General Information for Con-nect SNADS

This Dokument contains general information for installing Con-nect SNADS.

It covers the following topics:

Prerequisite Software

Before installing Con-nect SNADS, ensure that the following software is already installed:

  • Con-nect Version 3.4.2 or above with its prerequisite software (e.g. Adabas database software);

  • Natural Version 4.2 or above with the appropriate Natural CICS or Natural Com-plete interface.

  • EntireX Broker Services, or CICS (for the currently supported version, see the Natural documentation).

SNADS Network Terms and Naming Concepts

The following terms are used when discussing SNADS networks:

Acronym Description
SNA System Network Architecture
SNADS System Network Architecture Distribution Services
DSU Distribution Services Unit (node in network)
DU Distribution User (person/application in network)
DIU Distribution Interchange Unit (distribution object; i.e. message, document)

The following terms define the SNADS network naming concept:

Acronym Description
DSUN Distribution Services Unit Name
The name of a node in the network; each node within a network must have a unique name.
The DSUN consists of a RGN and a REN separated by a period as follows:
RGN Routing Group Name
An optional value (usually blank) used to distinguish duplicate REN values by routing group.
REN Routing Element Name
A required value that must be unique within a routing group. If RGN is blank (i.e. DSUN=blank.REN),then the REN value is equivalent to the node name (DSUN) and must be unique within the network.
DUN Distribution User Name
The name of a user in the network. The DUN consists of a DGN and a DEN separated by a period as follows:
DGN Distribution Group Name
A value identifying a group of users; typically a node or application name.
DEN Distribution Element Name
A value identifying a specific user within a group of users; typically a user ID or a name.

A possible configuration for a user's SNADS address can consists of the DSUN (RGN + REN) and the DUN (DGN + DEN) together as follows:

  DSUN             DUN
RGN + REN   +   DGN + DEN
blank.node      node.user

Communicating with Systems that are not SNADS Nodes

Con-nect users may exchange information with users on other Con-nect nodes and with users of other office systems that provide SNADS implementations (e.g. DISOSS). Con-nect users may also exchange information with users of office systems that do not provide SNADS implementations (e.g. PROFS) when gateway functionalities such those provided by DISOSS are used.

CICS 31-BIT Addressing

Con-nect SNADS fully supports CICS 31-bit addressing mode. If you are installing Con-nect SNADS for the first time, or upgrading your Con-nect SNADS to Version 1.5.2, CICS 31-bit addressing mode is automatically available. For further information, see Installation Steps.