Maintaining and Executing Natural Objects

An object is a component of an application. A Natural application consists of a set of objects that interact with one another to perform a particular task.

Objects available for setting up and maintaining a Natural application comprise Natural objects and non-Natural objects.

Non-Natural objects are objects that have not been created with a Natural development function and that are stored outside a Natural and an Adabas environment. Examples of non-Natural objects are bitmaps, XML sources, HTML files, and Predict rules.

This section provides general information on Natural objects and describes the steps required to create, maintain, delete or execute an object.

All operations on a Natural object are performed with Natural commands and/or menu functions. For instructions on using commands and menu functions, refer to the section Using Commands and Menu Functions.

Related Topics:

This section covers the following topics:

Introducing Natural Objects

The following characteristics identify a Natural object:

  • It is stored in a Natural system file.

  • It comprises a cataloged object and/or a source object.

  • It is created with any of the Natural editors or utilities.

This section covers the following topics:

Cataloged Object

A cataloged object is the executable (compiled) form of a Natural object. It is created by the Natural compiler and is stored as an object module in a Natural system file. Compiling source code and creating a cataloged object is referred to as cataloging an object. A cataloged object is created by using the Natural system command CATALOG or STOW.

At execution time, the cataloged object is loaded into the Natural buffer pool and executed by the Natural runtime system. Natural objects can only be executed or reference one another if they have been stored as cataloged objects in a Natural system file.

A cataloged object cannot be modified or decompiled.

Source Object

A source object (or a saved object) contains the human-readable form of Natural source code. Source code is saved as a source object in a Natural system file by using the Natural system command SAVE or STOW.

To execute source code contained in a source object, you need to compile the source code in order to create generated object code that can be interpreted and executed by the Natural runtime system.

Related Topics:

Object Types

Within a Natural application, several types of Natural object can be used to establish an efficient application structure and to meet particular programming and application requirements. Natural object types include programs, subprograms, routines and data areas. For descriptions of all types of object available, refer to the section Objects for Natural Application Management in the Programming Guide.

Natural Editors and Utilities Used for Objects

When you create, maintain or delete a Natural object, you use either a Natural editor or a Natural utility.

There are maintenance functions that do not apply to all types of object. For example, you cannot edit an object of the type adapter.

A Natural editor is invoked for all object types that can be specified with the system command EDIT or on the Development Functions screen. Depending on the object type specified, Natural invokes the appropriate editor: the program editor, the data area editor or the map editor. For example, for an object of the type program, Natural invokes the program editor.

The Natural program, data area, and map editor have been disabled in your environment by default. For more information, see NaturalONE as the Default Development Environment in the Editors documentation.

A Natural utility is used for object types that either require additional administration services and/or are not maintained in a library such as DDMs. A utility provides its own editor.

For an overview of all Natural object types and their appropriate editor or utility, see Objects for Natural Application Management in the Programming Guide.

Related Topics:

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking a Natural Editor

Start of instruction set To invoke a Natural editor

Related Topic:

  • EDIT - System Commands documentation

Invoking a Natural Utility

Start of instruction set To invoke a Natural utility

Related Topic:

Setting Editor Preferences

When working with the Natural program editor or data area editor, you can use the editor profile function to display the current settings of the editor and set preferences to be in effect when editing source code.

Start of instruction set To display or modify editor profile settings

  1. At the command prompt of the program editor or data area editor, enter the following:

  2. Press ENTER.

    The Editor Profile screen appears.

    For information on the fields and options provided on the screen, see Editor Profile in the Editors documentation.

Selecting and Displaying Objects

You can display a source object to view or copy source code without modifying the source object. The source code of the specified object is then displayed in read-only mode in the editing area of the appropriate editor.

You can either select an object from a list or specify the name of the object you want to display.

This section describes how to list source code by using the system command LIST. As an alternative to LIST, you can use the List Objects or Single Source function provided in the Development Functions menu described in Natural Main Menu.

