PARSE JSON: Reason Codes for Error Message NAT8331

If the JSON parsing process terminates with error messages NAT8331, the JSON input document is syntactically invalid. The reason codes returned, along with NAT8331, represent the following meanings:

Reason Codes for Error Message NAT8331
Reason Code Explanation
001 An internal error has occurred, and the PARSE process cannot proceed.
002 There is a generic syntax error.
003 VALUE is missing, JSON document is BLANK, or the JSON document is represented in an incorrect Code Page.
004 KEY is missing.
005 COLON is missing.
006 Either a COMMA or a closing of an array or object is missing.
007 String not properly closed.
008 Invalid or unknown escape sequence in a string.
009 Invalid UTF-8 in a string.
010 The JSON document is empty.
111 Storage problem – out of memory.
112 Mismatch in brackets (e.g. "{ ]" or "[ }").
113 Either a VALUE or a closing of an array or object is missing.
114 Either a KEY or a closing of an array or object is missing.
115 End-of-file missing.
116 Unescaped control character in a string.
117 Reached maximum size of JSON document.
118 Reached maximum value limit.
119 Reached maximum nesting level.
120 Reached maximum number value.
121 Reached maximum string length.
122 Reached maximum key length.
123 Root type not allowed.