column. It is recommended that you do not keep so many items in a queue and that you delete items in time.

Con-nect SNADS

The "Items" column on the "Queue Maintenance" screen is now 6 characters wide. If the queue contains more than 9999 items, "!>9999" is shown in this column. It is recommended that you do not keep so many items in a queue and that you delete items in time.

End-User Functions


The locking concept for appointments has changed. An appointment is now unlocked when the active user leaves the "Modify Appointment" screen with any command. See Con-nect User's Guide, section Locked Appointments.


B99050 - Fix Corrupted Cabinet Records

Code C is now generated when the modification date, time or ID has been corrected. See Con-nect Utilities, section Fix Corrupted Cabinet Records.

Application Programming Interface


This API subprogram now uses the subprogram Z-754. See Con-nect Application Programming Interface, section Z-DIS13B.


This is a new API subprogram which can be used to activate or deactivate a command-object combination for a specific cabinet. See Con-nect Application Programming Interface, section Z-MOD05N.


The error messages which appear when an error has occurred in a document have been enhanced. Additional information on the error is now provided.