Start of instruction set To select an object from a list of objects

  1. Invoke the LIST Objects in a Library screen as described in Steps 1 and 2 of To list objects using LIST.

  2. In the Cmd column, next to the object required, enter the following:

  3. Press ENTER.

    The source code of the selected object is displayed.

Start of instruction set To display source code of a specified object

  1. Enter the following system command:

    LIST object-name

    where object-name is the name of the object to be displayed.

    If you do not specify object-name, the source code currently contained in the source work area is displayed.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The source code of the specified object is displayed in read-only mode.

Related Topics:

Creating and Editing Objects

This section describes the steps required to create and edit a Natural object by using a Natural editor. For information on using the Natural utilities mentioned earlier, refer to the relevant sections in the Utilities documentation.

Checking the Current Environment

A Natural object is created in the current library in the current system file. Before you start creating or editing an object, make sure that you are logged on to the library where you want to store or retrieve the object.

For instructions on library assignments and switching libraries, see Default Library Assignment and Logging on to a Library.

Setting the Programming Mode

Natural offers two programming modes: reporting mode and structured mode.

For explanations of the two modes and instructions on how to change the mode from reporting to structured (or vice versa), see Programming Modes in the section Natural Main Menu.

Using the Natural Programming Language

The Natural programming language consists of statements, system functions and system variables.

Natural statements are programming instructions used to create a Natural program source.

Natural system functions, for example, are used to perform mathematical functions.

Natural system variables are standard variables that are provided and generated by Natural. System variables, for example, are used to obtain the date and time.

Related Topics:

Creating Source Code

This section describes how to create source code by using the system command EDIT and the program editor as an example. In addition, this section provides examples of editor commands and instructions for navigating in a source.

As an alternative to EDIT, you can use the Create Object function provided in the Development Functions menu described in Natural Main Menu.

Start of instruction set To enter source code

  1. Enter the following system command:

    EDIT object-type

    where object-type is the type of object you want to create.

    For example, to create an object of the type program, enter the following:


    If you do not specify object-type, the program editor is invoked by default.

    (See also Setting the Object Type.)

  2. Press ENTER.

    The editing area of the program editor appears where the type of object (here: Program) is displayed at the top of the screen as shown in the example below:

    >                                       > +  Program              Lib SYSTEM
      All    ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7..
             ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+... S 0    L 1
  3. If the editing area is not empty, at the editor command prompt (>), enter the following editor command:


    and press ENTER.

    CLEAR deletes the contents of the source work area.

  4. Starting in the first line (numbered with 0010) of the empty editing area, insert the source code by using the copy and paste functions provided by your terminal emulation (for example, Entire Connection), or by typing in the source code.

    If you want to stop automatic conversion from lower to upper case, change the default setting in the editor profile as described in General Defaults in the Editors documentation.

  5. As you fill up a screen, for more empty lines, enter the following editor command:


    and press ENTER.

    The editor command ADD adds nine empty lines. From these lines, only the lines you fill in will be added to the program source. With the next ENTER, lines that are left empty are eliminated. You can change this default setting in the editor profile as described in Editor Defaults in the Editors documentation. For all program editor commands available, see the Program Editor documentation.

Start of instruction set To scroll through a source

  1. To return to the beginning of the source code, enter the following editor command:

  2. To go to the end of the source code, enter the following editor command:

  3. To scroll down one page in the source code, press PF8 or ENTER.

  4. To scroll up one page in the source code, press PF7.

For all program editor commands available, see Editor Commands for Positioning in the Program Editor documentation.

Editing a Source Object

Once source code has been saved as a source object (as described in Saving and Cataloging Objects), you open a Natural editor for a source object by specifying the name of the source object.

Start of instruction set To edit source code of a source object

  1. Enter the following system command:

    EDIT object-name

    where object-name is the name of an existing source object that is contained in the current library in the current system file.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The source code of the specified source object is displayed in modify mode in the editing area of the appropriate editor.

