This document describes Software AG's mainframe product licensing procedures, license check software and license file.
vrs, vr
When used in this document, the notation
vrs, vr or
v.r.s represents the three-digit or two-digit
version number of the Software AG product.
When used in this document, the notation ppp represents the
three-character product code of the Software AG product: ADA for Adabas, NAT for
Natural, COM for Com-plete, WCP for Entire Net-Work and NPR for Entire System
This section describes the data sets (files) containing this
software. All licensing data sets have names starting with the characters
. The vrs in the names represents
the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as
the version of your Software AG mainframe product.
For instructions on copying the data sets from the product installation medium to disk and loading the libraries contained on the data set, refer to the appropriate installation procedure for your mainframe product.
The following licensing data sets are provided in z/OS environments:
Data Set Name | Description |
MLCvrs.LOAD | Mainframe license check load modules |
MLCvrs.JOBS | Mainframe license check sample jobs |
You must install a valid license file on all mainframe platforms in which your Software AG mainframe product is installed.
In a Natural z/OS environment, additional license files are required for Natural for zIIP: NAZvrs.LICS for batch/TSO, NCIvrs.LICS for CICS, NCFvrs.LICS for Com-plete and NIIvrs.LICS for IMS.
The license file is provided as an XML document (encoding is US-ASCII). If you receive the license file as an email attachment, save it directly to disk. To avoid unwarranted modification, do not save it from a browsing tool or text editor. For example, Internet Explorer might change the XML encoding tag value to its local encoding.
The XML document can be viewed using a browsing tool or text editor on a PC. It can also be viewed on the mainframe using the DISPLAY function of the license utility, LICUTIL, described later in this document. The license file contains text, which represents the licensing information and a digital signature, the license key. Among other things, it displays Software AG legal notices and environmental information.
![]() |
Warning: The license file must remain in ASCII format -- even on the mainframe. It must not be modified. Any modification of the license file will invalidate the digital signature and the license check will fail. If the check fails, please contact your Software AG technical support representative. |
Your individual product license is shipped on the product installation medium as pppvrs.LICS data set (file) or as an e-mail attachment in the file format pppvr.xml.
Once the license file is received, either copy it from the product installation medium to disk or use native FTP commands to transfer it to your mainframe host before using it during the mainframe product installation.
During the mainframe product installation process, the license file is then loaded and processed as required by your Software AG mainframe product. Refer to the appropriate installation procedure for your Software AG mainframe product for further information.
For instructions on copying a pppvrs.LICS data set (file) from the product installation medium to disk, refer to the appropriate installation procedure for your Software AG mainframe product.
If a license file is supplied as an e-mail attachment, you must transfer the attached license file from the PC to the mainframe using native FTP commands provided in this section.
![]() |
Warning: Using utilities instead of native FTP commands for the license file transfer may corrupt the license key. |
Make sure to switch to binary transfer and verify that the
resulting data set has RECFM=FB
To transfer a license file from the PC to a z/OS host, perform
the following steps:
Save the product license file e-mail attachment as pppvr.xml on your PC's hard disk.
Start an FTP session for communication with the z/OS host using the following FTP command:
ftp host-name
where host-name is the name of the z/OS host.
Enter your z/OS host login ID and password.
Switch to binary data mode (the license file must retain its format as ASCII during the transfer):
Specify that the data set for the license file must be written
and LRECL=80
quote site RECFM=FB LRECL=80 BLKSIZE=4000
is also supported for product license
Write the license file as a data set on the z/OS system:
put pppvr.xml 'hilev.pppvrs.LICS'
where hilev is the high-level
qualifier (for example, SAG
) to be used for the data set.
This command will create a data set called
, LRECL=80
, and the license information
stored in the data set will be in ASCII format.
Why has Software AG introduced a license check for products on the mainframe?
Which Software AG mainframe products require a product license?
Does the Software AG mainframe license check software support a disaster recovery scenario?
What happens if the product license is incorrect, insufficient, or not installed?
Is it possible to have the license module separate from the Natural environment-independent nucleus?
Software AG wants to ensure that customers run our software products only on mainframe machines for which they have valid and sufficient product licenses. This ensures that we have better control of the use of our software products. On other platforms (UNIX, Windows), the product license check has been established for many years.
