Operating the Natural Web I/O Interface Server

This document describes how to operate a Natural Web I/O Interface server. Unless otherwise noted, the information below applies to all operating systems.

The following topics are covered:

Starting the Natural Web I/O Interface Server

The Web I/O Interface server can be started as a "started task":

//NWOSRV  PROC                                      
// PARM=('POSIX(ON)/NWOSRV1')                        
//         DD DISP=SHR,DSN=NATvrs.LOAD              
//CMPRINT  DD SYSOUT=X                             
//STGTRACE DD SYSOUT=X                             
//STGSTDO  DD SYSOUT=X                             

wherevrs represents the relevant product version of NWO or Natural.

PARM=('POSIX(ON)/NWOSRV1') - POSIX(ON) is required for a proper LE370 initialization, and NWOSRV1 is the name of the server for the communication with the monitor client.

The name of the started task must be defined under RACF and the z/OS Linux System Services.

If you qualify the Natural Web I/O Interface server data sets by server-id, the server ID is restricted to a maximum length of 6 characters.

Alternatively you can automatically start Natural Web I/O Interface servers during SMARTS initialization by using the SMARTS SYSPARM parameter STARTUPPGM. In the SMARTS SYSPARM file specify:




Terminating the Natural Web I/O Interface Server

The Natural Web I/O Interface server can be terminated from within the Monitor Client NATMOPI, see Monitor Commands below.

Monitoring the Natural Web I/O Interface Server

To enable the administrator to monitor the status of the Natural Web I/O Interface server, a monitor task is provided which is initialized automatically at server startup. Using the monitor commands described below, the administrator can control the server activities, cancel particular user sessions, terminate the entire server, etc.

The following topics are covered below:

Monitor Communication

To communicate with the monitor, you can use the monitor client NATMOPI; see Monitor Client NATMOPI. Or you can use the HTML Monitor Client that supports standard web browser, see HTML Monitor Client.

You can alternatively use the operator command MODIFY to execute the monitor commands described below in the section Monitor Commands. The output of the executed monitor command will be written to the system log.


F jobname,APPL=ping

sends the command ping to the Web I/O Interface server running under the job jobname.

Monitor Commands

The Natural Web I/O Interface server supports the following monitor commands:

Monitor Command Action
ping Verifies whether the server is active. The server responds and sends the string
I'm still up
terminate Terminates the server.
abort Terminates the server immediately without releasing any resources.
set configvariable value With the set command, you can modify server configuration settings. For example, to modify TRACE_LEVEL:
set TRACE_LEVEL 31+30+15
list sessions Returns a list of active Natural sessions within the server. For each session, the server returns information about the user who owns the session, the session initialization time, the last activity time and an internal session identifier (session-id).
list cputime Returns a list of transactions with highest CPU time usage, sorted by CPU time in descending order. See CPU_TIME_HISTORY and CPU_TIME_TRACE to enable CPU time history.
cancel session session-id

Cancels a specific Natural session within the Natural Web I/O Interface server. To obtain the session ID, use the monitor command list sessions.

Canceling active batch server sessions in Natural requires authorized services provided by the Authorized Services Manager (ASM). If the ASM is not started, those sessions cannot be canceled.

cleanup Cancel sessions that are inactive longer than specified in configuration parameter SESSION_TIMEOUT.
help Returns help information about the monitor commands supported.

Runtime Trace Facility

For debugging purposes, the server code has a built-in trace facility which can be switched on, if desired.

The following topics are covered below:

Trace Medium

The Natural Web I/O Interface server writes its runtime trace to the logical system file SYSOUT of the FSIO task.

Trace Configuration

The trace is configured by a trace level which defines the details of the trace. Once a trace is switched on, it can be restricted to particular clients or client requests by specifying a trace filter, see also Web I/O Interface server configuration parameter TRACE_FILTER.

Every Natural session is provided with a 32-bit trace status word (TSW) which defines the trace level for this session. The value of the TSW is set in the Web I/O Interface server configuration parameter TRACE_LEVEL. A value of zero means that the trace is switched off.

Trace Level

Each bit of the TSW is responsible for certain trace information. Starting with the rightmost bit:

Bit 31 Trace main events (server initialization/termination, client request/result).
Bit 30 Detailed functions (session allocation, rollin/rollout calls, detailed request processing).
Bit 29 Dump internal storage areas.
Bit 28 Session directory access.
Bit 27 Dump send/reply buffer.
Bit 26 Dump send/reply buffer short. Only the first 64 bytes are dumped.
Bit 25 Dump I/O buffer.
Bit 24 Dump I/O buffer short. Only the first 64 bytes are dumped.
Bit 23 Call back gateway event.
Bit 22-17 Free.
Bit 15 Trace error situations only.
Bit 14 Apply trace filter definitions.
Bit 13 Trace start and termination of the server only.
Bit 12 Trace start and termination of the client sessions only. Even if bit 13 is set.
Bit 11-01 Free.
Bit 00 Reserved for trace-level extension.

Using trace levels 12 and 13 is only possible with Natural Web I/O Interface Server Version 8.3.2.

Trace Filter

It is possible to restrict the trace by a logical filter in order to reduce the volume of the server trace output.

  • The filter can be set with the configuration parameter TRACE_FILTER.

  • The filter may consist of multiple keyword=filtervalue assignments separated by spaces.

  • To activate the filter definition, the trace bit 14 in the trace status word (see Trace Level) must be set.

The filter keyword is:

Client Filters the trace output by specific clients.

The following rules apply:

  • If a keyword is defined multiple times, the values are cumulated.

  • The value must be enclosed in braces and can be a list of filter values separated by spaces.

  • The values are not case sensitive.

  • Asterisk notation is possible.



Each request of the user ID "KSP" and each request of the user IDs starting with a "P" are traced.