As an alternative to EDIT, you can use the Edit Object function provided in the Development Functions menu described in Natural Main Menu.

As an alternative to EDIT, you can also use the system command READ as described in Copying Objects.

Related Topic:

  • EDIT - System Commands documentation

Setting the Object Type

The object type is specified when creating an object (the default setting is program) or set automatically when an existing source object is read into the source work area. When working with the program editor or data area editor, you can change the object type any time by using the editor command SET TYPE.

Start of instruction set To change the object type

  1. Enter the following editor command:

    SET TYPE object-type

    where object-type denotes the type of object to be created.

    For example:

  2. Press ENTER.

    The new object type specified with the command is indicated on the screen (here: Subprogram).

Related Topics:

  • SET TYPE - Program Editor documentation

    SET TYPE - Data Area Editor documentation

Checking and Testing Objects

Source code compilation (cataloging) performs a syntax check and generates executable object code.

The source code contained in the source work area can be compiled without saving the source code first (as described in Saving and Cataloging Objects). Additionally, compilation of source code for objects of the type program can be combined with program execution. See also Executing Programs.

Start of instruction set To compile source code for syntax checks

  1. Enter the following system command:

  2. Press ENTER.

    If no syntax error is found, the source code contained in the source work area is compiled.

Start of instruction set To compile source code for program execution

  1. Enter the following system command:

  2. Press ENTER.

    If no syntax error is found, the source code contained in the source work area is compiled and the generated code is executed.

Related Topics:

  • CHECK - System Commands documentation

  • RUN - System Commands documentation

Online Help for Syntax Errors

Source code compilation has been successful if no error message appears.

If Natural encounters a syntax error during compilation, an error message is displayed on the screen and the statement line that contains the error is highlighted and marked with an E as shown in the example below:

>                                       > +  Program     PGM01    Lib SYSTEM      
  0250   RD1. READ EMPLOYEES-VIEW BY NAME                                      
  0260       STARTING FROM #NAME-START                                         
  0270       THRU #NAME-END                                                    
  0280 *                                                                       
  0290     IF LEAVE-DUE >= 20                                                  
  0300       PERFORM MARK-SPECIAL-EMPLOYEES                                    
  0310     ELSE                                                                
  0320       RESET #MARK                                                       
  0330     END-IF                                                              
  0340 *                                                                       
E 0350     DISPLAY NAME 3X DEPT 3X LEAVE-DUE 3X '>=20 #MARK                    
  0360 *                                                                       
  0370   END-READ                                                              
  0380 *                                                                       
  0390   IF *COUNTER (RD1.) = 0                                                
  0400     REINPUT 'PLEASE TRY ANOTHER NAME'                                   
  0410   END-IF                                                                
  0420 *                                                                       
  0430 END-REPEAT                                                              
  0440 *                                                                       
       ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+... S 49   L 25  
NAT0305 Text string must begin and end on the same line.                       

You cannot compile an object before you have corrected the error. If there is a syntax error, you can only save the source code as a source object (see the following section). You can use the online help function for information on an error and advice on solving the problem.

Start of instruction set To obtain help on error messages

  1. Enter one of the following system commands:

    HELP nnnn


    ? nnnn

    where nnnn is the four-digit error number.

    For example:

    HELP NAT0305
  2. Press ENTER.

    The Natural System Message screen appears with an explanation of the specified error.

For further information on online help, refer to Detailed Information on Error Messages.

Saving and Cataloging Objects

You can save the source code currently contained in the source work area as a source object by using the system command SAVE. SAVE does not catalog (compile) source code and hence no syntax check is performed.

You can save the source code currently contained in the source work area as a source object and as a cataloged (compiled) object by using the system command STOW.