A product license is a sequential file with US-ASCII text in XML format containing the following items:
Software AG header
customer information (Name, ID)
encrypted license key
license expiration date (or unlimited)
product information (product code, version, name)
environment information, including operating system type, CPU ID, LPAR ID, system name, and capacity measured in million service units (MSUs)
IBM defines the CPU ID as the "central processing complex node descriptor sequence number". It is the unique hexadecimal machine serial number without the machine model number.
The CPU ID and other machine data can be viewed by using the DISPLAY function of the license utility, LICUTIL, described later in this document.
When Natural is installed and runs, you can also display CPU information by issuing the following Natural system command:
Adabas and the following add-ons:
Adabas for zIIP (AZPAD), Event Replicator for zIIP (AZPRP), Adabas Cluster Services (ALS), Adabas Parallel Services (ASM), Adabas Caching Facility (ACF), Adabas Online Services (AOS), Adabas Delta Save (ADE), Adabas Review (REV)
Natural and the following add-ons:
Natural for zIIP (NAZBT, NAZCI, NAZCO, NAZNI), Natural for Db2 for zIIP (NDZ), Natural Optimizer Compiler (NOC)
Entire Net-Work
Entire System Server
Natural ISPF
Entire Output Management
Entire Operations
Transfer the license file from the product installation medium or PC to disk as described in the installation documentation for your Software AG mainframe product or the various Transferring a License File from PC to a xxx Host section sections respectively. Then proceed as described in the appropriate installation steps for your mainframe product.
The product license file can be read on a PC by means of an XML editor (file type .xml) or any PC text editor.
The license utility, LICUTIL, provided with the Software AG mainframe license check software includes a function that allows you to display the license (DISPLAY function). For more information about the license utility, read Using the License Utility: LICUTIL.
When Natural is installed and runs, the license information can be displayed by using function
( ) of the Natural SYSTP utility (refer to the Natural Utilities documentation).The license utility, LICUTIL, provided with the Software AG mainframe license check software includes a function that allows you to display machine-specific data (DISPLAY function). For more information about the license utility, read Using the License Utility: LICUTIL.
When Natural is installed and runs, you can also display CPU information by issuing the following Natural system command:
The product license is checked every time the product is initialized. In addition, the product license is checked once a day.
License check failure messages will warn you that it is time to obtain a new license every day for a set warning period.
For MLC versions 1.3.8 and lower, the warning period starts thirty days before your license expires.
For MLC versions 1.4.1 and higher, the warning period starts forty days before your license expires.
If a license check fails, contact your Software AG technical support representative.
Product license items are divided into three logical license groups (License Key, Product-Specific Information and Machine-Specific Information) and checked in that order. If an inconsistency in any one of these groups is detected by the license checker, the succeeding items of that logical license group are also checked. Then the check terminates with corresponding error messages. For example, if the license key expires, the license key check terminates with an error before the license checker checks any product-specific or machine-specific information.
The following table identifies the product license items comprising each logical group:
Checking |
Logical License |
Product License Item Included |
1 | License Key | The encrypted license key |
2 | Product-Specific Information |
3 | Machine-Specific Information |
Yes. Please contact your Software AG sales representative to obtain a license file
which is able to support disaster recovery scenarios. The parameter
DisasterRecoveryCPUIDs in this license file allows you to specify one or more CPU IDs of
the machines to be used when your production machine fails. If you do not have these CPU
IDs available, it is possible to specify the value Unknown
. In this case,
the license checker issues a warning message when a disaster recovery scenario is
In a disaster recover scenario, no machine data besides the CPU ID is checked.
You will receive a license check failure message that prompts you to get a new license every day for a set warning period.
For MLC versions 1.3.8 and lower, the warning period starts thirty days before your license expires.
For MLC versions 1.4.1 and higher, the warning period starts forty days before your license expires.
An error message is issued and the product for which the license is checked stops. The license check error message is output as a primary message.
In case of Natural (product code NAT), the session initialization terminates with the following message:
NAT9966 Session terminated due to license check failure.
Contact your Software AG sales representative to get a correct product license file according to your contract. It can be shipped by e-mail either in ASCII format or in the converted assembler input format.
No, it is possible to have multiple CPU IDs defined in one license file.
