NAF - NATSPOOL in Batch Mode

This documentcovers the following topics:

General Information

Natural batch jobs can store reports on the spool file.

To do so, specify FSPOOL=(nnnnn,fffff,password,cipher-key) and the printers to be used by Natural Advanced Facilities with either the NTPRINT macro or the PRINT parameter (see the Natural Parameter Reference documentation).

The reports can subsequently be routed by the operator to remote terminal printers in the same way as those produced by online Natural applications.

In order to use NATSPOOL in batch mode, the NATSPOOL nucleus NAFNUC must be link-edited to the Natural batch module.

The value of *USER is taken as the Sending User ID.

Batch jobs creating reports on the spool file can be submitted offline or online by using the Natural Remote Job Entry function NATRJE described in the Natural Utilities documentation. In this way it is possible to build online Natural applications which transfer time-consuming operations to batch jobs, which in turn spool the output back to the online Natural environment.

Example - z/OS Systems

You can use the following z/OS sample JCL to store reports on the spool file in batch mode:

//TEST     JOB  NATSPOOL,CLASS=G,MSGCLASS=X                              
//STEPLIB  DD   DSN=NATURAL.NAF.LOAD,DISP=SHR                        
//         DD   DSN=ADABAS.LOAD,DISP=SHR                            
//CMPRINT  DD   SYSOUT=X                                                 
//CMPRT01  DD   SYSOUT=X                                                 
//CMSYNIN  DD   *                                                        
LOGON TEST                                                               
WRITE (1) 'This report is for CMPRT01'                                   
WRITE (2) 'This report is for NATSPOOL'                                  

NATSPOOL in Batch Mode with CICS or IMS TM

The NATSPOOL spool server under CICS or IMS TM is not started by batch jobs. This means that in general, reports created in batch mode are not printed automatically on CICS or IMS TM terminal printers. However, if the spool server is already active, reports that are created in batch mode are also printed if they have the same Destination/Form as the report which has ONPR status.

If the spool file is an Adabas file, NATSPOOL can be invoked under CICS or IMS TM and in batch mode concurrently.

For CICS usage: If the spool file is a VSAM dataset, creation of reports in batch mode is only possible if control has not been given to CICS that is, CICS has not opened the spool file for update. This restriction is due to VSAM provisions for controlling data sharing in a single-system environment (SHARE OPTION).