You can catalog the source code currently contained in the source work area and save it as a cataloged object only by using the system command CATALOG. CATALOG does not save the source code as a source object, which can be edited. See also Cataloging Multiple Objects.

Start of instruction set To save source code as a source object

  1. At the editor command prompt, enter the following:

    SAVE object-name

    where object-name is the name of the source object you want to create. The name of the object must be unique and comply with the object naming conventions (see the relevant section).

    For all syntax rules that apply to SAVE, see the System Commands documentation.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The source code is stored as a source object under the specified name in the current library in the current system file.

Start of instruction set To save source code as a source object and/or a cataloged object

  1. At the editor command prompt, enter one of the following:

    STOW object-name


    CATALOG object-name

    where object-name is the name of the source object and/or the cataloged object you want to create. The name of the object must be unique and comply with the object naming conventions.

    For all syntax rules that apply to STOW and CATALOG, see the System Commands documentation.

  2. Press ENTER.

    When using STOW, the source code is stored as a source object under the specified name in the current library in the current system file. Additionally, the generated object code is stored as a cataloged object in the same library and system file.

    When using CATALOG, the source code is only stored as a cataloged object under the specified name in the current library in the current system file. The source code is not stored (or updated if the command is executed on an existing source object) as a source object in the system file. Source code is only stored or updated with SAVE or STOW.

If you want to find out whether an object has been saved as a source object and/or a cataloged object, see To display object directory information.

Cataloging Multiple Objects

You can catalog and recatalog multiple source objects contained in the current library by using the system command CATALL.

Start of instruction set To catalog multiple objects

  1. Enter the following system command:

  2. Press ENTER.

    A Catalog Objects in Library screen similar to the example below appears where you can specify the objects to be processed, the commands to be executed and additional options such as the creation of an error report.

    17:00:42              ***** NATURAL CATALL COMMAND *****             2013-10-18
    User SAG                - Catalog Objects in Library -         Library SAGTEST
    Catalog Objects from .. *_______  (start value, range, input list)             
                    to .... ________  (end value)                                  
    Predict set __ Set user ________       X Select cataloged source objects only  
    Select object types:                     Select all source objects             
      X Global data areas                                                          
      X Local data areas                 Select function:                          
      X Parameter data areas                 Save                                  
      X Copycodes                          X Catalog                               
      X Texts                                Stow                                  
      X Functions                            Check                                 
      X Subprograms                      Select options:                           
      X External subroutines                 Condition code in batch               
      X Helproutines                       X Renumber source-code lines            
      X Maps                                 Keep result list                      
      X Adapter                            X Processing information                
      X Programs                           X Error report                          
      X Classes                               Extended error report                
    Command ===>                                                                   
          Help  Menu  Exit  AddOp Sel.                                      Canc

    For detailed information on the options provided on the screen, refer to CATALL in the System Commands documentation.

Related Topic:

Displaying Object Directory Information

The directory of a Natural object contains general information on the object such as the object name, the name of the library where it resides, and the date when the source object was created or modified.

Start of instruction setTo display object directory information

  1. Enter the following system command:

    LIST DIR object-name

    where object-name is the name of an existing object that is contained in the current library in the current system file.

    For example:

  2. Press ENTER.

    A List Directory screen similar to the example of program PGMTEST below appears:

    10:26:58               ***** NATURAL LIST COMMAND *****              2010-05-28
    User SAG                      - List Directory -               Library SAGTEST 
    Directory of Program PGMTEST                   Saved on ... 2010-05-28 10:26:30
    Library .... SAGTEST    User-ID ...... SAG       Mode ....... Structured       
    TP-System .. COMPLETE   Terminal-ID .. 1     32                                
    Op-System .. MVS/ESA    Transaction .. NAT82                                   
    NAT-Ver .... 8.2.1      Code page .... IBM01140                                
    Source size ..........................    1106 Bytes                           
    Directory of Program PGMTEST                   Cataloged on 2010-05-28 10:26:34
    Library .... SAGTEST    User-ID ...... SAG       Mode ....... Structured       
    TP-System .. COMPLETE   Terminal-ID .. 1     32                                
    Op-System .. MVS/ESA    Transaction .. NAT82                                   
    NAT-Ver .... 8.2.1      Code page .... IBM01140                                
    Used GDA ...            Options ...... PCHECK DBSHORT PSIGNF GFID TQMARK       
    Size of global data ...       0 Bytes  Size in DATSIZE ......        784 Bytes 
    Size in buffer pool ...    3824 Bytes                                          
    Size of OPT-Code ......       0 Bytes                                          
    Initial OPT string ....                                                        
                                                                  ENTER to continue

    For detailed information on the List Directory screen, refer to Displaying Object Directory Information in LIST in the System Commands documentation.

Copying Objects

You can create new objects by either copying the source code contained in the source work area or using the copy function of a Natural utility such as SYSMAIN.

Start of instruction set To copy source code from the source work area

  1. Read in the source code you want to copy by entering the following system command:

    READ object-name

    where object-name is the name of the object that contains the source code you want to copy.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The source code of the specified source object is read into the source work area.

  3. Enter one of the following system commands:

    SAVE object-name


    STOW object-name

    where object-name is the name of the object you want to create.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The new object is saved as a source object (using SAVE) and as a cataloged object (using STOW) in the current library in the current system file.

Start of instruction set To copy one or more objects using SYSMAIN

  1. Invoke the Main Menu of the SYSMAIN utility as described in Steps 1 through 4 of To list all libraries using menu functions.

  2. In the Object Code field, enter an A (default setting) to select all types of object. For object types that are listed separately on the menu screen, enter another code such as E for error messages.

    In the Function Code field, enter a C (for Copy).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The Copy Programming Objects screen appears.

  4. In the Code field, enter an A to select all types of object module: cataloged objects and source objects.

    In the Sel. List (Selection List) field, replace Y (Yes) by N (No). Y is the default setting.

    In the Object Name field, enter the name of the object you want to copy or specify a range of names. An asterisk (*) select all object names. Asterisk (*) is the default setting.

    (For valid name ranges, see Specifying a Range of Names in the SYSMAIN Utility documentation.)

    In the Source Library field, enter the ID of the library that contains the objects to be copied.

    In the Target Library field, enter the ID of an existing or a new library to which you want to copy the objects.

    Leave all other input fields unchanged.

  5. Press ENTER.

    All source and cataloged objects are copied from the specified source library to the specified target library in the current system file and the following message appears: Function completed successfully.

Related Topic:

  • READ - System Commands documentation

Printing Objects

You can print the source code of a source object by using the system command LIST.

You can also print a list of objects contained in a library as described in Printing a List of Objects.

Start of instruction set To print a source object

  1. Choose one of the following methods:

    • Select an object from a list by invoking the LIST Objects in a Library screen as described in Steps 1 and 2 of To list objects using LIST.

      In the Cmd column, next to the object required, enter the following:


      Press ENTER.

    • Or:

      Enter the following system command:

      LIST object-name

      where object-name is the name of the object to be printed.

      Press ENTER.

      The source code of the specified object is displayed in read-only mode.

      Press PF2.

    The PRINT window appears.

  2. In the Destination field, enter a valid printer name (if required, ask your Natural administrator for a printer available in your current environment). If required, change the page size (the default setting is 60 lines).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The Printout Specification screen appears where you can specify printer settings such as the amount of copies to be printed.

  4. Press ENTER.

    The specified source object is printed on the specified printer device.

Related Topics:

Renaming Objects

You can rename either single objects by using the system command RENAME or multiple objects by using the Natural utility SYSMAIN.

As an alternative to RENAME, you can use the Rename Object function provided in the Development Functions menu described in Natural Main Menu.