When Natural is installed, it is possible to have multiple CPU IDs defined in one license file. If all your CPU IDs are defined in your license file, you only need one license module that you link to all environment-independent nuclei. For detailed information, contact your Software AG sales representative.
Yes. When Natural is installed, the license module can be defined to be loaded
dynamically during session start by means of the profile parameters
(described in the
Natural Parameter Reference documentation). Specify the following
in the Natural parameter module or dynamically:
where name is the name of your separately linked license module in the Natural load library.
Using this technique causes any statically linked license module to be replaced. This can be helpful for testing.
The license utility, LICUTIL, is a batch utility that is used to check the license file, convert the license file into an assembler source module and display the license file and machine data.
LICUTIL is provided with Software AG's mainframe license check software contained on the MLCvrs.LOAD data set.
Error messages for the license utility are documented with the rest of your Software AG product messages.
This section provides detailed information of each function provided by the LICUTIL utility. The functions can be executed by using the sample JCL described later in this section. The syntax of the functions that can be supplied with the LICUTIL command is shown in the following diagram:
CHECK {ZIIP} | ||||||
END | EXIT | ||||||
HELP | ||||||
LOADLIC module-name | ||||||
MAKE | ||||||
DATE={yyyy-mm-dd |
yyyymmdd} |
The parameters and variable values that can be supplied with each function are described in the following section. For explanations of the syntax symbols used in the diagram, please read the documentation for your specific Software AG mainframe product.
The CHECK function can be used to check the license file against the product's execution environment. The original license file must be provided as input along with the product code and version. If the license file is not valid, appropriate error messages are returned. LICUTIL terminates with one of the following return codes:
Return Code | Meaning |
0 | The license check has been successful and the product continues to run. |
4 | Warning message(s) are written to the job log but the product continues to run. |
8 | Warning message(s) are written to the user terminal (or job log) but the product continues to run. |
12 | Error message(s) are written to the user terminal (or job log) and the product terminates. |
In order to run the CHECK function successfully, you must
have previously specified the SET
PRODVER function to provide the product code and version number. The
parameter ZIIP must be specified if the license is for a zIIP enabling product,
for example, Natural Batch for zIIP.
The following items are checked, in the following order:
License key.
Product-specific data, including the product code, version, operating system and expiration date.
Machine-specific data, including the CPU IDs, the machine capacity (measured in MSU, million service units) and the logical partition (LPAR) ID.
Use the DISPLAY function to display the contents of the product license items (license file, product-specific information and machine-specific information) and to display machine data (CPU ID, machine type, model ID, LPAR ID, MSU) about the machine on which the utility is being run.
The parameters of this function are described in the following table. At least one parameter is required.
Parameter | Description |
ALL | Display the product license items and machine data. ALL is the default. |
LICENSE | Display only the product license items. |
MACHINE | Display only the machine data. |
Use the END or EXIT function to terminate the license utility. These functions should be used if LICUTIL is running interactively in environments other than batch (for example, TSO).
Use the HELP function to review a list of the available LICUTIL functions and their syntax.
Use the MAKE function to convert the license file into an assembler source. After assembling this source (and linking it), the resulting license module can be used by defined Software AG products (for example, Adabas or Natural) instead of the license files. For more information about using license modules, refer to the installation documentation provided with your Software AG product.
Here is some sample output from this function when run on a z/OS system:
MLC9006 License converted to assembler output. 042 records written to SYSUT2.
Use the LOADLIC function to load the license module after you converted (MAKE function), assembled and linked the assembler source. module-name denotes the name of the license module in the load library.
LOADLIC can be specified only once per LICUTIL session.
After the license module has been successfully loaded by LOADLIC, you can further process the module using other LICUTIL functions such as CHECK and DISPLAY.
Use the SET function to set options for the license utility.
The parameters of this function are described in the following table. At least one parameter is required.
Parameter | Description |
DATE | Sets the date for the license check. The default is today. The format of the date can be either yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymondd, where yyyy is the four-character year, mm is the two-digit month, mon is the three-character month abbreviation and dd is the two-digit day. |
FORMAT | Sets the display format for the
DISPLAY function. There
are three different formats:
PRODVER | Sets the product code and version for
the CHECK function. The
format in which the product code and version should be specified is
For a zIIP enabling product such as Natural Batch for zIIP, the product code can consist of up to five characters: pppppv.r.s. |
RMODE | Sets the RMODE for the assembler source
produced by the MAKE
Sample JCL of the license utility functions can be found in the following members of the MLCvrs.JOBS licensing data set:
Member | Functions Included | Demonstrates how to... |
Check a license file with LICUTIL.