Start of instruction set To rename an object by using RENAME

  1. Enter the following system command:

    RENAME object-name

    where object-name is the name of the object you want to rename.

  2. Press ENTER.

  3. The Rename Object window appears where the name of the specified object is entered in the Name field.

  4. In the New Name field, enter a new object name.

    If required, in the New Type field, enter a new object type.

  5. Press ENTER.

    The following message appears: Object renamed successfully.

Start of instruction set To rename one or more objects using SYSMAIN

  1. Invoke the Main Menu of the SYSMAIN utility as described in Steps 1 through 4 of To list all libraries using menu functions.

  2. In the Object Code field, enter an A (default setting) to select all types of object. For object types that are listed separately on the menu screen, enter another code such as E for error messages.

    In the Function Code field, enter an R (for Rename).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The Rename Programming Objects screen appears.

  4. In the Code field, enter an A to select all types of object module: cataloged objects and source objects.

    In the Name field, enter the name of the object you want to rename or specify a range of names (for example, TEST*on the following example screen: ). An asterisk (*) select all object names. Asterisk (*) is the default setting.

    (For valid name ranges, see Specifying a Range of Names in the SYSMAIN Utility documentation.)

    If you only rename a single object: in the New Name field, enter a new name, and, in the Sel. List field, replace Y (Yes) by N (No).

    In the Source Library field, enter the ID of the library that contains the objects to be renamed.

    If required, in the Target Library field, enter the ID of an existing or a new library where you want to store the renamed object(s).

    Leave all other input fields unchanged.

  5. Press ENTER.

    A window appears where you can enter a Y (Yes) to keep a copy of the object(s) to be renamed.

  6. Press ENTER.

    In you specified a range of objects, a Rename Selection screen similar to the example below appears with a list of all objects that meet the specified selection criteria (on the example screen below: TEST*).

    In the C column, next to the object(s) required, enter an A to rename both source object(s) and cataloged object(s). In the New Name column, enter a new name as shown below:

    16:39:39             ***** NATURAL SYSMAIN UTILITY *****            2009-05-20
     User SAG                   -    Rename Selection  -                           
      C  Name     Type    S/C   New Name      C  Name     Type    S/C   New Name
      -  -------- ------  ---   --------      -  -------- ------  ---   --------   
      A  TEST+    Progrm  S     PGMT+___      _  TEST+2   Progrm  S     ________   
      A  TESTCHAR Progrm  S/C   CHARTEST      A  TESTDIR  Progrm  S     PGMDIR__   
      _  TESTDISP Progrm  S/C   ________      _  TESTDIS2 Progrm  S/C   ________   
      _  TESTMMO  Proc    S/C   ________      A  TESTPGM_ Progrm  S/C   PGMTEST_   
      _  TESTTEST Progrm  S     ________      _  TESTXXX2 Progrm  S     ________   
      A  TEST1    Subpgm  S/C   SUBTEST1      A  TEST10   Subpgm  S/C   SUB10___   
      A  TEST2    Subpgm  S/C   SUBTEST2      _  TEST666  Progrm  S/C   ________
            Enter New Name and options, or '?' (Help) or '.' (Exit): _             
          Help  Menu  Exit  Copy  Del   Find  List  Move  Ren               Canc
  7. Press ENTER.

    A Message Text column appears where a confirmation message is displayed next to each renamed object. Depending on whether you marked the option to keep a copy of the original object, the message reads either Renamed as or Copied as.

Moving Objects

You can move objects from one library into another by using a Natural utility such as SYSMAIN.

Start of instruction set To move objects using SYSMAIN menu functions

  1. Invoke the Main Menu of the SYSMAIN utility as described in Steps 1 through 4 of To list all libraries using menu functions.

  2. In the Object Code field, enter an A (default setting) to select all types of object. For object types that are listed separately on the menu screen, enter another code such as E for error messages.

    In the Function Code field, enter an M (for Move).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The Move Programming Objects screen appears.

  4. In the Code field, enter an A to select all types of object module: source objects and cataloged objects.

    In the Sel. List (Selection List) field, replace Y (Yes) by N (No). Y is the default setting.

    In the Object Name field, enter the name of the object you want to move or specify a range of names. An asterisk (*) select all object names. Asterisk (*) is the default setting.

    (For valid name ranges, see Specifying a Range of Names in the SYSMAIN Utility documentation.)

    In the Source Library field, enter the ID of the library that contains the objects to be moved.

    In the Target Library field, enter the ID of an existing or a new library to which you want to move the objects.

    Leave all other input fields unchanged.

  5. Press ENTER.

    A confirmation window appears.

  6. Press ENTER to execute the move operation or enter a period (.) to cancel the operation.

    If the move operation has performed successfully, all source and cataloged objects were moved from the specified source library into the specified target library in the current system file and the following message appears: Function completed successfully.

Deleting Objects

You can delete objects by using either the system command DELETE, the system command LIST or a Natural utility such as SYSMAIN. For instruction on deleting objects by using LIST or SYSMAIN, see Deleting Objects in a Library.

As an alternative to DELETE, you can use the Delete Objects function provided in the Development Functions menu described in Natural Main Menu.

Start of instruction set To delete single or multiple objects using DELETE

  1. Enter one of the following system commands:

    DELETE object-name


    DELETE object-name*


    DELETE *


    object-name is the name of the object to be deleted.

    object-name* is a particular range of objects to be selected (for example, TEST* selects all objects that start with TEST).

    Asterisk (*) selects all objects available in the current library in the current system file.

  2. Press ENTER.

    • If you specified an individual object, the DELETE window appears.

      Type in the name of the object to confirm the delete operation.

    • If you specified a range of objects, the Delete Sources and Objects screen appears.

      In the M column, next to the object(s) required, enter a B to delete both source object(s) and cataloged object(s).

      Press ENTER.

      The DELETE window appears.

      Mark an item by typing in any character next to the option required:

      Confirm each deletion invokes the DELETE window for the first object to be deleted. After you typed in the name of the object, press ENTER to confirm the deletion and open the DELETE window for the next object to be deleted.

      Delete without confirmation immediately executes the delete operation(s).

      Exit (no deletion) cancels the delete operation(s).

  3. Press ENTER.

    The Delete Sources and Objects screen appears where a message is displayed next to the object selected for deletion. The message indicates either that the object was deleted or that the delete operation was canceled (not deleted).

Related Topic:

  • DELETE - System Commands documentation

Executing Programs

An object of the type program can be executed by using a system command. All other types of object are only executed or invoked when they are referenced in this program or in a subordinate object. See also Multiple Levels of Invoked Objects described in the Programming Guide.

You execute a program by using either the system command RUN or EXECUTE.

As an alternative to EXECUTE, you can use the Execute Program function provided in the Development Functions menu described in Natural Main Menu.

RUN executes the source code currently contained in the source work area or a cataloged object stored in a system file.

EXECUTE only executes cataloged objects. Unlike RUN, EXECUTE does not consider latest changes that may have been made to the corresponding source code in the source work area. These modifications are only considered after the source object has been updated and recompiled accordingly.

The execution of a cataloged object does not affect the source code currently contained in the source work area.

Start of instruction set To execute a program using RUN

  1. Enter one of the following system commands:



    RUN program-name

    where program-name is the name of a source object of the type program that is read into the source work area.

  2. Press ENTER.

    If no syntax error is found, the source code contained in the source work area is compiled and executed.

Start of instruction set To execute a program using EXECUTE

  1. Enter the following system command:

    EXECUTE program-name

    where program-name is the name of a cataloged object of the type program.

    The keyword EXECUTE is optional; it is sufficient to specify program-name.

  2. Press ENTER.

    The program is executed.

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