For a zIIP enabling product such as Natural Batch for zIIP, the product code can consist of up to five characters: pppppv.r.s. |
LICMAKE | MAKE | Convert the license file to assembler source. |
LICMDATA | DISPLAY MACHINE | Display machine data. This function can be used to send Software AG the required data for a license file. |
This section covers the following topics:
The following file assignments are used by the license utility in z/OS environments:
DD Name | Description |
SYSIN | Input of LICUTIL control parameters. |
SYSPRINT | Output of LICUTIL run. |
SYSUT1 | Input of original license file (pppvrs.LICS data set). |
SYSUT2 | Output of license converted to assembler source. |
The following table shows which file assignments are required in the JCL by each LICUTIL function (an X in a table cell indicates that the file assignment is required; a blank cell indicates that file assignment is not required):
License Utility Function | DD Name | |||
CHECK | X | X | X | |
DISPLAY ALL | X | X | X | |
MAKE | X | X | X | X |
HELP | X | X |
The messages in this document may be produced when using the LICUTIL utility.
MLC1001 | CPU-ID cpuid is not defined in your product license |
Explanation |
The CPU ID listed in the message (cpuid) is not defined in your product license. Either your license file is invalid or you have attempted to run the Software AG mainframe product on a machine for which it is not licensed. |
Action |
Install and run the Software AG product on the machine for which it is licensed. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC1002 | LPAR name lparname is not defined in your product license |
Explanation |
The LPAR name listed in the message (lparname) is not defined in your product license. Either your license file is invalid or you have attempted to run the Software AG mainframe product on a machine for which it is not licensed. |
Action |
Install and run the Software AG product on the machine for which it is licensed. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC1003 | Machine capacity value higher than MSUs in your product license |
Explanation |
The machine or the partition capacity (value) of the CEC or LPAR respectively on which you have attempted to install and run the Software AG mainframe product exceeds the capacity allowed in your product license. Either your license file is invalid or you have attempted to run the Software AG mainframe product on a machine for which it is not licensed. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC1004 | The product license will expire on date |
Explanation |
This warning message provides the date (YYYY/MM/DD) when the license will expire for this Software AG mainframe product. The product cannot be started with the current product license after this date. For example, an expiration date of 2018/09/05 indicates that you can still work on 2018/09/05 until 23:59 (local time) but need a new license from the next day (2018/09/06). |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you should contact your Software AG sales representative to obtain an updated license soon. |
MLC1005 | We assume CPU-ID cpuid as your DR or DR testing environment |
Explanation |
The CPU ID listed in the message (cpuid) is not defined in your product license. Therefore, we assume that you are running in a disaster recovery environment. |
Action |
If you are running in a disaster recovery environment, no action is required for this warning message. If you are not running in a disaster recovery environment, contact your Software AG sales representative to obtain an updated license. |
MLC2001 | The product license is invalid |
Explanation |
Your product license is invalid. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2002 | The product license key is invalid |
Explanation |
The license file for the Software AG mainframe product is invalid. |
Action |
Verify that the license file was transferred correctly to the mainframe host and that it is still in ASCII format. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2003 | The product license is not for value |
Explanation |
The license file for the Software AG mainframe product is not for the operating system (OS), product code, or product version listed in the message (value). |
Action |
Use the correct license file. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2004 | The product license has expired on date |
Explanation |
The product license has expired. The date (YYYY/MM/DD) it expired is given in the message (date). |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2005 | Tag missing in product license: tagname |
Explanation |
The tag with the name listed in the message (tagname) is missing in your product license. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2006 | Invalid tag value in product license: tagname |
Explanation |
The value of the tag with the name listed in the message (tagname) is invalid in your product license. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2007 | Current CPU-ID not found for product license check |
Explanation |
The CPU ID of the CPU on which the product license check was run is not found in the license file. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2008 | The number of MSU values in the product license is incorrect |
Explanation |
The machine capacity covered by the product license is incorrect. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2009 | ExtendedRights setting value not allowed under this system |
Explanation |
The ExtendedRights setting listed in the message (value) is not supported by your system. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2010 | Soft capping is not allowed with ExtendedRights value |
Explanation |
Your product license does not allow soft capping with the ExtendedRights setting listed in the message (value). |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2011 | Defined hardware class in the license exceeded value |
Explanation |
The hardware class (PriceQuantity) in your product license is too small for the current machine (value). |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2012 | The number of zIIPs (value) exceeds the license definition |
Explanation |
The number of zIIP processors in the current machine exceeds the number of zIIPs (PriceQuantity) in your product license. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC2013 | The number of zIIP values in the product license is incorrect |
Explanation |
The number of zIIP values (zIIPs) in your product license does not match with the number of LPAR values (LPARs). |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC3001 | Invalid LCPCB length |
Explanation |
The license check routine has been incorrectly called. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3002 | Work area too small |
Explanation |
The size of the work area for the license check routine is too small. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3003 | Invalid function code |
Explanation |
The license check routine has been incorrectly called. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3004 | Invalid operating system |
Explanation |
The ID of the operating system passed through the license check routine is invalid. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3005 | Invalid product code |
Explanation |
The product code passed through the license check routine is invalid. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3006 | Invalid product version |
Explanation |
The product version passed through the license check routine is not numeric. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3007 | Invalid current date |
Explanation |
The current date passed through the license check routine is invalid. The date must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd. The dash (-) delimiters are not checked but the numbers must be a valid year, month and day, respectively. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3008 | Tag not found |
Explanation |
The license check routine cannot find the requested XML tag. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3009 | Component Id tag not found |
Explanation |
The license check routine cannot find the XML tag |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3010 | Invalid search tag |
Explanation |
The XML search tag requested by the license check routine is invalid. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3011 | Insufficient I/O area size |
Explanation |
The size of the I/O area for the license check routine is too small. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3012 | Output record length too small |
Explanation |
The length of the output record for the license check routine is too small. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3013 | Error message text not found |
Explanation |
The license check routine cannot find the text that belongs to the requested error message. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC3014 | Too many errors occurred |
Explanation |
The license check routine detected too many errors. Some messages are lost. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
MLC9001 | License exceeds maximum size of 8000 |
Explanation |
Your license file is too large. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG sales representative for assistance. |
MLC9002 | Error opening license file input |
Explanation |
An error occurred during an attempt to open the license file input. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, paying special attention to the corresponding error messages produced by the operating system. Contact your Software AG sales or support representative for assistance. |
MLC9003 | Error reading license file input |
Explanation |
An error occurred during an attempt to read the license file input. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, paying special attention to the corresponding error messages produced by the operating system. Contact your Software AG sales or support representative for assistance. |
MLC9004 | Error opening license file assembler output |
Explanation |
An error occurred during an attempt to open the license file assembler output. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, paying special attention to the corresponding error messages produced by the operating system. Contact your Software AG sales or support representative for assistance. |
MLC9005 | Error writing license file assembler output |
Explanation |
An error occurred during an attempt to write the license file assembler output. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, paying special attention to the corresponding error messages produced by the operating system. Contact your Software AG sales or support representative for assistance. |
MLC9006 | License converted to assembler output records written to output file |
Explanation |
The license file was successfully converted to an assembler source module. Output records were written to the output file. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
MLC9007 | Error loading license module modulename errorcode |
Explanation |
The LOADLIC function (z/OS only) tried to load a license module from the load library and received an error (errorcode) from the operating system. |
Action |
Correct the LICUTIL input, removing duplicate LICUTIL function calls. Check that the license module (modulename) is in the load library, that the correct library is referenced in the JCL, and that the module name is specified correctly in the LOADLIC statement (case sensitive, a blank between LOADLIC and modulename). |
MLC9010 | LOADLIC can only be issued once, before any DISPLAY, CHECK, MAKE or READ |
Explanation |
The LOADLIC function (z/OS only) can only be performed once per LICUTIL session. LOADLIC must not be preceded by the DISPLAY, CHECK or READ function. These functions can only locate the license module after the LOADLIC. |
Action |
Correct the LICUTIL input, removing duplicate LICUTIL function calls. Change the call order so that the LOADLIC precedes any DISPLAY, CHECK or READ. |